FAST Packs
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Created by: Canon Macross |
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This work is largely the authors own interpretation based on information from the Macross compendium, pre-existing stats, game-play and the authors translations of pertinent materials. See the references section(s) for details. The author advises the reader to confirm with his or her GM which stats are used in the reader’s game.
- 1 FAST and Super Pack Basics
- 2 Super and FAST Pack Bonuses and Penalties
- 3 Northrop Grumman/Stonewell/Shinsei VF-0 Pheonix Augmentative Weapon Super Parts
- 4 Stonewell/Bellcom VF-1 Valkyrie Super and Strike FAST Pack Augmentative Space Weapons Systems
- 5 Stonewell/Bellcom VT-1 Trainer/Long Duration Flight Package
- 6 Shinnakasu Heavy Industry VE-1 Elintseeker RECON FAST Packs
- 7 Shinnakasu Heavy Industry VT-1C “Attack Valkyrie”
- 8 Shinnakasu Heavy Industry VF-X Upgrade FAST Packs
- 9 Northrom Grumman VA-3C Invader Civilian Variant Packs
- 10 Shinsei Industry VF-5000 Star Mirage Packs
- 11 Shinsei Industry VF-11 FAST Pack Units
- 12 Shinsei Industry Aerodynamic FAST Pack Units
- 13 S.E.S. (Sound Energy System) FAST Packs
- 14 General Galaxy VF-17 Nightmare Space/Atmospheric FAST Packs
- 15 Shinsei Industry YF-19 and VF-19 FAST Packs
- 16 General Galaxy YF-21/VF-22 FAST Packs
- 17 Ghost X-9 Super Packs
FAST and Super Pack Basics
Fuel And Sensor Tactical (FAST) and Super Packs are external fuel, weapons, and sensor modules designed to increase the capabilities and performance of variable fighters. The first FAST packs were developed in conjunction with the VF-0 and VF-1 by the UN Spacy to increase the performance of the VF-0 in battle against Anti-UN forces and the VF-1 Valkyrie in space. Many different types of FAST packs, such as specialized packs for RECON and training missions, have been developed for UN Spacy fighters over the years, and many are sure to be developed in years to come.
Super packs are primarily used in atmosphere. FAST packs are primarily used only in space; only sometimes being used during missions in an atmosphere. Until the development of the space and atmospheric use packs during Project: Supernova and during the Varuta War, FAST packs needed to be ejected prior to attempting reentry. However, it is very common for ground-based interceptors to use FAST packs to get to orbit – even if the packs are not conformal or transatmospheric in design. The vast majority of FAST packs generate extra drag on the fighter, resulting in decreases in speed, maneuverability and overall flight performance in an atmosphere.
As most FAST packs are explosive (due to the fuel and munitions that they contain,) all packs are designed with a blow-away capability, allowing them to be forcibly ejected from the variable fighter within a second. In addition, the VF's onboard computer will automatically eject a FAST pack if it is damaged and in danger of exploding.
Note: virtually all Super and FAST packs are not interchangeable between different VF designs. It is possible to mount virtually any FAST pack onto a fighter. But if the variable fighter transforms to any moe other then jet, the FAST packs are automatically ejected.
Note: one’s GM may have a different interpretation on the interchangeability of FAST packs. It is always recommended to check with one’s GM to confirm which stats and which interpretation of the stats are being used.
Super and FAST Pack Bonuses and Penalties
All Super and FAST Packs provide the following bonuses and penalties when equipped unless otherwise noted in their individual descriptions:
- +1 bonus to dodge in all modes.
- +20% to maximum speed when flying in a straight line.
- Transatmospheric capability. VFs, which may not ordinarily be able to achieve orbit over an earth-like planet under their own power, are able to do so. In general, the entire fuel load of the packs may be used in the process.
- Extra protection: whenever the fighter takes damage roll 1D6. On a result of 1-4 the FAST packs take damage before the VF's main body does. Alternatively, if the pilot makes a successful parry roll the FAST additions automatically take damage first.
- -1 penalty to dodge while flying in a planetary atmosphere. (This penalty does not apply to Super Packs or conformal fuel tanks.)
- Explosive: unless otherwise noted, a FAST pack will explode violently when its MDC reaches 0. If the computer is functioning it will automatically eject the damaged part. If it is not, the pilot has one melee action to eject the FAST module before it explodes. Modules that explode do 1D6x100 MD. Deduct damage first from the part covered by the FAST pack, and then any remaining damage from the main body of the VF.
- Finite fuel supply. Unlike the reactant powered thermonuclear engines of variable fighters, Super and FAST packs have a limited fuel reserve. It is up to one’s GM to determine if and when the fuel runs out during the game.
Northrop Grumman/Stonewell/Shinsei VF-0 Pheonix Augmentative Weapon Super Parts
The augmentative weapon packs manufactured by Shinnakasu Heavy Industry, as well as the later experimental equipment used by the VF-1, had been only trial-produced in a number of sets and a number of patterns.
VF-0 “Angel” version
- VF-0 special attack/assault specification
Except for the VF-0 Leg External Atmospheric Combat Super Part installed on both engine nacelles, the other parts in the augmentative weapon Super Pack were not completed in time for the Anti-"Bird Man" battle. Therefore, the carrier Asuka's maintenance crewmembers hurriedly put together the available parts aboard for the VF-0 "Raid," a specification called the "Angel" version afterwards, probably due to the final form. One each of the S type and A type were modified to this specification. This special attack/assault specification was used only once in the battle at the island of Mayan.
The VF-0 “Angel” set included a QF-2200 Ghost unmanned fighter mounted dorsally, in addition to the two external atmospheric combat super parts mounted on the legs. The QF-2200 acts as a booster unit on the craft's dorsal surface. QF-2200 Ghosts are equipped with five micro-missile launchers on the dorsal surface.
See elsewhere for QF-2200 statistical details. Even though both the VF-0 and QF-2200 are aerodynamic, mounted in the Angel specification, there was an unforeseen negative performance side effect due to the complex interaction of the wake produced by the wings. Full negative penalties for FAST packs apply.
Text from: the The Macross Compendium – VF-0 entry.
VF-0 Leg External Atmospheric Combat Super Part
A micro-missile launcher/conformal fuel tank FAST Pack can be mounted on each leg of the VF-0. The FAST pack is armed with 24 Raytheon Erlikon GH-30B I/IR-guided micro-missiles. The super part is also capable of storing spare magazine for the gun pod.
- MDC VALUE: 75 each.</br>
- RANGE: 4.9 Km (3 miles)
- DAMAGE: 1D4x10 MD per missile
- RATE OF FIRE: Individually or in volleys of 2-4 equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks
- PAYLOAD: 24 micro missiles per leg for a total of 48.
- PAYLOAD: 1 spare gun pod magazine per leg for a total of 2.
Stonewell/Bellcom VF-1 Valkyrie Super and Strike FAST Pack Augmentative Space Weapons Systems
- Booby Duck - VF-1 Valkyrie with FAST Pack system
- SSP-1 - VF-1 Valkyrie with FAST Pack system (non-Studio-Nue designation)
- Super Valkyrie - VF-1 Valkyrie with FAST Pack system
- Strike Valkyrie - VF-1 Valkyrie with beam-cannon-equipped FAST Pack system
Text modified from the Macross Compendium VF-1 entry.
The Shinnakasu Heavy Industry FAST Pack augmentative space weapon system Super Valkyrie FAST packs (UNS codename: Booby Duck) were first operationally deployed in combat in January, 2010; with the Strike Valkyrie packs entering service in time for the final battle of Space War I. The Super Valkyrie served as the UN Spacy’s prime space fighter with the Strike Valkyrie being reserved for aces, squadron leaders and special forces units that could adequately use the beam cannon in combat. Both served with distinction until the VF-4 Lightning III begun replacing it in the role of prime space fighter for the UNS starting from 2020. The Strike Valkyrie remained in its Special Forces Role until the VF-9 began replacing it from 2023.
Both the Strike and Super Valkyrie Fighters continue to be seen in the 2050s era in colony and reserve UN Armed Forces. These FAST packs are usually only used in space and suffer full penalties when used in an atmosphere.
NP-BP-01 Missile Launcher Rocket Booster Pack
- MDC VALUE: 100 each.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 2 or 4 missiles. One volley constitutes one melee attack, regardless of the number of missiles fired.
- PAYLOAD: 12 missiles. The Super Valkyrie normally has a total of 24 missiles between two NP-BP-01 packs.
NP-BP-01a Beam Cannon Rocket Booster Packs
- MDC VALUE: 100 each.</br>
- RANGE: 1200 m
- DAMAGE: 1D10x10 M.D. per dual blast.
- RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
- PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.
NP-AR-01 Arm Defense Missile Launcher Pods
Originally designed to provide extra protection for the arms against possible missile strikes, the missiles were added as an afterthought to give the VF-1 extra punch. Each launcher carried 3 Erlikon GA-100 Crusher High-Speed Armor-Penetrating Projectiles. In jet and GERWALK –arms in- modes they are mounted rearward under the center ventral section and can fire towards the rear only.
- MDC VALUE: 75 each.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Erlikon GA-100 Crusher High-Speed Armor-Penetrating micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: 1 or 2 per arm.
- PAYLOAD: 3 missiles for a potential maximum of 6.
NP-FB-01 Leg Defense FAST packs and CTB-04 Conformal Propellant Tanks
The NP-FB-01 is the original conformal propellant and coolant tanks developed for the VF-1 Valkyrie in 2009. They were designed to provide the extra fuel needed and coolant needed by the NP-BP-01 FAST pack boosters to operate for extended periods of time, and also included additional vernier jets for better maneuverability in space.
- MDC VALUE: 150 each.
Stonewell/Bellcom VT-1 Trainer/Long Duration Flight Package
- Super Ostrich - VT-1 Valkyrie with FAST Pack system
The VT-1 Trainer FAST packs consist of a pair of Shinnakasu Heavy Industry NR-BP-T1 dorsal mounted booster packs with enlarged propellant tanks and no missile pods, NP-FB-T1 conformal tanks and NP-AU-T1 arm sensor units with no micro-missiles
NP-BP-T1 Booster Rocket Packs
The NP-BP-T1 FAST packs were originally developed as disposable booster rockets for the VT-1 Valkyrie and other combat/support aircraft, such as the RC-4E Rabbit. The booster pods carry a full supply of rocket fuel inside of them. This allows fighters equipped with these FAST packs to carry weapon or sensor systems on their legs or to combine the fuel in the legs with the fuel in the dorsal packs to greatly increase the vehicle’s range. The packs contain enhanced vernier thrusters, an additional antenna on the right pod and a tail unit booster.
- Booster Pods (2): 100 each
- Tail Unit booster: 50
- WEAPONRY: None.</br>
NOTE: additional antenna increases radio/video communication range to 1440 Km.
NP-AR-T1 FAST Arm Units
These trainer arm pods were developed for use with the VT-1 Valkyrie Trainer in introducing trainees to combat. They contain targeting sensors for use in mock combat and training exercises.
- MDC VALUE: 25 each.
- WEAPONRY: None.</br>
NOTE: Will not explode if module reaches 0 MDC.
NP-FB-T1 Leg Defense FAST packs and CTB-04 Conformal Propellant Tanks
The NP-FB-T1s were developed for use with the VT-1 Trainer. The dorsal propellant tanks contain more fuel than the NP-FB-01 at the price of some armor. They also have a slightly different vernier configuration but are otherwise functionally identical to the NP-FB-01 packs.
- MDC VALUE: 35 each.
Shinnakasu Heavy Industry VE-1 Elintseeker RECON FAST Packs
- Elintseeker - VE-1 Valkyrie with FAST Pack system.
The VE-1 Elintseeker is a two-seater VF-1 variant similar to the VT-1, equipped with the Shinnakasu Heavy Industry Early Warning and Electronic Warfare pack developed in cooperation with Bifors. The RECON FAST packs include the NR-BP-E3 dorsal booster pack with a rotary radome, NR-SR-E3 (right) and NR-SL-E3 (left) arm-mounted sensor pods with HF, VHF, and VLF antennae and two NR-FS-E3 leg FAST packs with side surveillance radar systems.
NR-BP-E3 FAST "Recon" Packs
The Shinnakasu Heavy Industry dorsal RECON FAST Pack Space Booster System is virtually identical to the NP-BP-T1 trainer packs. The critical difference is that sandwiched between the two boosters are a number of advanced sensor systems, including a large sensor radome. The RECON booster packs are designed specifically for the VE-1 Elintseeker Recon Valkyrie. The NR-BP-E3 booster packs can be used with other vehicles. However, only the VF-1 can transform while the NR-BP-E3 packs are mounted.
- Engine Pods (2): 100 each
- Sensor Radome: 100
- WEAPONRY: None.</br>
- RANGE: 400 Km
- DETECTION CAPABILITIES: The rotary radome and APS-201 surveillance radar can detect and track up to 500 targets simultaneously and can record position, speed, and direction of motion for all targets tracked. The VF's onboard computer can only track 150 of these contacts simultaneously, but the telemetry from the radome can be transmitted via laser communications to a command ship for further analysis. The radome also contains electromagnetic and visual spectrum sensors for detecting spatial disturbances in the immediate area, such as incoming or outgoing folds or cloaked ships (40% chance of detecting a ship protected by passive stealth, 10% chance with active stealth).
NR-SR-E3/NR-SL-E3 FAST Arm Sensor Units
These packs are designed specifically for the VE-1 Elintseeker to augment its recon and electronic warfare capabilities with additional sensors. Although there are two separate sensor pack designs, the units are designed to be used together (the NR-SR-E3 on the right arm, and the NR-SL-E3 on the left arm). The NR-SR-E3 contains HF, VHF, and VLF antennae, allowing the Elintseeker to monitor radio traffic, and even jam communications if necessary. The NR-SL-E3 contains an electromagnetic sensing contennae.
- MDC VALUE: 50 each (Will not explode if the pack reaches 0 MDC.)</br>
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Enhanced Reconnaissance
- RANGE: Active: 120 miles (192 km,) Passive: 40 miles (64 km.)
- DETECTION CAPABILITIES: The arm mounted sensor array can take detailed structural readings of an object and detect power sources, weapon ports, transmitters, and other valuable statistical data. These sensors give the pilot and anyone else receiving the information a +20% to Intelligence and Detect Ambush/Concealment rolls, provided they make a successful Read Sensory Instruments roll (otherwise they misread/misinterpret the sensor readings). When used in active scanning mode the sensors have 200% greater range, but the VE-1 will stand out like a sore thumb on enemy targeting sensors (+1 to hit for anyone attacking the Elintseeker).
- 2. COMMUNICATIONS ARRAY (right arm):
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Transmission interception
- SECONDARY PURPOSE: Electronic Warfare
- RANGE (Transmitting): 750 miles (1200 km)
- DETECTION CAPABILITIES: The HF, VHF and VLF antennae can intercept any radio signals or other electromagnetic transmissions (but not laser communications) and retransmit them to a command center for analysis. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the receiver will be able to understand the communication (coded transmissions will still be received in code). Alternatively, the transmitter can generate a blanket "white noise" across the radio spectrum, disrupting ALL radio transmissions. Again, laser communications will be unaffected by this jamming.
NR-FS-E3 Leg Sensor Units and CTB-04 Conformal Propellant Tanks
A special set of propellant tanks were designed for use with the VE-1 Elintseeker which contained side-scan radar units in addition to vernier jets and fuel tanks. In combination with the NR-BP-E3's radome these radar units gave the VE-1 greater range and detection capabilities.
- MDC VALUE: 80 each
- WEAPONRY: None.</br>
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Enhanced Reconnaissance
- RANGE: +160 Km
- DETECTION CAPABILITIES: The side surveillance radar systems in the two NR-FS-E3 attachments on the VF-1 boosts the active radar capabilities of the NR-BP-E3 FAST pack, increasing radar range to 560 Km total and increasing the chance of detecting passive cloaked ships to 60% (active stealth increased to 25%). These bonuses are only effective when used in conjunction with the radome of the NR-BP-E3 FAST pack.
Shinnakasu Heavy Industry VT-1C “Attack Valkyrie”
VT-1C Custom Valkyrie with an enhanced FAST Pack system.
The VT-1C has the option of dorsal space/atmospheric booster pods. Some custom versions have rails added to them so that cargo, personnel or other vehicles can latch onto the VT-1C during space operations.
NR-BP-T2 Booster Rocket Packs
The booster packs are a transatmospheric variant of the NR-BP-T1 FAST packs. The elongated boosters carry a full supply of rocket fuel inside of them. This allows fighters equipped with these FAST packs to carry weapon or sensor systems on their legs, or to combine the fuel in the legs with the fuel in the dorsal packs to greatly increase the VF's range. The packs do not contain vernier thrusters
- MDC VALUE: 85 each.
NR-FB-T2 FAST Conformal Propellant Tanks
The conformal propellant tanks are an upgrade to the venerable NP-FB-T1. The propellant tanks contain more fuel than the NP-FB-01s at the price of some armor and have a slightly different vernier configuration, but are otherwise functionally identical to other FAST tanks.
- MDC VALUE: 45 each.
Shinnakasu Heavy Industry VF-X Upgrade FAST Packs
In 2025 the UN Spacy approved a program to update the original VF-1 Valkyrie (still in use on frontier worlds, militias, and reserve units) with modern VF technology. The end result was the VF-1X Valkyrie variant.
NP-BP-01x FAST Packs
The Shinnakasu Heavy Industry NP-BP-01x FAST packs are part of the 2025 VF-1X upgrade program. Designed specifically for the VF-1X (Plus) Valkyrie, it is compatible with the other VF-1 variants.
- MDC VALUE: 150</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 9 missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 27 missiles.
NP-FB-01x FAST Weapon Modules
When the VF-1X-Plus upgrade program was implemented in 2025 the need for the original NP-FB-01 propellant tanks decreased due to advances in propulsion technology and fuel efficiency. Instead of eliminating the leg FAST packs they were redesigned to include missile launchers instead of fuel.
The new NP-FB-01x packs contain 20 missiles that are concealed by armor plates that flip up prior to launch. The NP-FB-01x modules do contain fuel, but it is used for the vernier jets only and not by the NP-BP-01x Backpack units.
- MDC VALUE: 85</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 20 (all) missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 20 missiles.
Northrom Grumman VA-3C Invader Civilian Variant Packs
Three special equipment hard point stations for fold booster and two propellant tanks mounted above fuselage (VA-3C Custom.)
The civilian fold booster is roughly half as powerful as the Shinnakasu Industry/OTEC OTEC FBF-1000A External Fold Booster.
Text modified from The Macross Compendium – VA-3 entry.
VA-3 Rocket Booster Packs
The VA-3C Rocket Booster Packs were developed as disposable booster rockets for the VA-3 Invader. The boosters carry a full supply of rocket fuel inside of them. This allows VA-3C (and other variants) to achieve orbit under their own power or engage in long duration sorties.
- MDC VALUE: 100 each.
Shinsei Industry VF-5000 Star Mirage Packs
The VF-5000 has the options of an air/space booster pack and weaponry system, or a FAST Pack air/space booster and weaponry system.
The following contains text modified from the Macross Compendium – VF-5000 entry.
VF-5000 Atmospheric-Escape Ramjet Booster Pack
The Standard Atmospheric-Escape Ramjet Booster Pack system contains two dorsal-mounted ramjet/rocket hybrid engines with propellant tanks, two leg/engine-pod-mounted conformal propellant tanks, and numerous vernier thrusters. The aerospace booster pack system contains a micro-missile launcher pod with shock ordinance mounted on the dorsal section between the two hybrid engine pods, which are notable for being the first FAST packs to include air intakes. There are additional micro-missile launcher pods in the engine nacelle/leg sections of the VF-5000. The VF-5000’s leg carried missiles are unavailable until the leg-mounted packs are jettisoned.
- Ramjet/Rocket Pods (2) 100 each.
- Dorsal Missile Launcher 75.
- Conformal Propellant Tanks (2) 75 each.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 4 missiles. (Up to 2 per leg mounted pack.)
- PAYLOAD: 12 missiles per launcher for a total of 24.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 or 2 missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 6 missiles.
VF-5000 Super FAST Pack System
The VF-5000 Super FAST Pack System contains only a single dorsal FAST pack. The pack is longer than a regular dorsal booster pod and provides roughly the same benefits as two regular booster pods. This FAST packs feature a large air-breathing-able jet/rocket hybrid engine and a longer front section to carry more munitions. In addition, the set includes two leg/engine-pod-mounted conformal propellant tanks, and numerous vernier thrusters.
The Super FAST Pack system’s leg/engine nacelle units contain a micro-missile launcher with an upper exit ports for the VF-5000's own internal launchers. The lower exit ports are for the pod's munitions to be launched from. The large single dorsal booster also contains a micro-missile launcher pod in its extended nose section.
- Dorsal FAST Pack 135.
- Leg Packs 85 each.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 6 missiles. (2 for the top pack and 2 per leg mounted pack.)
- PAYLOAD: 12 missiles per launcher for a total of 36.
- NOTE: The FAST launchers can be fire-linked with the VF-5000’s internal missile launchers, granting a FAST pack equipped VF-5000 the option of volleys of up to 10 missiles.
Shinsei Industry VF-11 FAST Pack Units
- Super Thunderbolt - Shinsei Industry VF-11 Thunderbolt with FAST Pack system
The following contains text modified from the Macross Compendium – VF-5000 entry.
The VF-11 Thunderbolt has four special equipment hard point stations for external space and atmosphere use Shinsei Industry FAST pack units.
NP-SP-09 Missile Launcher Rocket Booster Packs
The NP-SP-09 booster unit contains two booster nozzles and two Hughes HMMM-Mk 6 micro-missile launchers with exit ports at the front of the packs. The two NP-SP-09 booster units can be replaced by the booster units of the Protect Armor, which can be mounted in conjunction with the other FAST packs. The booster unit is smaller than its predecessors are, but thanks to improvements in engine efficiency, they have a longer range and a larger fuel capacity. The NP-SP-09 is designed for use in space only.
- MDC VALUE: 120</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1,2,3 or 4 missiles per pack.
- PAYLOAD: 16 missiles per pack. A VF-11 is usually equipped with 2 for a total of 32 missiles.
NP-SP-09 Mk II Missile Launcher Rocket Booster Packs
In 2040 the NP-SP-09 packs were upgraded along with the introduction of the new VF-11C Thunderbolt variant. The FAST Pack boosters' exhaust nozzles, originally funnel-shaped, were redesigned into a more rectangular shape. Two of the missile launchers were removed and the remaining two were upgraded to a higher rate of fire and in the end, the pack can house a greater number of missiles.
- MDC VALUE: 120</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1, 2, 3 or 4 missiles per pack.
- PAYLOAD: 24 missiles. A VF-11 is usually equipped with 2 for a total of 48 missiles.
NP-SF-09 FAST Conformal Propellant Tank Unit
The NP-SF-09 propellant tank unit is mounted on the engine section in fighter mode and on the lower-leg section in GERWALK and battroid modes. The unit contains numerous vernier thrusters for increased maneuverability in space. The NP-SF-09 also contains additional chaff and flare dispensers to supplement the VF-11 Thunderbolt’s finite supply.
- WEAPONRY: None</br>
- RATE OF FIRE: Equal to pilot's combined number of attacks.
- PAYLOAD: 10 bursts of chaff and flares per unit.
VF-11 "RECON" Radome
The VF-11 has a special equipment hard point station for an external radar radome mounted above fuselage. The radome can be mounted in conjunction with NP-SP-09 or NP-SP-09 Mk II dorsal packs, as they provide the RECON VF-11 defensive capabilities that the VE-1 sorely lacks. The radome hard point station can also be used with the transatmospheric FAST packs – though the radome itself is not transatmospheric.
- MDC VALUE: Sensor Radome: 80</br>
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Enhanced Reconnaissance
- RANGE: 600 miles (960 km)
- DETECTION CAPABILITIES: The radar of the radome can detect and track up to 800 targets simultaneously and can record position, speed, and direction of motion for all targets tracked. The VF's onboard computer can only track 250 of these contacts simultaneously, but the telemetry from the radome can be transmitted via laser communications to a command ship for further analysis. The radome also contains electromagnetic and visual spectrum sensors for detecting spatial disturbances in the immediate area, such as incoming or outgoing folds or cloaked ships (80% chance of detecting a ship protected by passive stealth, 50% chance with active stealth).
Shinsei Industry Aerodynamic FAST Pack Units
During the Varuta War of 2045-46, the UN Spacy redesigned the VF-11’s FAST pack pods for both space and atmospheric use. The dorsal booster units contain air-breathing engines and a micro-missile launch system. The conformal leg/engine-nacelle space/atmospheric FAST Pack pods were also designed to function equally well in an atmosphere or in space. Aside from the additional firepower and protection that the packs provide, they are mainly used to assist in returning to orbit after a mission planet-side.
These packs were designed for use by the VF-11, VF-19 and VF-22.
Dorsal Aerodynamic Missile Launcher Booster Units
These missile launchers and booster units are significantly larger than the preceding NP-SP-09 packs but provide much greater thrust, more vernier engines, and a larger missile payload. In addition to being able to survive reentry, the aerodynamic packs’ engines are air breathing – meaning that in an atmosphere, their fuel reserves can be extended a significant amount. On the VF-19 and VF-22, these packs are mounted on the rear dorsal section in Fighter mode or on the sides of the shoulders in GERWALK and Battroid modes
- MDC VALUE: 150</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 4 missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 30 missiles.
Engine Nacelle Aerodynamic Propellant Tanks
These conformal propellant tanks are designed to complement the dorsal aerodynamic booster units. They are compatible with the VF-11 and VF-19 variable fighters but NOT with the VF-22 stealth fighters (which should uses its own uniquely designed propellant and ventral missile launcher packs.) The aerodynamic propellant tanks are not armed but contain additional chaff/flare launchers.
- COMPATIBLE WITH: VF-11, YF-19 and VF-19 only
- WEAPONRY: None</br>
- RATE OF FIRE: Equal to pilot's combined number of attacks.
- PAYLOAD: 10 bursts of chaff and flare decoys per unit.
S.E.S. (Sound Energy System) FAST Packs
During the Varuta War of 2045-6, the UN Spacy further refined the aerodynamic dorsal FAST packs by including a Sound Energy Converter System for use in Spiritia warfare. The booster units contain air-breathing engines, a micro-missile launch system and a sound energy system. Aside from the additional firepower, protection and Spiritia Warfare capabilities that the packs provide, the booster units are mainly used to assist in returning to orbit after a mission planet-side.
These packs were designed for use by the VF-11D, VF-19 and VF-22.
Sound Energy Converter System Aerodynamic Missile Launcher and Booster Packs
These FAST packs are a variant of the aerodynamic dorsal FAST packs produced by the Macross 7 colony mission in order to better combat Protodeviln. The new FAST packs contain Dr. Chiba's revolutionary Sound Energy Converter System that amplifies and projects spiritia energy, allowing the pilot to use his spiritia powers in combat. The packs were designed specifically for Colonel Burton's Jamming Birds VF11D Kai variants, but can also be used by more modern fighters such as the VF-19 and VF-22.
- COMPATIBLE WITH: VF-11D (Kai), VF-19, VF-22
- MDC VALUE: 200
- WEAPONRY:</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 4 missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 20 missiles.</br>
- SOUND ENERGY SYSTEM: See the Spiritia RPG rules for bonuses and effects.
- STEREO LOUDSPEAKERS: can amplify the pilot's voice up to 300 decibels. The loudspeakers are normally used to project music during combat.
- HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTORS: primarily designed for impressive stage pyrotechnics. Can be used to "dazzle" an enemy pilot temporarily. When used, any enemies looking directly at the VF suffer a -3 to initiative and to hit rolls for one round; after that, they will accustom themselves to the display and no longer be affected.
General Galaxy VF-17 Nightmare Space/Atmospheric FAST Packs
The following text has been modified from the Macross Compendium: VF-17 entry:
The VF-17 has the option of two space/atmospheric FAST Pack propellant tank/booster units mounted on the dorsal section and two conformal propellant tanks mounted on either side of the fuselage in Fighter mode or on the lower leg in GERWALK and Battroid modes. The propellant tank/booster units contain two pulse laser guns. The conformal propellant tanks contain two missile launchers each.
- Dorsal FAST Packs (2): 170 each
- Conformal Propellant Tanks (2) 125 each
- WEAPONRY:</br>
- RATE OF FIRE: The beam cannons can be fired twice per melee round.
- PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 4 missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 16 missiles.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 11 (all) missiles.
- PAYLOAD: 11 missiles.
- NOTE: the FAST Packs have been designed with the same passive stealth construction techniques as the VF-17 itself and they do interfere with the Nightmare's stealth bonuses when worn.
VF-17 "RECON" Radome
In addition, the VF-17 has the option of mounting an external radome. The radome can be mounted either by itself or on top of the dorsal FAST pack booster units.
- MDC VALUE: Sensor Radome: 80</br>
- PRIMARY PURPOSE: Enhanced Reconnaissance
- RANGE: 600 miles (960 km)
- DETECTION CAPABILITIES: The radar of the radome can detect and track up to 800 targets simultaneously and can record position, speed, and direction of motion for all targets tracked. The VF's onboard computer can only track 250 of these contacts simultaneously, but the telemetry from the radome can be transmitted via laser communications to a command ship for further analysis. The radome also contains electromagnetic and visual spectrum sensors for detecting spatial disturbances in the immediate area, such as incoming or outgoing folds or cloaked ships (80% chance of detecting a ship protected by passive stealth, 50% chance with active stealth).
Shinsei Industry YF-19 and VF-19 FAST Packs
The following text is adapted from the Macross Compendium’s YF-19 entry and VF-19 entry.
In 2040, during Project: Super Nova, Shinsei Industries produced a FAST pack variation for the YF-19 and VF-19. The engines of the YF-19 and VF-19 produce so much thrust that extra rocket boosters are not entirely necessary. No dorsal backpack thrusters were designed. Instead, two FAST Pack Conformal Propellant Tanks were introduced, mounted above the dorsal nacelles in Fighter mode or to the sides of the shoulders in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Because the dorsal propellant tanks undermine the stealth capabilities of the Y/VF-19, the propellant tanks are used chiefly in space for long-distance ferry propellant.
In addition there are two leg/engine-nacelle-mounted FAST Pack space/atmospheric conformal propellant tanks with micro-missiles launchers. In addition, extra armor is mounted on the arm shield. The Y/VF-19 FAST pack set is designed to not generate additional drag for the fighter, so there is no dodge penalty in an atmosphere. However, the Y/VF-19 does not gain any speed bonus from the FAST packs since there are no booster rockets.
- COMPATIBLE WITH: YF-19/VF-19 only (though, there is a possibility of the leg pack being compatible with the VF-11.)
- Shoulder Packs (2): 50 each
- Leg Modules (2): 100 each
- Anti-Projectile Shield (1, replaces standard shield): 225</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 4 missiles per pack. Normally 2 packs are carried.
- PAYLOAD: 12 missiles per launcher/24 per leg unit, for a total of 48 missiles if two fully loaded leg packs are used.
- SPECIAL: No dodge penalty in atmosphere and no speed bonus.
General Galaxy YF-21/VF-22 FAST Packs
The following text is adapted from the YF-21 entry.
In 2040, during Project: Super Nova, General Galaxy produced a FAST pack for the YF-21 and VF-22. The engines of the YF-21 and VF-2 produce so much thrust that extra rocket boosters are not entirely necessary. No dorsal backpack thrusters were designed. Instead, two FAST Pack Conformal Propellant Tanks were introduced, mounted on under the two tails in Fighter mode or on the lower arms in GERWALK and Battroid modes. Because the propellant tanks undermine the stealth capabilities of the YF-21 and VF-22, the propellant tanks are used chiefly in space for long-distance ferry propellant.
In addition there are two conformal fuel tanks/micro-missile launcher pods, containing two launchers each, mounted on the rear lower fuselage in Fighter mode or on the leg storage bay cover panels (or in the manipulators for the gun pods.) These conformal tanks also allow the vehicle to carry two gun pods in recessed conformal hardpoints. The YF-21/VF-22 FAST pack set is designed to not generate additional drag for the fighter, so there is no dodge penalty in an atmosphere. However, the Y/VF-19 does not gain any speed bonus from the FAST packs since there are no booster rockets
- COMPATIBLE WITH: YF-21 & VF-22 only
- Arm Modules (2): 60 each
- Leg Modules (2): 100 each</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: Bifors HMM-01 all-purpose micro-missiles.
- RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 1 to 4 missiles per pack. Normally 2 packs are carried.
- PAYLOAD: 12 missiles per launcher/24 total per pack. Normally 2 packs are carried for a total of 48 missiles.
- SPECIAL: No dodge penalty in atmosphere & no speed bonus.
Ghost X-9 Super Packs
The X-9 Ghost Fighter has the option of two dorsal mounted Super Packs. The Super Packs have a ‘missile launcher in their right and left sides. The aerospace Super Packs contain hybrid jet/rocket engines and a large supply of fuel.
- MDC VALUE: 100 each.</br>
- MISSILE TYPES: High Maneuverability Missiles.
- RANGE: 9.6 km (6 mile).
- RATE OF FIRE: each launcher has a ROF of 1 per attack and there are two launchers per super pack. 2 dorsal Super Packs give a ROF of 1, 2, 3 or 4. One volley constitutes one melee attack, regardless of the number of missiles fired.
- PAYLOAD: 8 missiles per launcher. 2 dorsal Super Packs give a combined total of 32 BMM-24 HMMM.
Source: “The Macross Plus Game Edition Book”, page 67.