OCC:UNSM Officer

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Created by: Canon Macross
Maintained by: Mr. Sketchley / http://www.macrossrpg.com/~archers/Images/StudioOtaking.gif

Note: Butt ugly work in progress. Been sitting in my HD for the past 3 or 4 weeks!!! Anyone want to assist?

UNSM Officer OCC

The following is an MRC specific modification of the original version., © 1998 [email protected]

The United Nations Space Marine (UNSM) Officer is very similar to the other officers of the UN Armed Forces; they are intelligent, highly skilled, and resourceful leaders. They are the commanding officers for platoons of Marines which are the UN's <take from the MediaWiki>standing Army and defence/security onboard UN Navy and UN Spacy Vessels, and bases. They can frequently be seen at UN Bases and on UN vessels commanding their troops. The minimum starting age for a UNSM Officer is 22.

The UN Spacy Marines, ground attack specialists combining traditional infantry with mechanized infantry (Destroids) and air support (VF and other aerospace craft,) in addition to being routinely assigned to internal ship security in non-UNSM ships of the fleet.

Requires elaboration of:

- roles/activities – the UNSM Officer class, in addition to being the leadership of the Marines, are also the elite soldiers and specialists of the Marine branch of the UN Armed Forces. Refer to the individual Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) for further details.

  • Boot camp: training for movement in space (use swimming % with a negative modifier,) military parachuting (aerial ejection and paratrooper operations – nothing special/fancy) and land and water based activities – thus making them one of the hardier breed of soldiers in the UN Armed Forces.
  • tools of the trade: Extensively trained in using the UNG’s version of the HUMV.

Pre-requisite requirements:

PE9, IQ 9, ME10. High stats are preferred but not necessary.


  • Military Etiquette 98%
  • Lore: UN Armed Forces +20%
  • Radio: Basic +10%
  • Land Navigation +20%
  • Pilot Truck +10%
  • Weapon Systems +10%
  • Wilderness Survival +10%
  • Intelligence +20%
  • Camouflage +15%
  • Athletics
  • Swimming
  • Climbing
  • WP Automatic Pistol
  • WP Automatic Rifle
  • WP Heavy Weapons
  • Hand to Hand: Basic (Can be upgraded to Expert for one skill)

Military Occupational Speciality(M.O.S.)

Choose one M.O.S. before choosing OCC Related Skills; this is the area that the Marine has specialized in.

UNSM Navy Officer(6 weeks MOS training)

The UN Navy Marine Officer commands the Marines stationed on UN Navy vessels, such as the Prometheus and Daedalus Class vessels. Their job is to ensure the internal security of these vessels, be they in port or at sea, and to operate in amphibious invasions; such as creating a beachhead staging point for the other branches of the UN Armed Forces to initially and safely enter a combat theatre from. The UNSM Navy Officers are also skilled divers trained for long-duration underwater activities, such as warfare, mine placement and removal, and repair work.

MOS Skills

  • Read Sensory Equipment +10%
  • Swimming: SCUBA +20%
  • Demolitions & Demolitions Disposal +15%
  • Pilot Boat: Sail type +10%
  • Pilot Boat: Motor & Hydrofoil +15%
  • Choice of Pilot Boat: Warships/Patrol Boats (+15%) or Pilot: Submarines (+10%)
  • Modification to available skills: mechanics +??%?

UN Spacy Marine Officer(6 MOS weeks training)

These men & women are the Marines that provide onboard security on the UN Spacy's Fleet Vessels, they also conduct ship to ship boardings for assault or customs reasons and space station invasions.

MOS Skills

  • Read Sensory Equipment +10%
  • EVA +10%
  • Zero-G Movement +10%
  • Zero-G Hand to Hand Combat: Basic (Expert level? Regular Marines at Basic??)

Destroid Commando Troop Commander(1 year at the School of Armour)

Destroids have been phased out of the UN Armed Forces Arsenal mostly since not long after the end of the Space Wars. However these giant behemoths of destructive power are still kept on with sections of the Armed Forces, the UN Space Marines. The effective ground army of the UN maintains and operates the Destroids for what they were originally designed: ground Assault.

Needs total revamping to bring in-line with newly created MRC OSR stats about Destroids.
trained for planetary invasions ('space' beacheads) and working in tandem with other elements of the UNS ground forces.
also double as the armour drivers of the UNS Marines. (Dually trained due to Tanks/APCs occasionally being more versatile for land based operations.)

MOS Skills

  • Destroid Pilot Elite: +25%
  • Destroid Combat: Choose Destroid (x2 types??)
  • Pilot Tanks/APC's +10%
  • Navigation: +10%
  • Read Sensory Equipment +10%
  • Weapon Systems: +15%

Power Armour Specialist Officer (3 months MOS training)

The P.A. Specialist Officer leads the highly specialised Marines that pilot the various Power Armours in the UN Arsenal. Utilising Power Armour, the PA Specialist Officer would be directing the PA Marines as they board enemy vessel's, breach defenses and make beachheads - always taking the heaviest fire. Only the bravest and most foolhardy Officers apply for this MOS.

also double as the armour drivers of the UNS Marines. (Dually trained due to Tanks/APCs occasionally being more versatile for land based operations.)

MOS Skills

  • Pilot Power Armour +25%
  • Mecha Combat: UNSM Power Armour N/A
  • Pilot Tanks/APC's +10%
  • Read Sensory Equipment +10%
  • Navigation (all) +15%

Marine Variable Fighter Pilot(2 Years MOS training)

(Pre-requisites: PP9)

The UNSM maintains a few Marine Variable Fighter Squadrons, although nowhere near as many as the UNAF, UNSAF, and UN Navy. These Officers under go two years Fighter training after they complete their basic Officer training, they specialize in supporting Marine assaults and attacks.

training to be purely air superiority fighter, ground attack bomber and ground troop support.

MOS Skills

  • Pilot Variable Fighter +20%
  • Mecha Combat: VA-3, VF-4 and choose 1 of: VF-14 or VF-19
  • Navigation: All +10%
  • Read Sensory Equipment +10%
  • Pilot Jet +20%
  • Hand to Hand: Expert

Marine Sniper(3 months MOS training)

(Pre-requisites: ME14 & PE 12)

Although a distasteful thought, the UN Armed Forces does use Snipers for Special Operations. Combat snipers work in pairs, one as the spotter and one as the sniper. They will spend hours, days or weeks tracking their target and waiting for the best shot before disappearing into the undergrowth. Snipers are only ever used against Military targets of the oppostion, and never against civilian or UN personnel.

MOS Skills

  • Combat Sniper (See Rules)
  • Land Navigation +25%
  • Prowl +25%
  • Detect Concealment +10%
  • Intelligence +20%
  • WP Bolt Action Rifle
Extended camouflage/concealment/detect ambush training

Special Forces(6 months MOS Training)

(Pre-requisites: IQ10, PS12, ME14, PP14, also must have completed three years as another MOS before applying for the Special Forces MOS.)

UNSM Special Force's are one of the most feared units amongst the Anti-UN, and Renegade Zentraedi. The Special Forces units are intelligent, resourceful and deadly individuals from a wide background.

MOS Skills

  • SCUBA +10%
  • Camouflage +25%
  • Intelligence +20%
  • Pilot Elite: UNSM Power Armour +20%
  • Mecha Combat: UNSM Power Armour
  • Pilot Tanks/APC's +10%
  • Read Sensory Equipment +10%
  • Navigation: All +15%
  • (Elite) Parachuting +15%
  • WP-Knife


Choose 8 skills. (2 additional skill at levels 3 & 6,1 additional at levels 9 & 12)

Communications - Any (+10%)
Domestic - Any
Electrical - Basic Electronics only
Espionage - Any (+10%)
Mechanical - Basic Automotive and Aircraft only
Medical - First Aid only (+10)
Military - Any (+10%)
Physical - Any, except acrobatics
Pilot - Any, except Variable Fighters¹ & Mecha Combat¹ (+10)
Pilot Related - Any (+10%)
Rogue - None
Science - Any (+10%)
Technical - Any (+10%)
WP - Any

¹unless applicable to the chosen MOS.

Secondary Skills:

(Select any 4 other skills with no bonuses)

Wages & Rank

The UNSM Marine Officer starts on 2000 credits per month and a with a starting rank of 2nd Lieutenant, after completing 3 years of University and one years Officer Training.

Standard Equipment:

  • M-21 Assault Rifle
  • H&K PD8 Semi-Automatic Pistol
  • ID/Security Badge
  • 2 Work Uniforms (No2 Uniform)
  • 2 Dress Uniform (No1 Ceremonial Dress Uniform)
  • 2 Mess Uniforms (No1 & No2 Mess Uniforms)
  • 2 Camouflage Uniforms (DPM Uniforms with Kevlar Vest & Kevlar Helmet)
  • Load-Bearing Vest w/parachute & rucksack attachment points
  • Field Kit with:
    • Rations (Two weeks worth)
    • 3xCanteens (1x2 Litre, 2x1 Litre)
    • Thermal Blanket
    • Waterproof Poncho
    • Poncho Liner
    • 3 Signal Flares
    • Infrared Distancing Binoculars
    • Pocket Flashlight
    • Compass
    • Combat/Survival Knife
    • Ammunition (7 magazines for weapon)
    • First Aid Kit with:
      • Healing Salve
      • Dressing
      • Tourniquet
      • Bandages
      • Painkillers
      • Stimulants
      • First Aid Booklet
  • Cash Card with 1D6x1000 Credits

Special Assignment

The UNSM Officer has access to use just about any piece of equipment if it is necessary to complete their mission. Certain items will however require permission from his superiors.

Experience Points/Levels

The UNSM Officer uses the same chart as the UN Soldier in regard to experience points and levels.

OCC Varients