Beginhill Training

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Q.How do I make bold an italics type?

A : In order to use special type, you must use special coding. Each has a letter. Bold is b and italics is i.

  • To make bold, type [b]bold[/b]
  • To make italics, type [i]italic[/i]

Q. What are the free actions?

A : You would post your action as follows to declare a free action:


1) Fire 2 SRM(AP) hardpoints @ Pod 15.
2) Dodge.
3) Reconfigure to Battloid.
4) Fire long burst from gunpod @ Pod 18.
5) Dodge.
Free) Leap Dodge.

Note that you need to be in Battloid or Gerwalk to utilize the free leap dodge. It does offer a dodge against all attacks, but the bonuses are usually lower than your standard dodge bonuses.
The other free action is parry with PPB(Pin Point Barriers). These are available on newer fighters.

Q.How are High maneuverability mini missiles(HMMM) different from other missiles?

A : The major differences are that HMMM's get a higher to strike bonus and they are agile enough that if they miss, they will turn around and attack again.

Q..Why do most pilots use their hardpoint first instead of saving them for when they really need them?

A : Missiles only have from 10 to 25 hits. Sitting unshielded on the wing, it is easy for them to be hit and start a chain reaction that would destroy the entire fighter. In addition, VF's must eject their hardpoints before they can reconfigure to battloid.

Q.How does my gunpod work?

A : They fire in short bursts(10rnds), long :bursts(20rnds) and full melee bursts(40rnds). I have always been of the opinion that a full melee burst takes a full melee round to fire, so only one is allowed per round. You can perform other actions, its just that you are firing at one target with your gunpod the entire combat round. Also, if you say fire two bursts at a target, that is two actions.
Rule revision

Gunpods can fire burst of varying lengths as a single attack. It is advised that you use multiples of 10 to make damage calculation simpler for your GM. The full melee burst has been change to unload the entire magazine, and it takes up all of your actions for the round.
This new rule set will be replacing the older set, but some GMs may still be using the older rule set.

Q.What is self GMing?

A : Self GMing is when you either control someone elses character or an NPC, or you push a story too far without the GM's permission.

Example: Araruin sees a cute girl at the bar. He buys her a drink, asks her out and takes her home with him.

You have just stepped on your GM's toes. He has two choices now. He can just go with it or he says it didn't happen and then your post sits there to confuse other players.

Properly: Araruin sees a cute girl at the bar. He tries to buy her a drink. If she accepts, he asks her out.

Now the GM has some say in what happens and you will get more roleplaying surprises.

Q.How often am I allowed to post?

A : Please observe the following rules:

  1. Each player should only post one or two times per turn.
  2. A turn begins with the GM posting.
  3. A turn ends with a GM posting.

There are some exceptions to these rules, but your GM will let you know when this is the case. Beginhill also moves at a faster pace than the rest of the MRC, but even so you should not expect more than one turn every day or two.
The MRC is not a "real-time" role playing game. It is one that is based on turns. Those turns can occur as fast as once every two days. The average turn length is one every 1 or 2 weeks. If you want a real-time campaign, please check out the "Moon shots" campaign.

Q.Why have we chosen to make the MRC turn based?

A : The MRC is an international event. It allows people from diverse cultures and continents to interact and role play in our favorite universe: the Macross Universe. Please be considerate to your other players and only post one time per turn. Allow everyone a fair and equal chance to play.

Note: If a player in a game has not posted for an extended period of time that the GM has determined as a fair amount of time for someone to post in, and that player has been given warning to post and the player still has not, then the GM will skip that players turn and play will continue. If this continues, the player may be dropped.

What It Takes To Graduate

Beginhill Program Outcomes: with some modifications done on the Site Development Board:

1st Stage Training

  1. Cadets should be able to comprehend GM posts and interact with some concept of what is going on around them.
  2. They should be able to post with proper spelling and grammar. As this is not always going to happen, they should at least get to the point where they are understandable.
  3. They should also be able to present their character so that other players and the GM get a feel for whom they are.
  4. Cadets should know how to use the Character Switching System of the MRC, and use it for In Character Posts.

This is usually accomplished in the Registration and Assignment area, but may take place as part of a game thread as well.

2nd Stage Training

  1. Cadets should be able to interact with other characters, whether PC or NPC.
  2. They should post at least twice per week with minimal GM prompting.
  3. They should also get a feel for chain of command and military ettiquete.
  4. Cadets should be able to pass a 20 question test based on material taught and links posted for the players.

So far we have used the Mess Hall, Beginhill Bar and the Rec Center for this purpose. In addition, a new classroom method was added to aid in this.

3rd Stage Training

  1. Cadets should be able to function in combat, both on their own and as a unit.
  2. They should display the ability to interpret combat results and accurately post their own actions.

In this final stage of training, cadets will be involved in a simulated mission which will determine their ability to function in a squadron during combat.
Our goal is to get all cadets in a class to graduate together, but if any cadet seems to need aditional work, they may be forced to repeat that stage of training.

    • This example, while long enough and interactive could be better.
So..I believe we were going to see the CQB area?
Hollie reached into her pocket and retreved her glasses looking at them four a moment she placed them on her head and pushed them up her nose and thought 2 herself Damn......that sounds boring where are all the boys in uniform ...... and four that matter where is the food?
at that Hollies thoughts where cut shourt by the lutenents shourt but commplet sentence......
Oh crap..
A friend of yours Sir?" 'Rae asked with a deadpan expression, "Or is there something that you're not telling us?
Hollies stomch droped at the thought of a wife in the lift.......
Plenty of time for fun later kiddo We've gotta play ball for whoever's in that lift okay!?
Hollies mind went dirty all of the sudden and she started too giggel "ya lets stow it befour we get busted".
Hollie glanced at the lutenents face that was an unhealthy shade of green....."are u ok sir?" Hollie asked.

So..I believe we were going to see the CQB area? Hollie reached into her pocket and retrieved her glasses. Looking at them for a moment, she placed them on her head, and pushed them up her nose. She thought to herself, Damn...... that sounds boring. Where are all the boys in uniform,and for that matter where is the food?
At that Hollie's thoughts were cut short by the lieutenant's words:
Oh crap..
A friend of yours, Sir," Rae asked with a deadpan expression, "Or is there something that you're not telling us?
Hollies stomach dropped at the thought of a wife in the lift.......
Plenty of time for fun later kiddo We've gotta play ball for whoever's in that lift okay!?
Hollies mind went dirty all of the sudden and she started to giggle. "Yea, let's stow it before we get busted."
Hollie glanced at the lieutenant's face. It was an unhealthy shade of green. "Are you ok, sir," Hollie asked.
    • Much better now. Correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. The original post also included the character's thought and physical actions as she reacted to the situation around her. You will find that this level of posting will give your GM and other players much more to work with when they interact with you. When a thread consists of only one or two line replies, it is difficult to keep it moving and to keep people interested in playing.

Beginhill Rules

Hill rules:

Newbies! Don't make new posts on the Beginhill board asking what you should do. Go directly to the Joining Board and they will help get you started.
Current MRC members are not accepted onto the Beginhill for training. This is unnecessary and it wastes time. You already have the knowledge and skill needed to know how to play. The Hill is a place for NEW players to learn and go through training. Not old members!
-On a side note, yes they used to allow it. But that is not what the Hill is supposed to be used for and it is a much unneeded work load.
Hill members are NOT to go and ask other GMs for other squadron joining info. Once you have completed your training you will be assigned to a open slot squadron. If you wish to join another squadron with another character after you graduate from the Hill, then you can ask other GMs for joining info on other squadrons. Or check Squadron Updates to see what is open.
Also, when you are on the Hill as Cadets you are required to post at least 2 times a week minimum. If you don't post then the countdown starts. I give you an additional 3-6 days to make a post. If you fail to post after the countdown has started, you the player is considered AWOL and I boot you off the Hill. That means you will have to go through the Joining Process once again by creating a new character. You must pass the Hill to have authorization into an M-15 Squadron and into the other teams etc on the MRC.


Q: How long does it take to get to graduation?

A: It depends how often your teammates post. I wait till everyone on the team has had a chance to respond to the thread after I the GM have posted a subject. If your team is speedy and posts everyday and the GM can maintain pace, you could finish in as little as 3 weeks.

By maintaining the 2 post per week minimum, you can graduate in 3 - 6 months.
However if your teammates are slow or unable to post then training can take up to 12 months.

Q: That sucks, what if we have a teammate that never posts or is on some vacation?

A: I will bypass the teammate that is unable to post and move on with the active members of the team. When the player returns from vacation they will continue where they left off.

Q: Araruin you seem to be a dick sometimes, how come?

A: Some players often get confused or mad with the GM decisions I make. It would be in your best interest to just continue to play the game and abide by my decisions. If I make a mistake however it's cool to tell me I made it so I will correct it. Also if you need to really talk to me about a decision I made then feel free to email me to discuss it.

General FYI:

FYI: I usually post on Tuesdays and Fridays. If I am going to miss a post, I will let you know and post as soon as possible.

If any player has a problem with the Q-GMs or CSTs that are working your thread, please contact me.

Will add more in future when necessary.

Araruin(GM) Email: [email protected]