SVA-2485 City Busters
GM: Araruin
- Captain Sho Yamada (Xuric)
- 2nd Lt. Kav "Pyro" Aelier (Chikami) [when available]
- 1st Lt. Cyrus McMasters (Fox)
- 2nd Lt. Asmodien Bejin (Noals Utaka)
- 1st Lt. Wong "Jui Jou Lung" Yi (Araruin)
- 1st Lt. Konda "Strictor" Kritlhai (Rannilas)
- 2nd Lt. Delila Quinn (techiecl)
- 1st Lt. Juan Martinez (Villista)
- 2nd Lt. Erich "Vortex" Jager (Erich Jager)
- 2nd Lt. Ian Matthew Kitsune (Shadow Skull)
- 2nd Lt. Jared "Yacko" Baker (Demobot)
Their profiles can be found here.
Note: Flights are subject to change during gameplay and NPCs are subject to certain doom by will of the GM.
The following characters are in danger of being, or have been dropped.
- 2nd Lt. Andrea Cook (Onna)
The Macross RPG Community believes that roleplaying should be a fun, relaxing activity where you come to enjoy a futuristic world based on one of the world’s best animations. I share this belief, but I also believe that Macross is a realistic anime (oxymoron?). As such, I endeavor to use as much real world physics as possible. Players will not be performing superhuman stunts or have any sort of superhuman abilities.
Character Death
Character death is a fact of real life. It will also happen in my games. If a player puts in their best effort, I will do my best to keep them alive, barring them doing something incredibly stupid. The quickest way to die is to quit posting during combat.
I like to have a large amount of character interaction in my games. As such, prospective players should be good writers.
- No public flaming wars allowed. There will be no warning on this rule. Your account will be suspended automatically and reintroduction will be at the will of the Game Master. Disagreements should be taken off this board.
- If you leave the game, I reserve the right to write out your character in a manner that fits with the current storyline and befits the history of the Charachter. I will, however, try to respect the wishes of the player.
- Anything said in character or done during the game does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the GM, but if there is something that is not to your liking, contact me immediately and I wil review it.