SVFA-1037 Bloodhounds

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GM: Rannilas


Flight 1

  • 1st Lt. James "Holy Fire" Skanda (Apeman007)
  • 2nd Lt. John "Pendragon" McLeod (PhantomJ)
  • 2nd Lt. Rana Morwen (Rannilas) -- [Status?]

Flight 2

  • 1st Lt. Regalia "Reg" Lam (Araruin)
  • 2nd Lt. Drew Ando (Ando?) -- [Status?]
  • 2nd Lt. Takimi Sagara (Mr.F)

Flight 3

  • 1st Lt. Charlotte "Silver" AiPing Xu (IronChicken)
  • 2nd Lt. Amanda "Ravensong" Lockheart (NPC - Open for Adoption)
  • 2nd Lt. Bryce "Crash" Snider (Erich Jager)


The Macross RPG Community believes that roleplaying should be a fun, relaxing activity where you come to enjoy a futuristic world based on one of the best anime series ever. I share this belief, but I also believe that Macross is a realistic anime (read: No Tenchi Muyo silliness). As such, I endeavor to use as much realism as possible. However, since I hold no degrees in physics, aviation, aero-space, or combat tactics I will not be exacting in my pursuit in a serious war-drama campaign.


Character Death
Character death is a fact of real life. It will also happen in my games. If a player puts in their best effort, I will do my best to keep them alive, barring them doing something incredibly stupid. The quickest way to die is to quit posting during combat.

I like to have a large amount of character interaction in my games. As such, prospective players should be good writers that play off of the details provided by other players. If I am unfamiliar with your work, I will sometimes ask for a referral.


  1. No public flaming wars allowed. There will be no warning on this rule. Your account will be suspended automatically and reintroduction will be at the will of the Administrative Council. Disagreements should be taken off this board.
  2. If you leave the game, I reserve the right to write out your character in a manner that fits with the current storyline. I will, however, try to respect the wishes of the player.
  3. Anything said in character or done during the game does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the GM, but if there is something that is not to your liking, contact me immediately.


Monday, January 10, 2050
Annual Awards Ceremony
Bloodhounds stationed on Teradai IV to defend construction of a military outpost.

Friday, January 14, 2050
Bloodhounds return to the UNS Ranger.

Saturday, January 15, 2050
Colonel Stein begins testing the Bloodhounds on Riviera-15.

Sunday, January 16, 2050
Meltran gunship attacks the City-15

Monday, January 17, 2050
Bloodhounds are transferred to the UNS Crusader to join the hunt for the Falcons. UNS Crusader discovers survivors from the UNS Resolute, including several pilots from the Sentinels.