Sci fi Tech: What would you use?

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Sci fi Tech: What would you use?

Postby Blue Phoenix » Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:13 pm

Well, I couldn't think of an appropriate name for this thread, but I've been thinking about different technology from the various sci-fi/anime I've been watching. Its caused me to wonder, if I had the power to use the inventions, would I?

For example:
Star Trek-The Teleporter
*My Physics teacher told me in High School that it would be possible to one day bend the molecules in the body to actually teleport people around places in a flash.

My thought about this, is the awful pain involved in the process. I mean, you step on my foot, and I surely cry out for the love of god to get off. That's just applying pressure, that's not bending my body at the molecular level. Okay, so, possibly I wouldn't feel a thing....since its affecting only the tiny bits of me, all at the same time. But still, I bet it will hurt like all get out when they first invent the thing. Or in Galaxy Quest, I believe, with Tim Allen, one would merely pop upon the destination inside out. Woo, that would be incredibly awful to do on your mother-in-laws doorstep. Although, she might tell her daughter that her husband's appearance has improved tenfold.

Or, what could be worse is the data stream of your energized body would be lost in mid transmission. If Microsoft came out with the teleporter, I believe the blue screen of death, would be quite the risk. "I am sorry, all your data has been lost. Please put in the reboot disc, and we will try to remake your husband." I'd think that many a wise gamer and computer guru, would tell you not to do it.

Are there inventions out there that others like, dislike, or believe only the psychotic would use? Please tell.

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Postby Sabre » Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:35 pm

I can see the day where people either wear or will have implanted in their bodies, some form of PC allowing people to mentally network, or have access to the internet through a wireless connection implanted in their brain somewhere.

Technologically possible? It might be possible, with the development of organic based processor technology.

I can also forsee the day where we will have access to a 'replicator', where raw materials can be inserted, these materials are re-arranged at a molecular level to form new elements or compounds.

I've left robots off the list as they are already here. We'll see more advances until a domestic 'bot will be common place.

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Postby Jouby » Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:48 pm

You took the teleporter. For me that would be the best as I absolutely hate being stuck in traffic. In a matter of minutes, I could be at my job without even haing to step out side and get wet/warm/frozen.

I'm also looking forward to a time when space tourism will be affordable. I don,t know there is just something about setting foot on another planet that seems cool to me. It really puts things into perspective.

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Postby studiootaking » Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:25 pm

Personally, I'm leary of the transporter (the Heisenberg uncertainty principle) - also, it'll be a lot more difficult to be late for appointments, work, etc.. (Why are you late? The Heisenberg compensator on my transporter burned out... I... uh... needed to get a replacement?)

Though, I do look forward to the day when faster-than-light travel is a reality.

Being able to directly hook into PCs would be great too - and being able to directly communicate one's thoughts to others would certainly allow for faster communication (words and language are.... clunky.) Though, how the differences in how people store and access memory will be overcome, is beyond me. I think Ghost in the Shell has a lot of good points about the pros and cons of hooking into computers directly; the cons being cyber-brain sclerosi, and computer viruses and hacking being directly downloaded into your brain!

Anyhow, I'm sure both of these are a long way off...

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Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:53 am

Interesting concept, studiootaking. It also kinda makes me thing about 'Johnny Numonic' or how ever that is spell. "I just want this sh.... out of my brain." :wink:
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Postby studiootaking » Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:51 pm

I can't claim credit for the concept - it's been around since the early 1980's!

If you want to look further into it, you could read "Neuromancer".

And, of course, "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex", and "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig" ... ne_Complex

Though, the first series is more about the effects of it - you could even claim that the man plot of the series (the laughing man) is entirely about the effects of it.

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Postby Blue Phoenix » Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:03 pm

I thought my thread was dead and gone, past tense. But lo and behold its alive.

Hmm, I wonder if anyone has thought of the wonderous invention of the death-ray. You know, that wonderful laser beam weapon in almost every sci fi. It destroys your victims, sets them ablaze, and then leaves little but ashes upon the floor?

I wonder if this weapon would make it harder for CSI to figure out who shot who without all the gunshot residue...


Postby Demobot » Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:38 pm

You guys are all crazy. while the transporter would be cool, I think that a replicator would solve to worlds problem over night. Either that ot creata a boat load of new ones. But the thought of creating an entire meal with the push of a button is just so cool.

But getting back at Ghost in the Shell for second, the thought of being hacked is kinda scary. The skill that the laughing man had was incredible as was his creative thinking. I mean, who would think of hacking you enemies eyes or nose. The types of crimes or mass illusions would be unthinkable.

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Postby studiootaking » Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:54 pm

Blue Phoenix - two words: cellular residue. There'd be evidence, as it is impossible to complete destroy something without leaving evidence.

For example: a nuclear bomb vaporizes itself, however, there are still nuclear isotopes from the fissile material spread over the area of effect. From that, it is possible to determine the source of the fissile material.

The same holds true for a death ray. The type of vaporization (how the particles of the corpse were agitated) would be evident.

I'm not going to disagree that it would make things for 'CSI types' much more difficult. In fact, it adds a whole new meaning to ballistics.

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Postby COBRA » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:58 pm

You are all crazy! Teleports? Wireless broadband connected to my head?

We all know Mechs is for the win! Sure the concept from one of the typical topic about making a real VF is alittle bit out of the... what shall I say... unlogical(?), it sure has been after endless repeating answear that clearly points out in the end that it won't be possible. However, as the human race makes it's progress within cyber technology and Artificial Intelligence for robots, people with talents without support from institutes makes themself battlesuits and bi-pedal mechs with their bare hands. Although there is institutes and companies researching in this making exo-skeleton suits as well. The possibility for a fullfledge mech unit alá Gundam for an exampel is quite skyhigh after all if you think through it clearly. Although I sadly won't possible to be alive that long until they can come up with something that function properly like a leather glove responding to every command the pilot gives.
So to make it simpel; I would like to see what the mankind would come up with in the end of the Mech issue. Was it an success? If so, what would it look like? Or did the project lead to something else?
That would be interesting for me. :)

Otherwise about the Ghost of the Shell vision, about mankind hooking up on the internet or becoming a part of the machines, and the term for cyborgs would become a standard phrase among people. In scientific use machine part could replace lost arms, legs and vital organs and it's possible for mankind can do so. And they probably will.
Although, as I can agree with Demobot about someone hacking into your brain, gives me the chill down the spine just thinking about it.

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