Alfonse, Kesia

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Character currently appears in the Tempest Wolves.
Created by: Nomal Soul
Maintained by: Nomad Soul & Halo
Name: Alfonse, Kesia
Rank: Second Lieutenant, Acting XO
Nickname: Mocha, Razor (racing alias during the Corsa di Tuono)
Role/Assignment/Position: VF Pilot, Tempest Wolves
Current Status: Active

Created By: Nomad Soul
Date Created: Aug 18, 2004
Date Retired: N/A
Current Player: Nomad Soul
Previous Players: N/A
Current Game: Tempest Wolves
Previous Games: N/A

Affiliation: UNSpacy
Relationships of Note: None
History: For Kesia, growing up in an extremely religious family while living in Philly in a less than pleasant neighborhood, left her family and social lives very conflicting. While at home and at church, she was raised on a very strong spiritual belief in god and the power he has. When outside of this atmosphere however, in school and at play she found things were very different for most everyone else. The real world was a different place than her sheltered home life.

From a very young age, Kesia adopted the beliefs of her parents. She studied the bible from cover to cover on her own accord, trying to make sense of it. Along with that she was highly involved in church activities, such as the gospel choir which she loved. Singing seemed to come naturally to little Kesia and her family encouraged her to explore that side of herself. Throughout her childhood and adolesence she was a member of the church's choir, she sang from the soul and sang from her heart. Earning high praise from all who heard her.

By the time she was ready to begin schooling her parents realized that they simply couldn't afford a private school to keep the pureness of thier sheltered daughter intact. They had no choice but to opt for public schooling. This of course was a culture shock of massive proportions to sweet innocent Kesia. She learned what the world was really like quickly. She was a favorite target for bullies because she simply would not fight back. She had very few friends for her first few years of school, but by the third grade she finally met someone who accepted her for who she was. His name was Frank Smith, a sweet young kid who immediately took a liking to Kesia. Her bright soul shone through all the other bad seeds around him and drew him in. For he too was raised with deep family values. His family had recently come upon hard times and had to move into the bad part of town to make due.

Throughout thier whole childhood the two remained close friends. And by the time they were in thier mid teens, a romance began to blossom. The days were filled with joy for the two of them, as long as they had eachother they did not care about the sometimes horrible world around them.

After a few months of dating, Kesia decided it was time to tell her family that she was in love with Frank. Something she had never done, for you see Frank was white. And she knew full well that her parents would not approve of thier romance, they tolerated thier friendship only for the sake of thier daughter's happiness. But she knew they would not approve of a romantic connection between the two. They were just too old fashioned. The revealing of this truth went far worse than she could have imagined. Asad, her father threw the boy out and told Kesia she was never to see him again. She spent the next two weeks sobbing.

Asad was very strict and stuck to his guns on the new rule, Kesia was not allowed to see Frank at all, she was even transferred to a different school to prevent them from coming together. Three months after the fallout with her Father, Frank was killed by a drunk driver. Kesia was devastated. She didn't even get to say goodbye. She blamed the entire thing on her father and ran away from home. And that is the last time she ever talked to her family. She lived on the street for a while, which was hard because she had never done anything like it before. She now had to fit in with the type of ruffians that used to bully her. She quickly developed a rough exterior to defend herself and her former sweet self began to fade away like a distant memory.

It was during this time in her life that she expanded her musical tastes. She gave R&B and rap a try and found that she enjoyed them very much, she also aqquired her first motorcycle, which she paid for with her part time job at a laundromat.

Now in her mid twenties and after spending over a decade on and off the mean streets, Kesia is fed up with her life going nowhere and decided the military was the only way to make something of herself. So she joined UN Spacy and became a pilot.

In her beginhill years with the "Burning Tigers" she spent a fair amount of time playing the lone wolf of the group. The others took to calling her an ice queen and generally stayed away from her. It didn't bother Kes one bit being an outcast, in fact she thought it was better that way.

Now a part of the Tempest Wolves flying off the historic UNS Kurosawa she is again trying to alienate herself from her squad. Although recent tragedies in her life have left her depressed and she is quite possibly more in need of a friend now more than ever.

Kesia is a little rough around the edges. She can be moody and intimidating sometimes but her strong sense of spirit has never left her and she is still a very soulful, religious person. If someone tries hard enough, they can get through to that sweet little girl inside her.
Personnel File: