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Postby MasumiX » Wed Dec 14, 2005 7:45 am

THIS THREAD IS RATED NC-17 if you are not of legal age to drink, smoke, see genitals or generally behave with the responsibility and poise of an adult, do not read beyond this point.

Thats right I'm looking for 9 players interested in a short term game under the following story premesis.

The Captain has been flying a cut rate bucket of bolts that he managed to scrounge up on his military leave pay. It’s far from a cruise liner. Two cramped bunk rooms hold everyone’s hammocks, and the majority of the ships systems are given over to the failing engines and the leaking cargo hold. The next 100 light-year overhaul checkup is slated in at a price that the captain could buy a new ship for; and that’s exactly what he’s’ done. Checking around in the local neighbourhoods, he finds a decent deal on a backwater production facility run colony planet. 20 tons of cargo hold and a four parsec fold drive could put the captain and his crew up a whole bracket in the trade market, making them all another 16k a year.

Of course all sweet deals come with their small print. The ships “owner” cant pilot the ship to bring it to the captain, so he has to go and pick it up, fortunately, the other habitation dome on the planet has a junk dealer willing to pick up the old ship for a decent price, and is willing to foot the bill for some transportation to the construction dome where the new ship is docked.

So off to the edge of sector five the ship and her crew go, eyes glittering with the thought of having a ship board shower, a decent food dispenser and a working cargo lift make everyone just a little giddy. So what if the shitball of a planet they’re heading to has a surplus market on dust and the local entertainment is counting steel o rings; an (almost) new ship is all anyone of the group can really think about.

Okay the fine and ugly details:

This is a SHORT adventure, one time deal. I have premade characters for those players interested. Character details are as follows.

Roget Halmhand
An Ex-military Career man, took his pension and discharged with enough cash to buy his own boat and take to the stars. 5 years in the business has seen some decent trades and a fat wallet to back him in purchasing a new boat and see some larger more profitable long distance trading opportunities.

Stats: Physical 7 Mental 7 hits 5
Skills of note : First Aid, Zero G training, Vehicle use, Fold Destination Plotting, Navigation Space, Combat training(vehicles), weapon use: pistols rifles, hand to hand combat training, Pilot (starships, warships, fighter craft, tanks)

First Mate:
Tsubo Thelonius
A Civilian Space Liner Pilot who took an interest to high risk jobs for higher pay rates, his slightly advanced age makes him the master of any situation through experience rather than any real talent. Have some bad habits that make it hard for him to return to a ‘regular’ job, but he pilots skillfully enough.

Stats: Physical:4 mental:5 hits:3
Skills of note: Navigation Space, First Aid, Pilot (starship star-liner general-aircraft), brawling/fist fighting

Ships Doctor
Mr. Miller
A Civilian Paramedic with a variety of space skills that make him invaluable even in the harsh environment of space. Doc Miller has some decent cash flow from some private investments, and is a aboard the Captains Boat to float some riskier investments.

Stats: Physical: 2 Mental 8 Hits : 1
Skills of note : First Aid, Paramedical, Zero G training, Vehicle use, Fold Destination Plotting

The Mercenaries :
Ruff the Rough.
A tough guy for hire with a couple of thugs to back him up, contracted to the Captain for a full year with bearer bonds and fat bonus in dangerous conditions.

Stats: Physical 7 Mental 3 hits 2
Skills of note : Zero G training, Vehicle use, weapon use: pistols rifles, hand to hand combat training

Tough Guy Number Two
Ruffs’ right hand man, a pro with homemade explosives and medium sized weapons.

Stats: Physical 5 Mental 2 hits 3
Skills of note : Vehicle use, Combat training(vehicles), weapon use: heavy weapons, hand to hand combat training, Running

More Muscle Than Brains
Ruffs left hand man, a tough guy who knows how to use his fists and little else

Stats: Physical 5 Mental 2 hits 3
Skills of note : Vehicle use, hand to hand combat training expert, wrestling/grappling, swimming

The Operations Crews
Verdi the Accountant
A bombshell in dim lighting, Verdi the Bird is the terror of the crews general Libido during any long distance trip. She is a voracious as she is plain. The captains accountant and trades specialist, she is the momentary engine that has driven the Captain to financial gain over the last three years.

Stats: Physical 1 mental 8 hits 1
Skills of note: Seduction, accounting, mental physics, navigation Air, first aid, computer use

Rory of Hamlock
The slightly dim and slow mechanic that somehow manages to keep the ship running at 120% all the time. Rory has one interest in life, and that’s powered engines, a genius with a fistful of half rate tools and a pile of shit of an engine.

Stats physical 3 mental 1 hits 3
Skills of note: Mechanical engineer, Computer use, Vehicle repair, general construction, wrestling/brawling

Derrick the Darryl
Resident Deck and dealer of the terribly illegal. A master with just about any hand to hand weapon, Derrick has been a “dealer” since before he can remember, and somehow always knows where the sweet and pungent deals are. Of course, that’s about all he’s good for the selfish fuck.

Stats physical 2 mental 5 hits 3
Skills of Note: Ambush tactics, disguise, drug use peripherals recognition, backstabbing, lock picking and weapons (knives, blunts, swords, and thrown weapons)

Further character developement is not particularely required beyond a quick physical description and perhpase a detail of background or two(Homeplanet, girlfriends' pet cats name, illegal planet being grown in bunk, whatever).

Further game details for character abilities are not neccessary, equiptment will be listed under the status heading. The stats points are on an scale of 10, 10 being the best, 1 being the worst; this is a generalization rather than an actual point. Hits are indicative of the characters ability to take a fairly serious wound and survive(Ex. a HITS :1 character gets stabbed with a knife, they die without immediate help; wheras a HITS: 3 character could take that same wounding twice and still fight/move around/whatever)

Combat will be on a move by move basis(single attack action), and will be theatrical rather than dice driven.

The game will be taking place in the Dark Princes Board. Under three headings of "Prelude To dawn: Acts 1 2 and 3" , "P.T.D. OOC" and "P.T.D. Game Status". This game is a prelude/sidestory to a larger campaign story.

If you would like to play in this game please reply here, leave notice of which character you would like to play. This is a first come first serve situation. These character will be open to players for 10 days(until the 25th of december) and remaining characters after that date will be NPCd by myself.Of course once the 9 slots are full no more players will be accepted.

The rules, that nobody ever bothers to read: This game will be run at a high pace, one post per week will be made by me, I will try to maintain as regular a schedual as possible (baring trips to canada and other time contraints). If you engage in a combat, and then fail to post, expect death, if I engage your character in a combat and you fail to post, expect pain. I reserve the right to remove anyone from my game at anytime while this occurance is highly unlikely, you have been warned. I make spelling mistakes, and I wont shit on you for doing so, but I will cheerfully delete a post that obviously makes no sense or has such poor gramatical structure so as to make it incomprehendable.

EDIT: The DPs forum PTD thread has been updated with the charcters current equipment.
Last edited by MasumiX on Wed Dec 14, 2005 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Xuric » Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:55 am

Sounds like fun.

I'll throw my hat in for Ruff, the Rough. I've had it in my head to play someone like this, so I think this makes a great opportunity. :)

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Postby MasumiX » Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:12 am

5 days left (barring server move time, so that might actually be 6 days if theres alot of down time)

There is a prize involved for the best roleplayer!!! ART! By me! of your own favorite macross player character!!! (>.< my muse is going to kill me) So line up and take a number, I know you guys are up to the challange!!

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Postby MasumiX » Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:18 pm

12 hours to close!!!

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