My resignation as a member of the MRC

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Postby Shadow » Wed May 29, 2002 6:46 pm

Well its time for me to leave, for good this time. After having help establish this place its time for me to move on. I've given this a lot of thought, for a few months actually. But certain events have propelled me forward to make this move.

I'm leaving all of the negative reasons that have made me decide to leave out.

When we first broke off from the MRN, I had some doubts. I wondered if were were ever going to be as large as the MRN. I mean, how I remember it, I think it was just the Beginhill and maybe a Squadron or two. But lots of hard work and friendly leadership, Id say we have become a large chip of the old small block.

During the course of my 41/2 year run on the MRC, I've had a lot of fun. I have a lot of good memories that I take with me. Most are from the Beginhill and some of the best players I had the honor of GMing. I think the ones I remember the most are Dave Baughman, Bluey, and Iori Fury. Dave aka Vampire was the CO of one of the best damn Red Team's ever made. Bluey was also apart of that. I think when I GMed that team it gave me the most pride. ( Im starting to tear up right now) Iori Fury, the only Cadet to pass Beginhill Advanced, is one I had a lot of joy RPGing with.

This place has been apart of my life and I've worked so long and hard to bring joy to the players lives. You don't know how hard and how much hours I've put into this, it kills me to leave. But it has to be done. I know in my gut that my time has past.

To my players in the Blood Faction. I'm sorry. I gave it my best shot. I know I let you guys down, but the slow pace of the game, the lack of any real participation has made me give up on it all together. I trust that the Senior Staff respect my decision to leave the Faction shut down, because it was my creation. And from the discussions I've seen from the past few weeks, a new bad guy campaign may come along soon that may be better than the Faction. And hey, I proved to myself that I can make a decent looking website! <IMG SRC="/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif">

This does not mean I'm leaving the net all together, I have some personal projects I work on in my free time. So Ill still be around if you want to chat.

I'm sending a full resignation letter to you Lanji so don't worry.

This is Shadow, James K signing off. (the evil gms are now extinct)

Character's that I can remember played on the MRC

DI Logan "Shocker" Masters - Beginhill-15, Sundowners Cadet ( son of Rick Masters - Dark Lords)
DI "Beastmaster" Johnson - Beginhill-15
Emerald Squadron (4) Zeus, Loki, and 2 others I cant remember.
Red Hornet Squadron (4) Jones, St,John, Haust, and 1 more I cant remember at the moment.
Various DIs for the Beginhill
Cmdr. Valarie "Princess" Archer - Angels
Cmdore. Yuri Watkinson - Beginhill-15 CO
Col. Joeseph "Redhawk" Reinheald - Beginhill 15 XO, and Special Training Instructor
Nairda - Blood Faction
Adrian - Blood Faction
Ryian - Blood Faction
Kelly Aizen - Blood Faction
Riytha Sarcosa - Blood Faction
Various NPCs - Blood Faction

So long.

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Postby Zero Strike » Wed May 29, 2002 7:04 pm


Though I have not met you or have ever talked with you, I have come to greatly respect you from a distance. The 'Hill will be in good hands, I'll assure you that. I wish you fortune and luck for you in the future.

Good bye.

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Postby araruin » Wed May 29, 2002 7:15 pm

I really enjoyed my training on the Hill. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. I'll miss working with you.

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Postby echamp » Wed May 29, 2002 8:18 pm

You will be missed. I will remmeber my time on the hill with you. (lol that sounds kinda funny.) You came up with some pretty creative stuff.

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Postby Jet Jocky » Wed May 29, 2002 9:36 pm

Some my greatest memories was on the hill. I'm glad I had a chance for Robin to rp with Johnson on last time at the rewards cermony.

You had one of the hardest jobs with the hill and did it well. Take care.

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Postby Dyson » Wed May 29, 2002 10:18 pm

It is true that I have only known you for my character Gravis being in the Hill for a couple of months, but your a great GM from what I saw. But hey, you did your grandest and you'll always be commended on that. I can understand where your coming from about the slow pace and participation, I use to be that way and I got a specific GM aggitated about it sometimes, but when I got the Macross TV series on DVD, it changed me in RPGing for the better, which led me to literally LIVE on the MRC, just about everytime anyone that comes to the board here, I'm here, always ready and eager to post a reply to my characters or just to conversate in General Discussion, Statistics and where ever a topic should take me.

If you ever decide to come back to the MRC, everyone will be glad to have you back, and I'll personally become one of your most dedicated players and I might even be waiting for you to post something <IMG SRC="/images/smiles/icon_lol.gif"> but good luck and do whatever you do best, you were excellent and I'll say that you never let us down because you were keeping the Hill going for all this time, and a job well done.

I hate for members to leave like this because I'd be feeling the same way if I'd been doing this for as long as you had, but anyway, you did good and theres no reason you should feel you hadnt done a good job because you did.

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Postby Gerhard » Wed May 29, 2002 11:20 pm

My feelings whenever a player that makes an impact leaves is always one of disappointment, and sadness, as each of our lives(and the lives of our characters) is diminished.

And then when the person that is leaving is as old(no offense) and experienced as shadow, it is even worse. I tend to see these SGMs and Longtime players as mountains, unchanging and eternal. When one of these individuals leave, its like going to bed one night with the mountains outside your window, and waking the next morning to find the mountains gone. We become disoriented, and long for the mountains to come back, to make things right.

But as we all know nothing is eternal. Mountains change and erode, whether quickly with an explosion, or over time due to the elements. This is the way of all things and on some level we all know it, although it still hurts when it occurs.

Shadow best of luck in whatever you do, and should the river of your life ever change course again, I hope it brings you back to us. <IMG SRC="/images/smiles/icon_smile.gif">

One final thing...

When Shadow leaves, an institution leaves.
When Shadow leaves, he leaves a (Mental) Institution(Beginhill-15)

You decide. <IMG SRC="/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif">

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gerhard on 2002-05-29 23:21 ]</font>

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Postby Mr.F » Thu May 30, 2002 1:04 am

Good bye Shadow. We sure will miss you.

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Postby Bob Nurton » Thu May 30, 2002 8:26 am

Good luck buddy. Thanks for showing me the ropes.

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Postby Marty » Thu May 30, 2002 8:36 am

Eh, no fancy words from me, except thanks and good luck with your life Shadow. I'll miss ya mate.

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Postby apeman007 » Thu May 30, 2002 1:36 pm

WHen it is time to go, it is time to go. I appreciate someone who doesn't waste time.

Good luck with your future endevours.

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Postby Flare™ » Thu May 30, 2002 2:23 pm

Well... Shadow. It was fun, albeit short at hell, but fun. Have fun doing what ever you do. And who said Evil GMs are dead? muahahahaha.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Flare™ on 2002-05-30 14:23 ]</font>

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Postby Leah Wood » Thu May 30, 2002 2:32 pm

Goodbye & thanks for everything Shadow. Good luck with life &, who knows, our paths may cross again..

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Postby Foxxy » Thu May 30, 2002 3:52 pm

I'll miss you shadow,You were a good GM and a even better friend. Thank you

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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 31, 2002 11:56 am

You were my first GM on the MRC and that very first cadet campaign (one of the infamous Red Teams) was and is one of my favorites and I still have that very first character somewhere on the MRC. Good luck with what ever you do.

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