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Re: Robotech

Postby Cobalt » Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:33 pm

That is pretty funny. Do you have an idea of what sort of,character you want to play?
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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:43 pm


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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:47 pm

Inferno, this might be helpful for you when making your own character selection

male REF - Military Specialist (Jack of all trades) - Leader of the Resistance group
female REF Pilot
male - former ASC hovertanker

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Mar 06, 2019 3:54 pm

I never play males. No one likes males.

I was going with Tirolian Destroid pilot.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Gerhard » Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:19 pm

I think he’s saying those are the characters that he has/have been submitted (Colbalt’s female REF pilot, her buddy the scavenger played by me, Mustang’s Hover-Tanker, and I’m assuming Sabre’s the REF Military Specialist) so you know the groups makeup.

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:22 pm

Ah, I see, I see. My mistake.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Wed Mar 06, 2019 4:44 pm

No Tirolian clones left on earth.

Choices: Human (either gender), There are only a handful of zentraedi/meltrandi hybrids at this time, only Dana sterling was old enough to enlist so sadly, no. Human. But you get to pick the gender.

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:10 pm

Then I am having some confusion as to the time period. REF characters are present but no Tirolians. That meeeeeeans... prior to the launch of the SDF-3. Right?

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Re: Robotech

Postby Cobalt » Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:29 pm

This is an Invid Invasion game.

All the Tirolian clones that survived the end of the Second Robotech War were taken off-world by Dana Sterling. No Tirolians were part of the Mars Division. Now, assuming that a Tirolian would have joined the REF, no Destroids were part of the Mars Group.

Even though Sabre responded as the GM, I hope this clears things up.
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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:37 pm

Shhhhh! Don't say things like that. You will hurt the REF Monster's feelings. Then who would be the real monster?


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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:16 pm

What about some sort of EBSIS guy/gal?
REF Cyclone Rider?
REF Bio-maintenance engineer?
What about a former ASC GMP (Global Military Police)?
*What about a civilian journalist?

*This would have to be a character that members of a post apocalyptic, resistence against the aliens type would actually want to have around. If it was Stormy, she simply be put of the vehicles and people would drive off. If they were worried about her talking about what she knew, someone would just shoot her. For the good fo the human race. A character would need to be able to identify with and live with a travellign resistence group. If it was Stormy, the only way that would happen is if she was regularly fucking one of the REF seniors otherwise she'd just be useless baggage.

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:28 pm

What about some sort of EBSIS guy/gal?

Been one.

REF Cyclone Rider?

Been one.

REF Bio-maintenance engineer?

Currently playing one this site.

What about a former ASC GMP (Global Military Police)?

Been one.

*What about a civilian journalist?

I question your motives. :lol:

For the moment, just carry on without me. I will think on later. Writing one bio in a day is enough.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:55 pm

Inferno, how familiar with Robotech are you? I'm curious becuase you specified your time period preference as Invid Invasion, then submit a Tirolean destroid character?

Were you just trolling me all along?

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Thu Mar 07, 2019 6:19 am

Let's see... I have seen every episode. I have seen the movies and OVA. I have read all of the novels. I was at the theatrical premiere of 'Shadow Chronicles' along with the voice cast. They are nice people. It was a little weird seeing Chase Masterson without the Bajoran nose. I played the RPG for about fifteen years. I own all of RPG books, except for the Marines. I know enough to correct the statements that there were no Southern Cross mecha in the REF by pointing to Wolfe, that there were no REF mecha in Southern Cross by pointing out Carpenter, and that there were no Destroids by providing a screen shot of one. Just for fun, here is a pair that shows Dana Sterling in her REF Armor during that same battle against the Invid on Earth.


Why do you ask?

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:07 pm

Two questions were asked, lots of words from you but you only answered one. Your character offer was one that you must have known would have been rejected which gives me the impression you were not serious about playing.


Book 11 cover. Hovercycle on the left, ASC body armour on the right.

Over half of the posts in this thread are from you which ends in no character sumbission. The other players have responded with interest with just one of two posts and their characters have already been submitted and approved.

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:34 pm

I told you to carry on without me several posts back.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:41 pm

And carry on we will.

You have an invite when you are ready. If you want to play an 'outside of the box' character, I'd go with a civilian photo journalist who hooks up with Jack and Jacosta as she senses she is either looking at the end of the human race, or the story of the century, but in either case, the story will be hers. I think you could pull that off.

The journalist character would technically be a new character for you since Stormy has done very little journalism but lots of burning bridges.

Your constructive energy would be a welcome addition, please give it some thought.

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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:28 pm

Sabre wrote:The journalist character would technically be a new character for you since Stormy has done very little journalism but lots of burning bridges.

As some of you know, I suffer from sever depression. Medication never worked for me. Dark Stormy was an outlet for me. She was a way to vent a lot of the anger and frustration that my misfiring glands make me feel. I had to tone her way down to just the occasional outbursts since her mind alteration.

You want to know something else? Last night, I took a bottle of a hundred of sleeping pills. I was hoping to not even be here today. Not only was that not enough to kill me, ironically I didn't even get a full night's sleep. It only made me sleep for, like, three hours. It has made me feel anxious and short-tempered all day. So, I have been a tad snappish. Sorry for that.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:48 pm

Thanks for sharing. I too suffer from depression so I get it. I'm alarmed that you took so many pills hoping to not be here today, as the world would be a sadder place without you in it. Don't do that again, no more self-harm. We can talk about this later by PM if you want to share and I hope you do.

I can't do more than make this brief post now as I am on my way out the door for a job interview.

Let's talk about this later. Let's get you a character in the game with a similar mindset and we can work through this together.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:49 pm

Thanks for sharing. I too suffer from depression so I get it. I'm alarmed that you took so many pills hoping to not be here today, as the world would be a sadder place without you in it. Don't do that again, no more self-harm. We can talk about this later by PM if you want to share and I hope you do.

I can't do more than make this brief post now as I am on my way out the door for a job interview.

Let's talk about this later. Let's get you a character in the game with a similar mindset and we can work through this together.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:57 pm

Cobalt, I need a favour quick, quick.

Cobble together a character for Inferno.

Ex-model when she was younger, very beautifulj, very smart but mostly she has been judged on her looks. She's branched into journalism before the invid arrived and now that they are here, it's basically the end of the work as she is looking to die (or is looking for help but can't reach out in a world where everyone is not out for themselves and just surviving).

She's older now so the days of her 15-17 year old modelling days are over.

Create this character, and I'll start her out listenign to JP's broadcasts and then get her hooked up with the team in Australia who will eventually get hooked up with JP.

Cobalt, if you can do this sooner, rather than later, that would be great.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Cobalt » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:09 pm

I suffer from situational anxiety and severe depression. It concerns me that you attempted to end yourself last night and I am glad you are still with us today.

I am not qualified to help beyond listening but this hotline has saved my life.

Available 24 hours everyday

Edit - in regards to making a character, I'm always happy to help.
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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:14 pm

You guys, too, huh? Depression sucks, doesn't it? I was not looking for sympathy, though. That was not the take-away that I was aiming for. My point was that Stormy did more than the bridge burning that she is known for.

Also to apologize from being snippy.

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Re: Robotech

Postby Cobalt » Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:57 pm

Were not looking for it but you found it. Also, apology accepted.

Nick asked me to build a character for you. I am happy to do so if you like.
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Re: Robotech

Postby InfernosCaress » Thu Mar 07, 2019 4:50 pm

I do not much feel like character designing today. Thanks for the offer, anyway.


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