Cobalt's Status

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Sabre » Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:20 pm

All too well my friend.

I've restarted posting for my game, why not take a break and just be a player for a while. Or whatever it takes.

I know EXACTLY what you are feeling, I've been where you are, more than once. I've had a long break, so I'm bit more refreshed. See you soon.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:43 pm

My grandfather's funeral is this weekend. Afterwards, I plan on resuming my posting.

Thank you all for bearing with me. I got all the private messages. Thank you.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:12 am

I sent no private messages 'cause I haven't looked in to the How's. You still have my sympathies, man.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:35 pm

My condolences for your loss, Bro. :cry:
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Tue Apr 11, 2017 3:22 pm

It has been a lot longer than I anticipated. I can only hope you've remained interested. I have updated my games.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:10 pm

Welcome back. You are feeling better and able to start moving on now, I hope.

I am going to have to do some backreading. I don't remember how I handled Amalia save for the fact that she was a dumbass.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Liltroll » Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:25 am

Might be a bit presumptuous from me to say this, but hey...

Welcome back your holiness!
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Frange1 » Sat Oct 07, 2017 1:16 pm

sorry to hear. I've been so absent...
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Sat Oct 07, 2017 1:58 pm

No worries, man. It's all good.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:02 pm

I am home today. I went to work but some fucker broke into my garage. I am waiting for the cops so I can file a report. Seeing as to how long it will probably take for them to get here, I should be home the rest of the day.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Gerhard » Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:55 pm

That sucks. Did they steal anything?

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:04 pm

No but only because the only things in there are old cat boxes (the litter boxes) and cans of ancient paint. My fault. I had left it unlocked for the pest control guy and never locked it back up. That is gonna change. And I am putting a lock on my side gate, which is how they got into the back yard.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Gerhard » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:23 pm

I guess I'm spoiled here in suburban/rural NJ. Our garage is never locked, and we have plenty of tools to steal. Only time anyone ever stole anything was some old alloy rims from outside our shed (also not locked) which they probably sold for scrap.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:27 pm

I should know better. My house has been broken into before. This makes the third time. I don't even live in a bad area. First time was a vagrant who broke into my external bonus room. 2nd time was while our house was being tented for termites. And now this.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:28 pm

Last year (maybe the year before) someone broke in to my sister's house, beat her up, and tried to rape her roommate. You have to keep your place locked up tight. There are crazies out there.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:33 pm

Just a sad state of affairs in our world today.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:04 pm

I think that it was always that bad. There are just more people, so it shows more frequently.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Liltroll » Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:38 am

Ugh, sorry to hear that. Good that nothing of value was lost.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Sabre » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:34 pm

Inferno, where do you live?

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:49 pm

Texas, USA I am about a thirty minutes' drive North of Dallas/Fort Worth, if you have an idea where that is.

Yes, down here we explain distance in travel time rather than actual, you know, measurements of distance.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Sabre » Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:03 pm

I've been to Texas. Didn't think it was that dangerous though when I was down there I did see signs outside of some bars that posted their firearms restrictions. As a Canadian I initially thought the sign was a joke. Apparenlty not. At any rate, I always was led to believe that Texas was one of the more progressive and tolerant states. Break-in's and rape? Yeah, not cool man, not cool at all.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:29 pm

It is one of the more progressive and tolerant places in the country, but we also have thirty million people in Texas. It is usually pretty laid back here. We don't have much by way of racism or anything. Most people get along. We often give a greeting to one another when we pass each other outside, even if we don't know the person.

Texas has 33% lower average crime rate than other States in the US despite the fact that we have second largest population base by very large margin. We are behind California, in case you are wondering. Where I am, specifically, we are 40% lower crime rate than the average for Texas as a whole. I just went checked, so those numbers are accurate as of last year's census. With so many people, though, the occasional nutjob does happen to be born. Not much that we can do about that.

And, no, those gun signs are quite serious. As a general rule, you are welcome to open-carry a firearm pretty much anywhere here. You can't take them in to places that sale alcohol or in to schools, though. You have to leave your guns in the car if you want to go in. That said, most people that own a firearm here leave them at home.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Cobalt » Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:05 am

So yesterday absolutely destroyed me emotionally and has left me in a state of severe depression and anxiety.

Early in the afternoon, I discovered that someone attempted to break into my house again. The security plate on my metal screen door was pried up in two places, like someone had tried to crowbar it open. I have no idea when this happened. It makes me uncomfortable and vulnerable, knowing that someone had tried to get in that way and I didn’t know it until afterwards. It could have been days or weeks. I don’t often use the back door.

And then, to top off the day, we discovered that we have a serious plumbing issue. Our main sewage line out of the house has a root intrusion and there is a section of the pipe that needs to be replaced. It just happens to be under a sidewalk. The city of Los Angeles has written the municipal coding to make all the pipe from my house right to the connection to main city line in the center of the street my responsibility. First estimate is 12 thousand dollars.

So please bear with me if my posting gets sporadic.
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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby Gerhard » Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:25 am

I’m sorry Wayne. It’s never just one thing.

Do you have a security system? Might be something to look into since I know someone’s broken in before (to your garage at least). Or you could go all Death Wish 3 and booby trap all points of egress. ;)

$12k? That’s outrageous (or I think it is, since I don’t own my own place). Could it be covered under your homeowners policy? A friend mentioned checking that.

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Re: Cobalt's Status

Postby InfernosCaress » Mon Nov 27, 2017 12:22 pm

Maybe it was the same guy who had tried to break in to your house before. It could be that the damage just went unnoticed until now.

You know, I have had a root issue with a sewage pipe at my old house once. I had a plumber come out. He had a cutting snake. It ran from the toilet way out in to the backyard where the problem was, which was about 90 feet (roughly 27 meters) from my house. It just sawed off the roots that grown in. I did not need to replace the piping nor dig up the yard. It was pretty cheap as far as plumbing issues. It was about $50 USD. Alternatively, if you already own a plumbing snake, you can buy a cutting head attachment for $35 USD. You should look in to that before replacing the pipe and the sidewalk.

Or you could move and solve both the security and the plumbing issue at the same time. :wink:


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