New Campaign - Border Worlds War

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New Campaign - Border Worlds War

Postby Kosh » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:44 pm

Hey all, after a good few long years and a lot of watching how it’s done I've finally decided to step up to the GM plate and give this whole 'God Mode' a try. I'm planning on running a small game on the boards; if I had to sum it up in a few words I would say 'Space tactical survival'. Ammo counts will be watched and there will be a behind the scenes rolling (courtesy of Excel) for combat, so no one is safe. Ever.

Below is an idea of what the game will be about, have a look and if you’re interested please let me know.



Following on from the major military operations of the Border Worlds War, the United Alliance turned their attentions from the battered front lines inwards to their own systems. With so much of the fleet and military power called up to confront the Sirius Coalition many worlds on the far side of their controlled space were left with little but a monitoring force to hold Alliance interests. Presented with such an opportunity many of the unaligned System States began launching raids into the outer worlds of the United Alliance, attacking shipping routes, supply stations and even outer colonies. Now as the battle fleets rebuild and repair, a dedicated task force has been created to respond to any distress calls or emergencies. Task Force Nemesis.

The mission is simple; investigate any source of distress. Engage hostile force. Safeguard United Alliance interests.

The UAS Ajax is part of this elite group. Refitted and re-equipped with the latest firepower and complemented with the best troops of the United Alliance, units of the famed Naval Strike Troopers. It now acts as part of Task Force Nemesis, a first response and peace keeper vessel. Players will play as a member of the elite NST detachment aboard the UAS Ajax, acting as rapid response infantry. Launched from orbit to the hotspot by dropships, the Troopers will be the first boots on the ground. Better armed, better equipped and better trained than units of the standard United Alliance Army or Marines, it's up to them to find the cause of whatever trouble has called them and remove it.


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Postby Cobalt » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:49 pm

Definitely count me in and I am pretty sure Frange is interested too. I asked him about it last week.
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Postby Frange1 » Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:53 pm

Yes, very.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzche

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Postby BEAR » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:29 pm


[ B E A R ]
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now I drag my Throne

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Postby Kosh » Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:57 pm

Alright, looks like we are game on then. I have one last player to come, a local friend of mine who said he was interested. I’ve posted up a timeline background of the universe its set in as well as the basic toys of the trade down in the Border Worlds War thread. If you chaps could do me the honours and have a read though, then fill out ye olde character sheet provided;


Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Brief Physical Description:


Affiliation: United Alliance
Branch of Service: Naval Strike Trooper
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend:
  • Worst Enemy:
  • Family:
    • Father:
    • Mother:
    • Siblings:
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons:
  • Turn Offs:
  • Worst Secret:


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Postby Cobalt » Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:03 pm

Player: Cobalt

Image Image

Name: Aspen Artemis Milian
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Homeworld: Hope
Age: 22
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'9
Weight: 133 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Aspen is a tall young woman and has a fantastic build, slightly broad shoulders from her training, a narrow waist, flared hips, and full breasts (real though some have accused her otherwise). She has dark skin, which makes her blue eyes more prominant.

Attitude: Aspen is a Marine, through and through, Semper Fi 'til she dies. Honor, duty, courage, loyalty; those are not just words to her but benchmarks against which she measures herself daily. She lives by the creed: Unit, Corps, God, Country.

Affiliation: United Alliance
Branch of Service: Naval Strike Trooper
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Tyler Kennedy (22) - Tyler is a lovely young woman, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She and Aspen met in school and became fast friends, occassionally arguing over boys, experimenting with their sexuality, and forging a friendship that would last an eternity.
  • Worst Enemy: Kiani Richards (23) - Kiani is a beautiful young woman, brown hair with premature streaks of white and green eyes. She and Aspen met in school and were friends but fell out over a boy. Aspen was dating him, Kiani slept with him. Their confrontation turned violent and they have not spoken since.
  • Family:
    • Father: Colin Milian (60) - Colin is a career military man, an avionics technician in the Space Navy. He is now retired and runs a mechanics shop on Hope.
    • Mother: Mellony Milian (48) - Mellony was a nurse at the Fort Flagg military hospital. She met Colin when he was there for a standard physical and began dating him a few weeks later.
    • Siblings:
      • Camden Milian (24) - Camden is Aspen's older brother, a sensitive and dreamy boy with aspirations of literary fame. He is a talented fiction writer, poet, and song-writer and plays guitar, saxaphone, piano, and bass.
      • Lysa Milian (18) - Lysa is Aspen's younger sister, just graduated from High School and uncertain about what she wants to do with the rest of her life.
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Due to her upbringing and training, she tends to be attracted to A-type personalities, hard chargers, and people who demonstrate leadership. She likes hard-bodies.
  • Turn Offs: Soft and round people, disheveled appearances, and a lack of personal drive or ambition is a huge turn off. She cannot stand people with poor hygiene.
  • Worst Secret: Aspen had sex during Basic Training. Lots of it.

Background: Aspen was conceived the day Vega Two was bombarded from orbit.

She grew up as a middle child but she was her father's favorite, due to her more aggressive nature. She learned to fight, talk trash, and swagger from her father and she was a take-no-prisoners type of girl. She had a solid plan for the rest of her life and she stuck to it, joining the Marine Corps as soon as she graduated from High School.

However, her personal life was not so well ordered. She was involved in experimental sexual relationships with her two best friends at the time, Tyler Kennedy and Kiani Richards. Unfortunately, her relationship with both girls was affected by their experimentation. She ended up breaking Tyler's heart when Tyler confessed to loving her (though they did remain quite close as friends) and Kiani slept with Aspen's boyfriend.

She is quite close to her family and fully supports her brother in his endeavors, reading everything he writes, and encouraging her sister to pick a path and stick to it, no matter what it is.
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Postby Frange1 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:05 pm

Player: Frange1

Name: Azerman Flynn / "Flynn"
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Garou
Age: 25 (claims he's 27)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 220

Brief Physical Description: Zienheld Flynn is an imposing creature. He carries himself with a surety that is evident upon viewing him. In his younger years he was a world-class athlete. His large stature makes his speed and agility a surprise. His Blonde hair is cropped short and his brown eyes are piercing, seeming to look into the souls of lesser men.

Attitude: Azerman's beliefs drive his every action. He is the truest example of loyalty to the Alliance. During his recruitment, one of his fellow potentials speculated on the corruption within the Alliance Administration. Azerman spent a week in the Brigg for nearly ending his life. Only deployment ended his incarceration. The other recruit spent 3 months in the Medical Bay. He has learned new methods of changing his fellow soldiers' attitudes, but has never lost the fervor that drives his hand.

Despite his absolutism and faith, Azerman has been reprimanded for fraternization with his team members. Before joining the NST, he was looking a the possibility of a demotion in rank over a particularly unfortunate entanglement with a superior's adult daughter.

Affiliation: United Alliance
Branch of Service: Naval Strike Trooper
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Jacker Colson - Jacker and Azerman both grew up on Garou. Where Azerman was large and overpowering, Jacker was just the opposite. He was lithe and fast, and quick-witted. Jacker is the only person in Azerman's life with less than perfect faith that has avoided a bruised skull or ego. Azerman learned a healthy respect for Jacker's resourcefulness, lending to Azerman's later skills as an elite operative.
  • Worst Enemy: Azerman's worst enemy is Golebard Arcom, who bested him during their recruitment. They were dueling as part of training and Golebard chose dirty fighting tactics and threw dirt into Azerman's eyes before striking him, causing him to lose the fight. When the two met again, Azerman had abandoned any previous notions of nobility in combat. The only thing that kept him from killing Golebard was their recruiter who pulled him off. To this day the two men hate each other with almost as much passion as they have for serving the Alliance.
  • Family:
    • Father: Arctus Flynn - Arctus is a retired Naval officer who worked as a carpenter after his tour of duty ended. It was his father's ideals that inspired Azerman to follow in his footsteps.
    • Mother: Sheila Flynn - Azerman's Mother was said to be a woman of astounding beauty, but he has never known her. She died giving birth to him. This is a fact that has also worked to drive him in his endeavors. He lived his young life under his father's tutelage, but has lived his entire life in honor of his mother's sacrifice.
    • Siblings: Markus Flynn - Azerman's older brother is also a member of the Marines, having been recruited a few years prior to Azerman himself.
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Driven, independent women, intelligence, someone who can keep up with him both physically and mentally.
  • Turn Offs: Laziness, non-committal attitude, disorder.
  • Worst Secret:Azerman's intent to join the Marines was so intense that he lied about his age on his initial application. It is a secret that has yet to be discovered. He has faith that his service up to this point will stand for him and keep him from reprimand. He isnt ready yo reveal the information though, just in case.


Azerman spent much of his childhood learning loyalty to the Alliance and the Marines in particular under the teaching of his father. He has never known a life without his faith and devotion. The drive to seek a way to honor his mother's sacrifice for dying to bring him into the world, further fueled the fire to excel. He has always felt it was a sign that she had served her purpose in the universe to birth him and thus he was meant for great things. He continues to work toward this goal as part of his existence.

When his brother, Markus was recruited into the Marines, Azerman knew it was his calling as well. He had been groomed in the Chapel to become a priest, but his physical stature was already so impressive that the recruiters had encouraged him to seek them out when he came of age. He couldn't wait. A full two years early, he used the same physical stature that had originally impressed the recruiters to convince them he was old enough to join.

His absolute faith allowed him to overcome the mental advantages the other older recruits had and pushed him to the forefront in capabilities. Now he believes that he and God have come to an understanding of why he was born. He does his job because he was built to be the best at it. A few reprimands for his zealous correction of others' "less than faithful actions" and for his over-friendly attitude in non-combat scenarios, have led him into the Creature of War that he is today.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
- Friedrich Nietzche

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Postby Kosh » Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:10 pm

Looking good guys, both of them are approved.

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Postby Kosh » Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:57 pm

Player: Riou


Name: Sam Vickers
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Escana
Age: 24
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5”10’
Weight: 165lbs

Brief Physical Description: Sam is of average height with a slender yet well-defined body. He has short grey hair and grey/green eyes. He often appears very relaxed and almost disinterested at times but this appearance merely conceals a sharp intellect and perceptive mind.

Attitude: Sam is typically very measured and calculating in his speech and actions. He has little patience for those who act recklessly and without consideration. He can often seem cold and distant to those who do not know him well but is in fact a deeply loyal, caring and considerate person to those he calls friends.

Affiliation: United Alliance
Branch of Service: Naval Strike Trooper
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Elizabeth Cunningham – 23 years old, served on board the Carlisle with Sam until he was kicked out the navy.
  • Worst Enemy: John Hennessey – A Lt. Cmd. on board the Carlisle, he secretly betrayed the UAN and his crew mates, leading to an incident which ultimately led to Sam being thrown out of the navy.
  • Family:
    • Father: Daniel Vickers – 54 years old, Dan serves as the captain aboard the trade ship the S.S. Griffin
    • Mother: Allison Vickers – 53 years old, Allison serves on board the Griffin as the navigator
    • Siblings: None
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Electronics, hacking and zero gravity environments.
  • Turn Offs: Ignorance, thoughtlessness, disloyalty and liars.
  • Worst Secret:After learning of John Hennessey’s betrayal on the Carlisle, Sam took revenge by hacking his personal computer and creating fake emails which appeared to show that John was having an affair which caused the breakdown of his marriage.

Samuel Vickers had, for the most part, an ordinary and fairly unremarkable childhood. The only child of Daniel and Allison, he was born on the moon Escana. He was not there for long however, as soon after his birth he left Escana with his mother to re-join Daniel on board the trade ship the S.S. Griffin. The Griffin is where Sam called home as he grew up on board, following trade lanes from system to system with his parents and the small crew of the Griffin.

Growing up in the environment that he did gave Sam the opportunity to get well acquainted with many aspects of ship systems and technology. Once old enough, when he was not studying he would often help the crew of the Griffin with maintenance work. Thanks to this he has a good general knowledge of ship electrical and engine maintenance.

When Sam was sixteen, and having no desire to work on board a trade ship for the rest of his life, he decided it was time to leave the Griffin. Having spent most of his life in space he didn’t want to settle on a planet and so decided to join the United Alliance Space Navy. He attended the UA Naval Academy on Earth where he trained to be an Electronic Warfare specialist. He graduated three years later and was assigned to the Frigate U.A.S. Carlisle.

Sam’s naval career was progressing well; he had served for three years on the Carlisle and attained the rank of Lieutenant.


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Postby Kosh » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:22 am

Player: Wolfy


Name: Cole Munro
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Canis IV
Age: 30
Hair Color: Dirty Fair
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5` 11"
Weight: 198lbs

Brief Physical Description:
Cole is of average height, without too many distinguishing features physically, his one major exception, is a portion of his right ear missing. He has a habit of stroking his chin when perplexed with a problem, or just confused in general.

Attitude: Friendly, but elusive when discussing his own past, regularly making up different stories so as not to tell anything about it. Always trying to complete tasks ahead of time, even when he has no way of influencing how long the task can take.

Affiliation: United Alliance
Branch of Service: Naval Strike Trooper
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Connor Jawn
  • Worst Enemy: Caleb Weir
  • Family:
    • Father: Caine Monro
    • Mother: Caitlin Monro
    • Siblings:Celeste Monro, Ciana Monro
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Engines and redheads
  • Turn Offs: Reading and TV
  • Worst Secret: He was the reason that 3 of his previous teammates died.

Background: Cole grew up with Conner and Caleb on Canis IV. During school, Caleb always tried to insult and bully both Connor and Cole. Caleb managed to cut off part of Coles ear in a fight once. They were always at odds with each other, all the way through the time when they were Fleet Marines. During his time as a Marine, Cole became more and more interested in mechanical devices, and realised he had a natural affinity for them. It was at this point he decided to become a mechanic and improve his squad role. Caleb always seemed to superior physically, but Cole was always the better mind, and Connor had the edge on Marksman skills. On a mission that ended in disaster, Cole had been tasked with repairing a generator; he had been given an incorrect ETA of the approaching enemy, and hadn't finished work on the generator, before the enemy were upon his team. Due to his relaxed speed, 3 of his squad mates died. Since then, Cole has always strived to do his orders as soon as possible. Has passed up promotion several times, feeling he was better suited to more of a supportive role, than any form of leadership role. He was then given the option of joining the Naval Strike Troopers as a mechanic. He jumped at the chance to be promoted without being placed in a leadership role.
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Postby Kosh » Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:55 am

Player: Smokescreen


Name: Winter Black
Gender: Female
Homeworld: Vega Two
Age: 28
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’7
Weight: 136 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Average height with a toned physique. Hair is black and short, while her eyes are a dark green. While shapely Winter is more toned and athletic in body thanks to regular exercises like boxing, rowing and swimming. The first names of her family are tattooed on the back of her neck.

Attitude: Winter is all about the job. She keeps to herself and prefers being alone. While not anti-social she is not looking to make friends or bond. She wants to end this war and destroy those that took everything from her. When engaged in combat she is ruthless and efficient often seeing situations in black and white. She has no problem with making a difficult decision and sees everyone, including herself, as expendable for the greater good. At her core Winter is a very broken individual who can no longer connect with people due to the trauma’s of her life. Psychologists have commented that her apparent ‘death wish’ is likely a manifestation of her survivor’s guilt.

Affiliation: United Alliance
Branch of Service: Naval Strike Trooper
Rank TBD by GM

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Sheridan Clark, her sponsor and mentor. She was the one who persuaded Winter into joining the marines as it would provide her with the structure and support she would need in her life.
  • Worst Enemy: Tolbin Shepherd, her father-in-law. After his son fell into a coma due to an accidental overdose Tolbin filed manslaughter charges against Winter. While she was never charged with his death Tolbin was given custody of Winter and Gavin’s just born twin daughters. Tolbin and his wife then kept Winter away from seeing them or even their son who still remains in a coma.
  • Family:
    • Father: Warren Black, high school English teacher and amateur musician. Warren was a bit of a hippie and raconteur. Before becoming a teacher he and a couple of friends formed a band after college and toured for a while. He meet Reese while touring and eventually settled down. Warren was notable in his profession for his unorthodox teaching methods and trying to teach his pupils lessons about life outside of the curriculum. He was famous for his stories and misadventures. Was one of the causalities of the Vega Two bombings
    • Mother: Reese Boyd-Black, ran the family construction business which she inherited from her father after his death. Reese was a large fixture in the community and helped many local charities and initiatives. The Boyd family had a longstanding history in their community and where prominent figures. She died on the bombing of Vega Two.
    • Siblings: Jace Black, older brother, who at the time of his death was a gifted sports star at school. A fun loving kid he was popular amongst his class mates and local scouts believed he had a chance to go pro.

Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: People who can do their jobs. Independent individuals. People who can think on their feet. Whose willing to do what is takes.
  • Turn Offs: People who can’t make hard choices. People who sit on the fence. People who talk too much and want to be liked by everyone. Naivety.
  • Worst Secret: Most of her darkest moments on drugs are a foggy but she recalls selling herself for drug money.

Born and raised on Vega Two till its fateful demise. On the day of its decimation Winter was off world visiting a friend. Her mother and father had argued for weeks about letting her go on the trip herself but eventually with some pleading from her and promises that there would be someone waiting for her at the other head her mother relented and agreed. When boarding the shuttle that day Winter had no idea that it would be the last time she would ever see her family in person.

Winter was soon placed into child services but quickly proved to be a problem child as she entered her teens. She bounced from family to family but spent most of her time in care. When she was sixteen she ran off and become involved in rough crowds. During this time she became involved with Gavin Shepherd. Gavin’s father was strict and overbearing. He wanted him to follow the life he had planned for him but Gavin rebelled and got involved with drink and drugs. Gavin and Winter hit it off and eventually became an item in their late teens. During their relationship Gavin attempted to several times to become sober but Winter was never willing to join him and sooner or later she’d drag him back down with her. The pair got married much to the disapproval of his family who seen Winter as an anchor dragging their son down.

When Winter found out that she was pregnant she kept it from Gavin and even looked into getting an abortion. She could not bear to bring a child into a world she seen as cruel and unfair. Gavin however saw this as a turning point in their lives and tried to get her to see this. When she refused Gavin, seeing that he had no control over anything in his life turned again to drunks but he misjudged the amount and feel into a coma.

His parents blamed Winter and his father tried to have her charged with his son’s condition. While the case had no merit he had the resources to pursue it and eventually he and his wife were awarded custody of their soon to be born granddaughters.

With Gavin in a coma and her daughters having been taken she retreated back into a self destructive and self loathing pattern of drugs and alcohol. Eventually after a nearly a year on a dark downward spiral Winter hit rock bottom. She knew she needed help and went straight out to find a narcotics anonymous meeting.

Slowly getting herself together with the help of her sponsor she decided to join the military. While Sheridan sold to her the notions of structure and rules Winter saw it more as an opportunity for revenge.

During her time in service Winter has turned her life around. Her past behind her she takes care of her body and is now in peak physical condition. Her loyalty to the cause and no nonsense approach to combat has helped her get to where she is today.

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