Alien vs Predator Concept Test

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Alien vs Predator Concept Test

Postby Cobalt » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:09 pm

Now, this is not an official announcement of intent, not yet. This is more of a brainstorming session.

I admit that I was extremely disappointed in the AVP movies. The first one had an interesting concept but the execution was sub-par. The second one was mean-spirited and thoroughly un-enjoyable.

That being said, the books and comics for AVP are actually spot on awesome.

However, I don’t know if it will translate well into a PBP RPG. The characters would have to be civilian contractors / company men or women / or military. Being caught between the two alien species would make for a great action / survival horror game. But is it sustainable? Would it be interesting? Would it be fun?

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Postby araruin » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:29 pm

I was a big fan of Aliens and Predator. I think I have every book that came out for the franchise during the 90s and early 00s. AVP was one of my most anticipated movies, and I was sorely disappointed to see almost not aliens fighting predators. While the second was full of horrible stupidity, I was at least pleased to see a predator killing aliens. I did my best to enjoy each film for trying to bring the world to life, but the only ones I really respect are Alien, Aliens, and Predator.

This is a hard one to bring to life as an RP. Humans die quick and easy. In a post game, it is hard to keep things hidden from the players without building an environment that guarantees their death. That said, I would still be interested in seeing what you come up with.

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Postby Cobalt » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:37 pm

I was thinking of maybe a cross between Aliens: Berserker and the AVP books with Machiko Noguchi (one of my favorite characters ever). Not to give too much away, but perhaps a colony setting that thinks it might have an alien problem. A team is brought in. Things go wrong. Escape and survival become paramount.

It might end up being short term but evil corporate officers and pursuing Preds or something could be introduced as it goes, to keep it running.

Hmm… I still don’t know, though.
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Postby Kosh » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:06 pm

In the words of the hardest marine to ever wear a bandana,


Sounds interesting. I would be up for playing it bud, if you go for it.

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Postby Liltroll » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:25 pm

I'll have to second that.

I had heaps of fun doing one-shot Aliens campaign on tabletop with friends. True, we all knew from the start we were all going to die but it's really the matter of 'how' and 'when' that makes it fun.

That to say that I'd be more than happy to jump in too if you go for it, as long as you promise I can have a glorious death or something ;)
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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 1:28 pm

Well, if I were to do it, I am thinking that I would need at least 4 or 5 players for this. Potential character types would be:

Junior Corporate Executive – a real corporate shark, the type that will climb the ladder by standing on the people she / he has knifed in the back to get to the top.

Bodyguards / Private Security for the JCE – Knuckle draggers / ex-military, break your knees because you’re breathing types.

Colonial Marines – a specialized fire team that deals with xenomorphic infestations. Team would consist of a Team Leader, Heavy Weapons (smartgun) operator, demolitions expert, sniper, and a Berserker (armored remote suit) operator.

Independent Cargo Crew – rough and tumble haulers, brawlers, and conmen.

Eventually, everyone is going to end up together but the diverse backgrounds will make for an excellent group, I think. Well, if I get enough interested players, that is.

Proposal: Aliens vs Predator Game
Genre: Action Survival Horror
Rating: R for violence, gore, and some sexuality
Player Requirement: 4 Minimum

Interested Players:
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Postby IronQueen » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:08 pm

sounds good to me, would not mind sinking my teeth into the JCE :)
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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:14 pm

Awesome, you have been added to the list.
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Postby BEAR » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:00 pm

HELL yes.

However--- I can't rightly join a new game when my current games have suffered. In the interests of not running, gunning then dropping out, I am going to opt out, methinks.

But DAMN fine idea.

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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:46 pm

When things settle down, buddy, we can always add more meat to the grinder.
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Postby Bleu » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:51 pm

Could there be two JCEs? Because this sounds like a lot of fun.
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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:07 pm

Two JCEs it is. You can be partners on a project. That is four. Are there any more takers?

For those of you that are signed up, please fill out the sheets below.


Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Brief Physical Description:


Affiliation: Corporation / Colonial Marines / Independent Cargo Hauler

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend:
  • Worst Enemy:
  • Family:
    • Father:
    • Mother:
    • Siblings:
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons:
  • Turn Offs:
  • Worst Secret:

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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:12 pm


Weyland Yutani – This conglomerate mega-corporation controls a large percentage of the colonies, through the Extrasolar Colonization Administration, has a seat in the Interstellar Commerce Commission's Company Review Board, and also has a large presence on Earth. They hold their main offices in Tokyo, San Francisco, The Sea of Tranquilty, and Thedeus. They supply the Colonial Marines with their equipment and receive a great deal of support from the military, bringing some to believe that the military is just “another corporate asset”.

Tokyo Ingénue – An independent cargo vessel that sometimes carries illegal or unregistered cargos. Captained by Captain Idrian Savage.
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Postby MustangGT02 » Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:53 am

Hey Wayne...sounds like loads of bloody fun to me. Sign me up for one of the military personnel.
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Postby Cobalt » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:32 pm

You are signed up.

Please see below for the skill kits.

Araruin - Independent Cargo Crewer
Bleu - Junior Corporate Executive
IronQueen - Junior Corporate Executive
Kosh - Colonial Marine
Liltroll - Independent Cargo Crewer
MustangGT02 - Colonial Marine

Corporate Executive – 100 Points
Independent Cargo Crewer – 100 Points
Colonial Marine – 100 Points

Basic Package (Required) – 20 Points
Literacy – English
Literacy – Japanese
Computer Use

Basic Military Package – 20 Points
Requirement: Basic Package
Small Arms
Assault Rifle
Military Etiquette

Advanced Military Package: Demolitions – 60 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Military Package
Demolitions Disposal
Underwater Demolitions
Zero-G Demolitions

Advanced Military Package: Sniper – 60 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Military Package
Solo Patrol

Advanced Military Package: Heavy Weapons – 60 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Military Package
Heavy Weapons: Smartgun
Smartgun Maintenance
Integrated Tracking System

Advanced Military Package: ComTech – 60 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Military Package

Advanced Military Package: Combat Medic – 60 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Military Package
Combat Surgery
First Aid – Emergency
Field Surgery

Advanced Military Package: Squad Leader – 80 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Military Package
Small Group Tactics

Basic Spacer Package – 20 Points
Requirement: Basic Package
Zero-G Maneuvering
Survival: Zero-G
Small Arms

Advanced Spacer Package – 20 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Spacer Package
Power Loader
Cargo Manifest Deciphering
Commerce Law
Quarantine Requirements

Elite Spacer Package: Pilot – 40 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Spacer Package, Advanced Spacer Package
Pilot: Starship
Interstellar Communications

Elite Spacer Package: Engineer – 40 Points
Requirement: Basic Spacer Package, Advanced Spacer Package
Mechanical Repair
Electronic Repair

Elite Spacer Package: Hired Gun – 40 Points
Requirement: Basic Spacer Package, Advanced Spacer Package
Assault Rifle
Body Armor

Basic Corporate Package – 40 Points
Requirement: Basic Package
Corporate Law

Advanced Corporate Package 1 – 40 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Corporate Package
Bodyguard x 2
Advanced Resources
Small Arms
Enemy x 1

Advanced Corporate Package 2 – 40 Points
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Corporate Package
Executive Assistant
Bodyguard x2
Advanced Resources
Small Arms
Mistress x 1
Enemy x 3

Advanced Corporate Package 3 – Unavailable / In Use
Requirement: Basic Package, Basic Corporate Package
Personal Assistant
Bodyguard x 4
Advanced Resources x 2
Small Arms
Mistress x 2
Class 1 Enemy x 1
Enemy x 4
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Postby Liltroll » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:28 pm

There she goes ;)

Player: Liltroll


Name: November Annabella "Nova" Terra
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Homeworld: Miranda
Age: 24
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Even if the hardship of her life as a colonist has left Nova with a rather athletic figure, she is still a curvy and feminine woman of medium height with deep blue eyes and wearing her mane of spiky dirty blonde hair short with an inch long ponytail. Her naked body is also covered by the numerous crisscross of the scars that her time under Alexei's dominion has left as a testimony.

Attitude: Once, a long time ago, Nova had been a sweet and caring girl. Her bright smile lightened up the life of those around her and she was always ready to lend a hand to those in need. Life itself was something she had loved dearly and wanted to protect and treasure.
It would be an incredible feat now, to find any remains of that happy girl under the many layers of cold bitter anger and ruthlessness she has been buried under. Nova has learnt to fight dirty and is not afraid to let her fists do the talking anymore. While her body still remember the abuse it has suffered, some of Alexei's cronies also remember how painful her punches and kicks could be.
While she has and still use her body as barter sometimes, she's become rather distant with strangers and will rarely open up to other people except for the precious few crewing the Tokyo. Words too have turned into a weapon that can help keep these strangers at bay. Nowadays, the best reward she could give someone would be one of her rare smile.

Affiliation: Tokyo Ingénue

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Idrian Savage, captain of the Tokyo Ingénue.
  • Worst Enemy: Alexei Ivanenko, son of Miranda Colony's Administrator and serial rapist she would love to get her revenge on more than anything.
  • Family:
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Anthony Reese, Idrian Savage, children, flying, the emptyness of space, dangerous and hard men.
  • Turn Offs: Anthony Reese, loud smelly drunkards, lectures, law and order.
  • Worst Secret: About 2 months after Tony's departure, November suffered a miscarriage on their child. She blamed it on the stress of losing him as well as the tension and abuse wrought upon her by Alexei.

Background: Nova has spent most of her early years moving from one shitty colony to the one next door until her parents finally decided to settle on the newly discovered Miranda. She witnessed first hand the transformation of the barely livable trash heap into a remotely livable dust ball.

It's there that she made the acquaintance of Anthony Reese. He was fun, witty and more than handsome. He lightened up her days from the tedious boredom of colony life, quickly becoming her first and only love, the best thing that had ever happened to her. She was more than ready to give herself to him and spend the rest of her life by his side.

However, it all ended abruptly when he suddenly left the colony to join the Marine Corps without giving her any reasons. She was left to fend for herself and one of their old friends reminded her of his presence. Alexei Ivanenko, the all powerful son of the colony administrator, had always shadowed them and been a constant thorn on their side.

But without Tony by her side to protect her from him, Alexei and his friends came down on her, hard, and turned her life into a hellish haze of pain. Within months of abuse, she lost the child that Tony had given her before leaving. Yet, there was little she could do beside taking it in silence, toughening herself up and biding her time for a chance to run away (and maybe get her revenge).

It came up about a year later, with the arrival of an independent cargo vessel. She never questioned her luck on the reasons behind Captain Savage coming to a pretty run-down place like Miranda but she managed to whore her way out. Her revenge on her tormentors and an additional ticket out for her sister even came as a bonus when Idrian learned about her reason for leaving Miranda and her life behind. Telling him had opened up the option to buy passenger seats on his ship and if he had any doubts about the truth behind her words, the many cuts and bruises he could see during the payment were proof enough that she really had a good reason to leave.

However, even with the Miranda episode of her life over, she was still left with finding a way to make a living of her own to insure both hers and her sister's futures. Once again her feet took her to Idrian. He had been the first one to be good with her since Tony's departure so, even before the time to part came, she came to him with the request of becoming one of the Tokyo's crew member. She owed them her salvation and despite how she had paid for her passage, none of them had forced himself or herself upon her after. It was as good a crew as she could find and her talent as a pilot might be able to buy her a spot in the roster.

After five years working as the Tokyo's pilot and even if the first ones were a bit hard on her, Nova has become a full-fledged member of the little family formed by the tight knit crew. She has slowly opened up to Idrian and, while she might not be able to feel what she had felt for Tony again after Alexei's handiwork, she has come as close as she could get to love again.

Skills Kits:
Basic Package
Basic Spacer Package
Advanced Spacer Package
Elite Spacer Package: Pilot

Literacy – English
Literacy – Japanese
Computer Use
Zero-G Maneuvering
Survival: Zero-G
Small Arms
Power Loader
Cargo Manifest Deciphering
Commerce Law
Quarantine Requirements
Pilot: Starship
Interstellar Communications

Approved by Cobalt
Last edited by Liltroll on Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Cobalt » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:31 pm

Approved. :D
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Postby Liltroll » Tue Jul 20, 2010 5:34 pm

Wee! :D
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Postby MustangGT02 » Wed Jul 21, 2010 12:44 am

Player: MustangGT02


Name: Simon “Doc” Macleod
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth
Age: 26
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Reddish-Brown
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 182 lbs.

Brief Physical Description: Simon is of Scottish decent. His career in the Corp has left him a fierce instrument of death with the skills to preserve those that get injured in the line of duty. He is packed with muscle but not overly bulky and is duty driven.

Attitude: Simon is duty driven and serious when on duty. But like all Marines, when off duty, can hold his own in a bar. He has a sense of humor but keeps it in check when on duty. Most of the time, he is very likeable and fun to be around.

Affiliation: Colonial Marines

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Pancho Dominico – A fellow med student
  • Worst Enemy: Lester Freidman – A fellow med student and main rival in class
  • Family:
    • Father: Duncan Macleod – Retired military
    • Mother: Isabella Macleod – College Professor (Computers)
    • Siblings: Euphemia Macleod – Younger Sister
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Beautiful women and the thrill of the unknown
  • Turn Offs: Loud mouth people and cowards that take advantage of the helpless
  • Worst Secret: Witnessed a classmate (Worst Enemy) raping a female classmate and did nothing about it. Now his sense of justice is over exaggerated when it comes to those that cannot help themselves.

Background: Simon was born to a supportive and strong willed family and grew up wanting for little. His father was in the military and his mother was a professor in a college. He grew up as a very active member of society and his family and from early on, decided that he wanted to live the life of a military man as well.

During high school, Simon found that he had a natural curiosity about human anatomy and then decided he wanted be a doctor or possibly even a surgeon. Following school, Simon went to college and got his degree in medicine and went on to specialize in surgery. Following medical school, he signed up with the Colonial Marines to fulfill his dream to become military as his father was.

His military career was fast paced and his medical background moved him into the advanced Medical program where he was trained to patch up soldiers as they fell in combat and even perform emergency surgery if necessary. Following his graduation from the training program, he visited his family before being assigned to his first unit and the beginning of his new adventure as a Marine Medic.

  • Basic Package
  • Basic Military Package
  • Advanced Military: Combat Medic
  • Literacy – English
  • Literacy – Japanese
  • Computer Use
  • Fitness
  • Small Arms
  • Assault Rifle
  • Grenades
  • Military Etiquette
  • Combat Surgery
  • Triage
  • First Aid – Emergency
  • Field Surgery

Approved by Cobalt
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Postby Cobalt » Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:40 am

Approved. :D
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Postby Bleu » Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:55 pm

Player: Bleu


Name: Jackson “Jack” James Killum
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth
Age: 30
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’11
Weight: 188 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Jack is the personification of male perfection, thanks to cutting edge cosmetic genetic recombination, a perfectly balanced diet, and the best care that money can buy.

Attitude: “I will have what’s mine no matter who I have to step on to get it.” Arrogant, abrasive, and charming only when he wants to be, Jack embodies the corporate mindset in every way.

Affiliation: Weyland-Yutani
Position: Deputy Director of Bio-Weapons

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Christopher Rowley (28), an ex-Marine turned independent trouble-shooter, Christopher is the closest thing Jack has to a friend and is the only man Jack trusts (mostly because Jack doubles any monetary offer Christopher receives). Christopher is a man that operates with lead-pipe cruelty and mercenary inclinations, something Jack respects and almost admires.
  • Worst Enemy: Shinji Yutani (22), the heir apparent of CEO Genjo Yutani, Shinji is aware that Jack is the man most likely to assume control of Weyland-Yutani when the current generation of master puppeteers retire to enjoy their ill-gained wealth. Shinji has sworn to see Jack dead.
  • Notable Enemies:
    • Alejandro Ramirez (31), the Director of Security for Weyland-Yutani, Alejandro hates Jack with a passion because Jack blamed a bio-weapons lab meltdown on shoddy security (as opposed to shoddy science) and nearly cost Ramirez his job.
    • Estelle Killum (34), Estelle is Jack’s ex-wife and has sworn to see him dead because she is still bitter after he understandably traded her up for a younger model.
    • Machiko Klein (26), Machiko is the widow of the man who Jack replaced as Deputy Director of Bio-Weapons. She is upset because she suspects (and rightfully so) that he had her husband killed to create the vacancy.
    • Paul Boothe (52), Paul is the Bio-Weapons Project Manager for the Berserker Project. He hates Jack because Jack shredded his budget and then demanded a successful prototype in half the allotted time. The project was successful but two of Paul’s best friends were killed in lab accidents due to decreased safety protocols.
  • Family:
    • Father: Some loser.
    • Mother: Some slut.
    • Siblings: A few jealous, whiny losers and sluts that keep asking for handouts.
    • Wife: Caliope Killum (21), Caliope is Jack’s new wife. She is gorgeous, a curvy brunette with blue eyes and a fantastic rack. She was a student when they met but she is now a dedicated trophy wife and content to await his pleasure in a properly submissive fashion.
    • Children: None that have a chance of proving the paternity.
  • Minions:
    • Katherine Blair (27), Katherine is Jack’s personal assistant and is responsible for keeping his schedule, arranging his travel plans, and keeping his mistresses in comfort while making sure his wife does not encounter them in social situations. She is a leggy brunette that has, thus far, avoided his amorous attentions but it is only a matter of time before he has her squealing from the feeling.
    • Kevin James (18), the son of someone important, he is Jack’s assistant as a personal favor, one that Jack fully intends on collecting. He is somewhat useful for his connections but is otherwise lazy and good for just about nothing. He is a sleekly handsome young man, with honey-blonde hair and blue eyes, not that Jack gives a flying backwards fakk.
  • Bodyguards:
    • Lester Brody (38), an ex-Colonial Marine, Lester is the head of Jack’s personal security. He’s ugly as sin but no one is better at breaking thumbs, bashing knees, and causing permanent injury than Lester.
    • Ivan Rozhenko (25), a Colonial Marine assigned to Jack as a “company favor”, Ivan is a killer, sane as a rock.
    • Robert Holly (28), a Colonial Marine assigned to Jack as a “company favor”, Robert is a heavy weapons specialist and is there to provide serious intimidation factor to any negotiation.
    • Oscar Davidson (33), a former cage fighter and galactic circuit MMA champion, Oscar is on Jack’s security team to “bring the pain”, as he likes to say.
  • Mistresses:
    • Reiko Kikuchi (18), Reiko is the newest mistress and Jack’s current favorite. She is a slender girl from the colony world of New Tokyo. She came to him willingly in return for Jack calling off a debt that her father owed and to keep her father from having to commit ritual suicide.
    • Li Sai Hansho (19), Li Sai is from the colony world of New Shangai and Jack picked her up at a local restaurant and made her his mistress.
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: Winning and getting what he wants, when he wants it, Power, Money and the pursuit thereof. Making strong and confident women submit to his whims.
  • Turn Offs: Women that won't play his games, men, losing at any aspect of "the game", meaningless prattle, charities or anyone begging for handouts, nameless, common people.
  • Worst Secret: "Must I pick just one?" ~Jack

Background: Jack was born without a soul.

Even as a child, he was climbing the social ladders and dragging those ahead of him down. He created social networks capable of driving other children into deep depressions or suicidal tendencies.

In high school, he used his good looks and popularity to run rampant through the female student body (the bodies worth the ramping) and ruined more than one “good girl” and made many, many “bad girls” very happy. He was the Prom King (though the voting process was hotly disputed) and he was the absolute bane of parents of good looking daughters. He was ruthless and, as the end of his high school experience came to an end, the valedictorian suffered a nearly fatal drug overdose and Jack became the class valedictorian.

In college, he perfected his skills and graduated with honors (and with some scandal involving a beautiful but married professor) and immediately entered Weyland-Yutani as a junior executive in their bio-weapons division, thanks to some political and social maneuvering on his part. Once he entered the corporate world, his true lack of anything resembling a soul became readily apparent…

Skills Kits:
Basic Package
Basic Corporate Package
Advanced Corporate Package #3

Literacy – English
Literacy – Japanese
Computer Use
Corporate Law
Personal Assistant
Bodyguard x 4
Advanced Resources x 2
Small Arms
Mistress x 2
Class 1 Enemy x 1
Enemy x 4

Approved by Cobalt
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Postby Kosh » Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:27 pm

Player: Kosh


"All I ever wanted was to travel to far off exotic places, meet new exciting people and then kill them. So I joined the Corp. My name is Tony Reese. And I love what I do." ~ Tony Reese

Name: Antony Reese
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Miranda Colony World
Age: 26
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195lbs

Brief Physical Description: Athletically built from his time served in the Corp. Slick back brown hair, green eyes and a tribal tattoo down his right arm he got after a drunken dare.

Attitude: Cynical, sarcastic and something of a loud mouth would best sum up Tony. His life isn’t what he wanted but it’s the only one he has. As the Marines say, 'When in doubt, improvise'.

Affiliation: Colonial Marines

Personal Connections:
  • Best Friend: Sergeant Matthew Begail
  • Worst Enemy: Alexei Ivanenko
  • Family:
    • Father: Unknown - Deep Space Hauler
    • Mother: Sarah Reese - Waitress
    • Siblings: N/A
Emotional Resonances:
  • Turn Ons: November Annabella Terra, form fitting jumpsuits and big explosions. Very big explosions.
  • Turn Offs: Anything called Miranda. Dusty worlds, like Miranda.
  • Worst Secret: Before joining the Colonial Marines, Tony had an emotional breakdown and tried to kill himself. His wrists are still scared from this attempt.
Background: Born on a dust ball of a world, the site of yet another corporate funded shake and bake colony, Antony Reese was raised by a single mother, His bastard father having left her as soon as he found out about the pregnancy.

Growing up on a colony in the final stages of terraforming, Tony spend the early part of his life running threw the hallways and crawling around in the venting with his friends when not being dragged into school. Antony was always a follower, never a leader when his friends hung out, always willing to follow what everyone else was willing to do, scared that if he didn’t he wouldn’t be treated as an equal. All that changed the day the Terra family moved in next door.

It didn’t take Tony long to realised he felt something special around Nova, the blonde haired stunning eldest daughter of the Terra's. She was smart, funny and incredibly good looking. More amazing than this was she was honestly interested in him and after a short while the roots of a budding relationship took form. Unfortunately not everyone was as happy to see the mutual affections of the two young lovers, head amongst this groups was a spoilt son of the colony administrator, Alexei Ivanenko.

Alexei wanted Nova for himself, he went so far as stating this plainly to Tony one night in the final days they Tony would still call him a friend. All the time they had spent together as children, looking out for each other suddenly mattered to nothing now that the son of the colony administrator, the prince of the land, could not have what he wanted. Before long Tony's friends stopped returning his calls, the apartment he shared with his mother started to be targeted by vandals and robberies but still Tony stayed with his heart and by Nova.

The frustration and anger of Ivanenko finally came to a boiling point and the spoiled prince made his move to remove Tony from the picture all together. While the local law of the colony had always given Alexei a very wide berth, he knew simple murder was too much. Alexei Ivanenko arranged to have Tony beaten half to death and then dragged aboard one of the passing private transports. The ship left orbit with a passed out Tony aboard then secretly arranging for his discovery by the ships crew. With a tidy cash sum in their pocket, the crew dumped him on the first colony the found and left him to rot. This was the start of Antony’s year of hell.

Homeless, alone and with nothing but the blood stained clothes he wore, Tony went straight to the local authorises but when they contacted Miranda the Ivanenko administration found no record of any Antony Reese. Blocked off from any way to contact his mother or his lover, Nova, Tony was left to nothing on some nameless world. As the weeks turned into months and the depression built within him, Tony finally broke after yet another gang beating. Taking a shard of glass, Tony put it against his wrists in a hope to ending it all, a release from the pain and despair.

When he awoke, much to his surprise he woke at all, Tony found himself handcuffed to a hospital bed. Saved from the brink of death thanks to a passing colonist, Tony found himself with two options, jail time or military service. Antony Reese, a second wind of life in him chose to join the Corp.

Over the next 5 years Tony applied himself 100% to his military, he gave the marines everything he had and in turn they looked out for one of their own. Through some favours his mother was contacted and the story was passed to her about her son, alive and well but sadly, there was no trace of his love, Nova. Soon after this his mother left Miranda to move closer to her lost son.

Tony excelled as a marine; having nothing else left to matter to him his world soon was all orders and missions, duty and drills. The marines looked after him in his darkest hour and Tony would look after them.

  • Basic Package
  • Basic Military Package
  • Advanced Military: Demolitions
  • Literacy – English
  • Literacy – Japanese
  • Computer Use
  • Fitness
  • Small Arms
  • Assault Rifle
  • Grenades
  • Military Etiquette
  • Demolitions
  • Demolitions Disposal
  • Underwater Demolitions
  • Zero-G Demolitions

Approved by Cobalt

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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:53 pm

Kosh and Bleu have been approved.
~Let the Beauty Sleep

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Postby Cobalt » Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:06 pm

Player: Ironqueen

Image Image

Name: Victoria and Lyra McQueen
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Homeworld: Earth
Age: 24
Hair Color: Victoria is blonde while Lyra usually dyes her hair red.
Eye Color: blue
Height: 5’10
Weight: 126 lbs

Brief Physical Description: Genetically enhanced to be not only beautiful but highly dangerous. Both sisters are stronger and faster than the average human. They have the same smooth skin, the perfect complexion and a curvaceous and athletic body but unless required by their employer, at least one of the girls will dye her hair of a different colour to allow their boss to recognise them.

Attitude: Although they are identical twins, they have slightly different personalities. While Victoria is content with the way her life is, Lyra always is looking for a challenge, wanting more and would not settle for less than she believes the two of them deserve. Victoria is cold and calculating, making her the strategist. Lyra is hot tempered and the most aggressive and outspoken of the two sisters.

Affiliation: Weyland-Yutani
Position: Personal bodyguards of the Deputy Director of Bio-Weapons

Personal Connections:
• Best Friend: each other
• Worst Enemy: none known.
• Notable Enemies: anyone the Corporation points at.
• Family: Steve and Alexandra McQueen (parents) / No other siblings.

Emotional Resonances:
• Turn Ons: handsome and powerful men. Money and power. Both could be called, Extreme sports = Danger junkies!. Speed and fast cars.
• Turn Offs: men who cannot afford the finer things in life, lack of hygiene.
• Worst Secret: Victoria was molested by her uncle until she was 16. Lyra took care of the problem at age 18.

Background: Born to a corporate lawyer and a scientist, anyone could say that both girls had a normal and happy childhood. Since an early age, they proved to be (much to their parents’ dismay) very smart but very mischievous. Later in life, during their early teens, their good looks always helped them to get what they wanted, and they enjoyed teasing the boys by every once in a while swapping places with each other simply to have fun at their date’s expense. But anyone could be a victim of this very old prank, from their friends and teachers to their own relatives.

But little did they know that they both had been bred for a different destiny than the average homecoming queen. Despite a few detentions, the sisters graduated from high school with very good grades, exceeding in sports and English Literature. On their Prom Night, they were approached by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation with an offer they could not refuse (but in reality, the corporation had only come to claim their property as previously agreed with the girls’ mother).

Lyra and Victoria (who hates being called Vicky and much prefers to be referred as V) spent the next few years learning hand to hand combat, martial arts, and being home-schooled by the Corporation. They were also taught how to meld and mingle with the all the different society classes and the business world, how to dress properly for any situation as well as to appreciate art and good music. By age 23, they were the prototype of the perfect bodyguard and! the perfect escort, whatever the weather. The top of the range training programme received had been designed to enhance their physical advantages and to train their minds to dedicate to the sole cause of the corporation and its interests.

Three years later, they had managed to build a reputation for themselves, not only because they were highly efficient at what they did but because of their unorthodox methods to get a job done.

And now, they were ready for their most high profile assignment yet...

Skills Kits:
Basic Package
Basic Military Package
Basic Spacer Package
Elite Spacer Package: Hired Gun

Literacy – English
Literacy – Japanese
Computer Use
Small Arms x2 (Expert)
Assault Rifle x2 (Expert)
Grenades x2 (Expert)
Military Etiquette
Zero-G Maneuvering
Survival: Zero-G
Body Armor
~Let the Beauty Sleep

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