Recruiting New D&D Game - Suikoden: the Serpent Rune War

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Recruiting New D&D Game - Suikoden: the Serpent Rune War

Postby Halo » Fri May 11, 2007 6:21 pm

Greetings fellow MRCers! I am pleased to announce I will soon be kicking off an all-new campaign -- Suikoden: The Serpent Rune War. Set in the universe made popular by Konami's videogame RPG series, the game will revolve around the royal family of Arcadia and promises all the trademarks common in Suikoden -- massive army-based warfare, political intrigue, the mysteries of the 27 True Runes, 108 Playable Characters, and at least one adorable teleporting girl who sneezes a lot! (Those of you who have played the PlayStation games get that, and those who don't are still welcome to join this RPG!)

The game will be played with a slightly modified version of D&D 3rd Edition, and I am in the process of creating a crappy webpage to flesh out the game setting: (under heavy construction by someone who knows nothing about designing a website -- me).

Specific information on recruiting and character creation will be coming soon, but if you have an interest in playing or have any questions regarding the rules or setting, please feel free to post here or send me a PM!

-Halo, resident Suiko-Freak of the MRC
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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 11, 2007 6:43 pm

Will it be possible to start with one of the Five Runes (a'la the Firebringers)?

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Postby Halo » Fri May 11, 2007 7:17 pm

If you're referring to one of the five True Elemental Runes, I'm afraid not -- not to give away any fun plot details, but I am scripting this campaign to follow the familiar flow of the Suikoden games. Meaning no one starts the game with that kind of power.

However, the game is scripted for 5 acts and 108 Stars, so players will be encouraged to take on new characters between acts, and at those times it may be possible to assume the role of Hugo, Chris or Geddoe (no promises at all at this point, but that is a possibility). My inclination right now is if I was to allow them as PCs, they might have some special limitations placed on them and the use of their True Rune so as not to over-power the campaign and the other players (perhaps "absorbing" the rune to hide it and not have full access to it as "The Masked Man" in Suikoden III had -- no major spoilers here please).

Then again if you wish to play one of those three at the start of the game as a 5th level character and such limits to Rune Power, we might be able to work something out.

And, for what it's worth, the history of this game follows the decisions I made while playing, which means Hugo is the Flame Champion, Geddoe possesses Lighting and Chris Water.

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Postby Cobalt » Sat May 12, 2007 6:51 pm

What about the Masked Bishop? Does your story follow the ending of Suikoden III or is it an alternate vision? PM me if there are going to be spoilers, please.

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Postby Halo » Sat May 12, 2007 7:49 pm

My planned campaign takes place after S3 in the chronology, but in another country removed from the Grasslands and Zexen, so the exact outcome of the Second Fire Bringer War and other events shouldn't have much of an impact.

The game will focus on the Arcadian Monarchy, which is a stretch of land west of Toran and south of Tinto (it's always been on the official maps, but never named -- a prime location to place a game in this universe). The game will begin at the Greenhill Academy in Dunan (featured in Suikoden II) as the Prince and Princess of Arcadia have finished their schooling abroad and are preparing to return home. For this first act players will play the young royals, their guards, entourage, and anyone else who might be traveling with them back to Arcadia (friends from school, merchants, teachers/scholars traveling abroad, etc).

So, to answer your question, yes -- the fate of the Masked Bishop is the same, however that doesn't have much impact on this game as the protagonists were were in school two countries away when it all went down. They probably have no knowledge of the Masked Bishop at all... only that a war recently concluded in Grassland where the Flame Champion has appeared again after 50 years and repelled a Harmonian invasion.

Were you to play a character who was involved in the Second Fire Bringer War, then they would, of course, have more knowledge of those events, but we'd still have to conjure a reason why they are at the Greenhill Academy and preparing to join the Arcadian Royals on their trip home. If you want to play one of the Fire Bringers, it may be easier to bring them in later in the game.

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Postby Cobalt » Sun May 13, 2007 9:37 am

Can I choose to be a Fire Bringer (to come in at a later time) and start as the Prince?

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Postby Halo » Sun May 13, 2007 12:41 pm

That would be a possibility, however the role of the Prince (or Princess) has already been offered to another. But starting as a member of the royal convoy and then later switching to a Fire Bringer would probably work, depending on how we write that character in.

Given 108 Stars all the players will be encouraged (certainly not required) to change roles between the acts, so I see no reason why a Fire Bringer couldn't be accommodated.

I plan to start things rolling once I get 4-6 people signed-up. One slot is claimed so far and three others have expressed interest. If anyone else wants in, let me know!

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Postby Cobalt » Sun May 13, 2007 1:03 pm

I definitely want to put a claim on Chris Lightfellow for the appropriate chapter. Since the role of Prince has already been offered to someone else, I would like to play a swordsman from Arcadia that met the Prince (or Princess) at the Greenhill Academy in Dunan.

If that is cool, I can begin mashing a character together.

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Postby Halo » Sun May 13, 2007 1:10 pm

Consider it cool, and dibs placed on my personal favorite Fire Bringer -- Chris Lightfellow.

Shoot me a brief bio whenever you get a chance and see for guidelines on making the character. I hope to have a blank character template up soon for people to use.

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Postby Cobalt » Sun May 13, 2007 1:11 pm

Yes! I have dibs on Chris! I'll have a bio to you soon.

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Postby Halo » Sun May 13, 2007 2:02 pm

See below for the Character Template and let me know if you have any questions:

Code: Select all
Name  :                          Gender:
Race  :                          Height: 0'0''        MAX HP: 0
Nation:                          Weight: 0            CUR HP: 0
Class :                          Age   : 0           
Level :                          Hair  :
Align :                          Eyes  :              XP    : 0
Size  :                          Speed : 0ft          Need  : 0                                 
       ABILITY ABILITY   TMP     TMP           * Standard Package =
        SCORE    MOD    SCORE    MOD             16, 14, 13, 12, 11, & 8
STR   :  00   :   +0  :       :       :
DEX   :  00   :   +0  :       :       :
CON   :  00   :   +0  :       :       :
INT   :  00   :   +0  :       :       :
WIS   :  00   :   +0  :       :       :
CHA   :  00   :   +0  :       :       :
        Total       Armor  Shield  Dex  Size   Natural   Misc
AC    :  00   = 10 +   0  +    0   + 0  +  0  +    0    +  0
Touch :  00   = 10 +   -  +    -   + 0  +  0  +    -    +  0
FFoot :  00   = 10 +   0  +    0   + -  +  0  +    0    +  0

        Total   Dex  Misc
Init  :  +0   = +0    +0

Base Attack Bonus: +0

                Total   Base    Abil   Size  Misc
Melee Attack  :  +0   =  +0   +  +0  +  0  +  0
Ranged Attack :  +0   =  +0   +  +0  +  0  +  0
WEAPON :                        |                        |
ATTACK :                        |                        |
DAMAGE :                        |                        |
CRIT   :                        |                        |
RANGE  :                        |                        |
SIZE   :                        |                        |
TYPE   :                        |                        |
PROP   :                        |                        |
WEIGHT :                        |                        |
AMMUNTION:                   Remaining: 0
ARMOR         :
TYPE          :
MAX DEX       : +0
WEIGHT        :
SAVES   Total   Base  Abil  Magic  Misc
Fort  :  +0   =  +0    +0    +0     +0
Refl  :  +0   =  +0    +0    +0     +0
Will  :  +0   =  +0    +0    +0     +0
FEATS                                   GAINED
Favored Weapon:                          Bonus 1st Level



SKILLS     per level                        MAX RANKS :

      Mod = Rnk Abl Msc  |  Skills:                    Ability  Untrained?
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Appraise                    (INT)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Balance                     (DEX)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Bluff                       (CHA)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Climb                       (STR)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Craft: Rune Alchemy        (INT)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Diplomacy                   (CHA)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Disable Device              (INT)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Disguise                    (CHA)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Escape Artist               (DEX)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Forgery                     (INT)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Gather Information          (CHA)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Handle Animal               (CHA)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Heal                        (WIS)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Hide                        (DEX)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Intimidate                  (CHA)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Jump                        (STR)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Knowledge: Runes           (INT)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Knowledge: Nature          (INT)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Knowledge: Local: Arcadia  (INT)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Listen                      (WIS)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Move Silently               (DEX)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Open Lock                   (DEX)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Perform: Singing(soprano)  (CHA)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Perform: Dance             (CHA)      Ye
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  *Profession: Rune Sage      (WIS)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Ride                        (DEX)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Search                      (INT)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Sense Motive                (WIS)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Sleight of Hand             (DEX)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Spot                        (WIS)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Survial                     (WIS)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Swim                        (STR)      Yes
      +0  =  0  +0  +0!  |  Tumble                      (DEX)      No
      +0  =  0  +0  +0   |  Use Rope                    (DEX)      Yes

! = Armor Check Penalty applies
* = Requires specialization

--MONEY--   (* $1p = 1cp / $100p = 1gp)
Potch: 0   



                                          TOTAL WEIGHT:





Last edited by Halo on Fri May 25, 2007 6:30 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Cobalt » Sun May 13, 2007 2:11 pm

You have seven abilities (str, etc) and only six scores for the standard package.

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Postby Halo » Sun May 13, 2007 2:16 pm

Good catch -- the website I stole this from uses the optional "Appearance" stat that we won't be using. I'll correct the sheet.

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Postby Halo » Sun May 13, 2007 5:13 pm

To help a bit with character design, I've slapped together a gallery of character images that would fit the Suikoden setting.

I'll be cutting these into headshot avatars when I get the chance.

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Postby Nomad Soul » Tue May 15, 2007 6:03 am

I'm here!
Interested but clueless!

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Postby Halo » Tue May 15, 2007 5:48 pm

LOL -- Glad to have you here, bud. Keep an eye on the PMs.

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Postby Halo » Wed May 16, 2007 3:51 pm

Recruiting Update:

UPDATE: The game's full. Other interested players can still PM me to be placed on a waiting list.
Last edited by Halo on Tue May 22, 2007 6:16 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Postby Sabre » Thu May 17, 2007 1:48 pm

I'd like to join Halo, I've been looking forward to playing in a 'Halo' game for a while now. I must confess though, I know very little about your RPG background. That doesn't necessarily mean I can't play, but I want to be honest as you may which to populate your game with players that are fully connected to this RPG franchise.

Your call.

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Postby Halo » Thu May 17, 2007 3:15 pm

Welcome aboard, Sabre. Don't worry about not being familiar with the game world... with the exception of Cobalt I don't believe anyone here is (although I have been discussing with one other person who may join us and is versed in Suikoden as well).

The easiest way to think of it is D&D with a modified ruleset for magic and a very anime-like look & feel. That's the most basic thing you would need to know ... there is more that make Suikoden unique, but for new player purposes that's all you would need to know.

Give a look over my crappy website for some examples of Suikoden-type characters. The list of Archetypes under Character Creation may help (as will glancing over the "Rule Changes" section... especially regarding magic). Also keep in mind when creating a character background that the game will begin at the Greenhill Academy, a prestigious school for young nobles. PCs will be joining the heir to the throne of Arcadia and her younger sibling on their journey home, and therefore must have some connection -- a noble relative, friend met at the Academy, a guard, a teacher going to visit Arcadia, a traveling merchant, etc. Or anything else you can think up. There just needs to be a realistic reason why the royals would allow you to travel with them.

I know it can be a little overwhelming if you're not familiar with the game setting, but don't get too hung up on the details. I'm here to help so let me know if you have any other questions!

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Postby Sabre » Fri May 25, 2007 12:31 am

OK, I'm toying with a few ideas and when it comes to the character itself, I'll ask Sparky and Nomad Soul to give me a hand with the character sheet. These guys are both wonders with D20 and have been pretty helpful in the past.

A cousin to the Princess perhaps? His father being the King or Queen's brother which would make his Father the Duke of something...
The character would be a either a straight fighter, or as an alternative, a Knight or Knight/Sorcerer and as cousin he could be part of the guard contingent.

Alternative, I could be an ex-slave/gladiator now a loyal bodyguard or...

A Weapons Master, focusing on single weapon. In this case an apprentice weapons master, working his way toward unity with his chosen weapon. Again the background of a distant or near relative works. It would also be feasible to be not related, the apprentice to the Royal Weapons master, has been in the castle his whole life and is secretly, deeply, hopelessly and madly in love with the Princess.

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Postby Halo » Fri May 25, 2007 6:22 am

A cousin to the Princess perhaps? His father being the King or Queen's brother which would make his Father the Duke of something...

That could work. There are two Duchies in Arcadia, Stonehold to the north and Qel-Valos to the south. And it may be worth noting that Stonehold may be getting a name change since it's come to my attention that there is a "Stonehold" in D&D, LotR, Asheron's Call, and apparently every other fantasy universe out there.

Anyway, you could be the child to one of Dukes/Duchesses. Such a character would carry the title of Prince/Princess of the Duchy, and would hold the royal rank of Squire within the Arcadian court. Such a person would probably be expected to spend much of their teen years away from the duchy and in service as a royal aide in Qel-Albel. And, of course, would be welcome at the Greenhill Academy as well.

The character would be a either a straight fighter, or as an alternative, a Knight or Knight/Sorcerer

That would work. However, let me explain a little regarding "Knights" in Arcadia as there has been a little confusion. They most certainly do have soldiers who wear plate armor, carry swords, ride atop warhorses, and command the troops just as most people expect of knights. However, they do not carry the title of "knight" in Arcadia, instead they are "Officers" in the military. I'm guessing what you have in mind as a "Knight or Knight/Officer" in Arcadia would be one of these Officers.

The closest thing to a knightly order in Arcadia are the Huntsmen. They are the equivalent -- honor bound in undying service to the crown, carry the honorific of Sir or Lady, etc. However, they are also more of a secretive "Special Forces" analog as well, and therefore do not resemble traditional knights -- no heavy plate armor, waving of banners, marching in parades, etc. Nor do they do an abundance of commanding on the battlefield or front-line fighting... they're more used as bodyguards, spying and performing recon.

Alternative, I could be an ex-slave/gladiator now a loyal bodyguard

That would certainly be interesting. Arcadia wouldn't likely have Slaves or Gladiators. But Kooluk to the near south and Armes to the far, far, far south definitely do. Falenas also has a history of gladiatorial combat, but it's entirely open to the combatants and not a slave situation. And Tinto to the north likely has some sort of professional fighter, but I doubt actual slaves.

A Weapons Master, focusing on single weapon. In this case an apprentice weapons master, working his way toward unity with his chosen weapon.

That would work as well. My one humble request would be that said weapon be something a little less traditional -- Suikoden is known for favoring more exotic (sometimes bizarre) weapons over the norm. The only characters I can recall who dubbed themselves "Weapon Master" in the series fought with Tonfas, a Naginata, and the Bo Staff.

It would also be feasible to be not related, the apprentice to the Royal Weapons master, has been in the castle his whole life and is secretly, deeply, hopelessly and madly in love with the Princess.

That would work as well... especially the "not related" part as that'd be a little creepy. :lol: "Welcome to the Kingdom of West Virginia!"

Sounds like you've got some good ideas brewing here. Let me know if you need anything else!

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Postby Sabre » Fri May 25, 2007 2:26 pm

OK, give me a day or two (or three, four...). I'll consult with Cobalt my favourite co-conspirator and get his input as he is more familair with the world that we're playing with.

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