Recruiting: Star Wars-Enveloping Darkness

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Recruiting: Star Wars-Enveloping Darkness

Postby Sparky » Wed Nov 01, 2006 2:06 pm

Xuric Approved

The year is 176 ABY, peace has held the Galaxy since the Yuuzhan Vong had been defeated...But now, that Peace is no longer there. An Unknown force has started striking from the Rim worlds. Creatures of pure shadow, creatures that feed on hatred...

Return Of the Sith(Part I): Enveloping Darkness

The Round Table-Ruusan, Valley of the Jedi.

"Lord Zhering, what have you to say about this?" Asked Lord Uriens, the seventh seat at the 'Table.

"I do not beleive we know enough yet, we may need to call on the Jedi." Answered the Senior member of the 'Table.

"This new threat is unknown to all of us, and if we call aid from the Jedi than we may be able to find out why it means us harm." The Second seat at the 'Table spoke up, his was Lord Lancel.

Zhering stood up and paced around the 'Table, looking to each of his peers, each of them dressed in their cortosis weaved full-plate armor. "These creatures, they are pure shadow...only the strongest of our Knights can defeat them. We won't last log if we keep sending small forces out to confronts this threat. Lord Lancel, I trust you will pick some men to go to the Rim Worlds and confront this threat once and for all...Lord Uriens, I want you to speak to the Jedi Council and the Republic Senate, Petition them for aid on this mission, we must all fight this together."

Lord Gaheris, the third seat at the 'Table, then stood and lifted a glass full of tarisian ale, "This council of equals is over." He drank the rest of the ale and pulled forth his sword, pointing it towards the star on the center of the 'Table. "Carpe Diem, Quad mimimum credula postero."

The rest of the men around the table rose and said in one voice, "Si Sic Omnes!"

The Spire-Coruscant, Jedi Temple.

As the man in armor stepped into the Council Chambers each of the members stood. Valence A'Dan bowed to him, then spoke.

"Lord Uriens, welcome to the Jedi Temple, we are honored to greet you." He motioned for the rest of the Council to seat themselves. "To what do we owe this pleasure?" The old man asked curiously, although in all truth, Valence already knew.

"Master A'Dan," replied Uriens as he returned the bow with a firm salute, hitting his left breast with his right hand. "The honor is all mine...but as to why I am here, I have come to ask for aid from the Jedi, and the republic alike. The 'Table is in need of aid on the outer rim. We have encountered many creatures of shadow, creatures that seem to feed off the force, and those sensitive to it." Uriens stopped to let the council deliberate.

"Lord Uriens, this is indeed important for the whole galaxy...we will send aid. I will have the republic lend you a hand also, expect Jedi and Republic Soldiers alike to come to ruusan within the next week.

The Year is 176 ABY, peace has held the Galaxy since the Yuuzhan Vong had been defeated...But now, That Peace is no longer there.

An Unknown force has started striking from the Rim worlds. Creatures of pure shadow, creatures that feed on hatred...


-The Jedi are a noble monastic peacekeeping organization centered on the planet Coruscant. The Jedi are known for their talent in and observance of the Force. they use living things around them to manipulate the Living Force. These people are of all races and genders alike, and help to keep the peace in the galaxy. the current Order is led by GrandMaster Valence A'Dan

New Republic Army(ESTU):
The New Galactic Republic is the name of the Galactic Government established in 5 ABY to replace the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor. This 'New' Republic was supposed to be a continuation of the original Galactic Republic that has been known as the Old Republic. The new Republic is protected by the New Jedi Order. The New Republics main Army has a secretive program for training elite soldiers, this program is called ESTU.

ESTU, the Elite Shock Trooper Unit, is comprised of various Squads of four Commandoes and their Advisor. The soldiers that make up ESTUs are taken by the Republic at an early age(sometimes as early as four, but usually five). For the next thirteen years of their life, the children are trained in the hardest, most grueling tasks that any unit in the Republic Army would go through. They are trained in Solo Ops, Teamwork Drills, and any other military operation that you can think of. They are the best, of the best. These Commandoes are proficient in almost every weapon they can physically use, and are more than proficient in the use of vehicles and explosives. They can fly most spacecraft, and can even fly fighters in space combat. ESTU puts their soldiers on their first live-fire missions at the age of sixteen, and from there on they receive missions from everywhere across the galaxy.

Knights of the Round:
The Knights of the Round is another of the Force ''Religions" in the galaxy at this time. By the Jedi, they are considered Grey. The Knights of the Rounds' numbers dwindled at first, but now their numbers have nearly met halfway to the Jedi's. Like the Jedi, the Knights have a very strict code,

To never do outrage nor murder
Always to flee treason
To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy
To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succor
To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows
Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods

Also, as the Jedi do, The Knights have a signature weapon, an Echani Weaved Longsword. These are not ordinary longswords, as their Archaic brothers. These have been forged by hand, heated in molten lava, and tempered in icing water. The Knights' governing body is made up of Twelve 'Kings' that sit around a Round Table. There are no superiors at this table, and these twelve make the decisions for the Knights Of The Round. The Knights' most senior representative at the 'Table is Lord Zhering, who is said to be Master Valence's equal in both the Force and combat.

Knights of the Round(Cont.):

The Knights of the Round were started in about 70 ABY after the last of the Yuuzhan Vong were routed out and executed. The Knights were first started by Lord-King Uther after he had decided that the Jedi Code was too restrictive, and did not allow for love or the honor that he so desired. When contemplating his decision, he was visited by a wise Force Adept name Myrddin. Uther desired an order to embody his own beliefs and told this to Myrddin. Myrddin agreed to help Uther in his struggle, if Uther would give him one thing...

At first there were only a few members, but over time more Jedi abandoned the Order and joined the Knights of the Round. This led to troubled histories between the Jedi and Knights, and an even more troubled history between Uther and the former Grandmaster of the Jedi, Aegrius Nim. In a senile act, Aegrius convinced the Republic to launch an attack on the Knights' base on Ruusan, in the Valley of the Jedi. The attack almost wiped out part of the republics forces, but the Jedi intervened. Dictating that Aegrius had gone to the darkside when the anger had overtaken him, the rest of the council had him stripped of his connection to the force.

After the Battle of Ruusan, in 81 ABY, the Knights of the Round took up a militant standpoint in the universe. They were even willing enough to go so far as to patrol the streets of Rim Worlds and deliver 'Justice' to those who did wrong. Following the birth of Uthers son in 101 ABY, the former 'King' of the Knights of the Round died at the age of fifty-seven.

The Knights of the Round almost completely dispearsedafter the death of their leader, but the few who did stay, were loyal to the 'Table. When Uthers son, Zhering, came of age, he took up the mantle his father had, but he did things differently. Instead of being the 'King' of the Knights, he formed a collection of the notable Knights and created the Round Table. This 'Table embodied the equality of each of the Knights, none was better than the other.

Ever since Lord-General Zhering took over the Knights, they have worked alongside Jedi and Republic alike.

Organization: The ruling body of the Knights are twelve notable members of the Knights. These members are called Lord-Generals, and make the decisions concerning the Knights. Originally the Lord-Generals were all in one person, Lord-King Uther.

Induction into the Knights of the Round is a selective process, only one who is already a Knight can accept a newcomer, as a Squire/Apprentice/Padawan equivalent.

Openings Available:

1. Carter Lakir (Nethrin)
2. Jaralyn Sundancer(Cobalt)
3. Vioth Aphactor(Rhigh)
4. Thoven(ChillBlazer)

1. Wolf (ColdFire)
2. Mercury(NPC)
3. GodHand(NPC)
4. Open

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open

I wanted to add that this game combines the mythos of the Star Wars galaxy with that of classical Arthurian Legend.

The Knights would represent the Knights of the Round Table, an Order that is closely akin to the Jedi but with a focus on martial concerns, soldiers instead of keepers of the peace.

The ETSU is the Republic Special Forces, elite Commandos that kick serious butt and take names throughout the galaxy.
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