Seeking a new GM for SVFA-88 Cobra Squadron

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Seeking a new GM for SVFA-88 Cobra Squadron

Postby Buran » Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:25 am

I suppose most of you know the Cobra squadron.

The Cobra squadron has a movemented history, not only in game but also outside of it. During the last year we had several GM changes and a lots of player change this harmed a lot to the unit and strength of the squadron, but non the less the current player would like to bring it back to his old glory to his old strength and stay an elite squadron.

We are currently missing a GM so we are looking for one, preferably an experienced one. If there are some GM's out there that would like to take over the helm for the Cobras and lead the squadron on to renewed greatness just post on the Cobra boards the interest.

Hoping to hear from many GM's that feel up to the task :)

Lt. Gerend Van Stroem - SVFA-88 Cobra Squadron

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