I don't mean to be rude

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I don't mean to be rude

Postby Demobot » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:04 am

But when are we going to be able to add characters to our profiles and when will our ranks be corrected. I am getting a little fustrated seeing cadet next to my name and posting out of character for my second character.

I understand that things like this take time to complete but it has been a good little while now and things seem to have come to a halt. Please tell me that things haven't come to a halt and that the site is still being worked on. Or even let me know that the site has been completed and that the problem is with my browser not the site.

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Postby araruin » Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:56 pm

Officially, editable character skins will be available in June of 2003. :)

Seriously, we've encountered some difficulty meshing the character skins with the current boards. character skins are not actually a supported feature for phpBB. The original character skins we used were thanks to a hack that Lanji created. Unfortunately, they were not compatible with the newer phpBB that we were required to upgrade to. To compound this problem, Lanji needs to pay his bills to keep the site running, so he's been forced to take on a time intensive programming job to make ends meet.

What this means to us is that he has very little time to work on any of his personnal programming. When he does have time, it is first allocated to his paying customers. If he finishes dealing with those issues, then he focuses on trying to solve the problem that has been causing some of us to get locked out of the site. Once he gets that done, if he still has time and motivation, then he works on getting our new board set up and trying to make the character skin editor compatible.

The good news is that as of last week, Lanji let me know that the editor is mostly finished. He just has to tweak a few things and beta test it. The bad news is with his schedule the way it is, that could take several weeks, months, years, etc. I'm sorry we don't have a better answer, but he is doing his best.

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Postby Kai » Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:29 pm

Unfortunatly I went the other way with things and instituted the Account Switch on my boards before so I'm not fully aware of what the character skin entails or I'd offer to help get it finished :/


Postby Demobot » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:10 pm

Araruin I don't care about the answer, I just care that I got an answer that makes sense. And most of all, things haven't come to a stand still which was what I was hoping for. Actually I was hoping that it was my browser settings and that I needed to adjust this or that.

Most importantly, I didn't know that this was on the shoulders of one man. And by asking I hope I didn't offend him or anyone else who knows all the detail of thei matter. Anyways, thanks for the response and tell Lanji to keep up the Good work.

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