Star Wars RPG: Shards from the Holocron

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Star Wars RPG: Shards from the Holocron

Postby Halo » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:17 pm

Yes, friends, I am happy to announce that the MRC family will be having a new addition . . . and it features lightsabers instead of variable fighters. Shards from the Holocron, as I am tentatively titling the project, will be a Star Wars role-playing campaign GM’ed by yours truly. Details are still forming and nothing is etched in stone yet, but below is some of the information I’m putting together.

Q: Where will the game be played? I don’t want your Jedi robes rubbing against my VF Flight Suit!!
A: Have no fear. As far as I know this board will continue to be Macross exclusive. Shards will be played out on one of the MRC’s sister boards known as “Off in my Own Little World”.

Q: What system are you using? If you say anything but “Classic West End Games D6”, I’ll cry.
A: **Hands a tissue** Although I own just about every WEG book ever published, I prefer the new D20 Revised and Expanded rules.

Q: What Era will this game be?
A: Most likely the game will be in the Tales of the Jedi era, sometime after Darth Revan and before Darth Bane. This is a comparatively underdeveloped period in Star Wars history that allows the most freedom on our parts without conflicting with established SW continuity. This is also a period of galactic conflict where both Jedi and Sith were in large number and wielded significant power.

Q: What’s the story behind Shards?
A: That would be telling . . .

Q: What kind of characters can players be?
A: Characters may be any heroic class, including Jedi Guardian and Jedi Consular. This will be a “Light Side” campaign – no Sith, Krath, or other “Dark” characters will be accepted (although criminals, thieves and scoundrels are fair game as long as they’re not wanted by the Republic).

Q: I want to play, and I have a kick ass character concept . . . but I don’t have the Star Wars rulebook.
A: If your character is that cool, and you’re accepted into the game, we can make this work. All you’ll need to do is write a detailed background and trust me to roll a character based on your character concept. A player’s responsibility is role-playing . . . leave the dice to me if needed.

Q: When will the game begin?
A: When I’m ready . . . which I can’t see being within the next 3 weeks.

Q: How many players will you be accepting?
A: 4-6 I like to keep my games small and manageable.

Feel free to post or PM me any additional questions, comments, or insight you have regarding this project!

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Postby Blue Phoenix » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:12 am

I love this idea, how soon do you need the character sheet?

And do you want just a basic character background? Because I do not have any of the books, I've only seen the movies :X

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Postby Halo » Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:32 pm

I love this idea, how soon do you need the character sheet?
No time too soon. I do not want to get too deep into the mechanics of character creation until we have a forum set up for us to use . . . but feel free to ask any character creation questions you might have here.

And do you want just a basic character background? Because I do not have any of the books, I've only seen the movies :X
And that should be enough. The good thing about setting the game where I am is that there are no books, comics or games (that I am aware of) that take place during this time period. So the movies are really all you need to know.

Basically there are comics and the Knights of the Old Republic videogames that cover a 50-year period that occurs 4,000 years before the Battle of Yavin (aka the first Death Star). And there are a few short stories and comics that cover the period around 1,000 years before the Battle of Yavin. This would be the time of Darth Bane . . . the Sith Lord who started the "Never More Than 2 Sith: Master and Apprentice" rule that is seen in the movies. Before 1k years before Yavin there is no such rule, which means LOTS of evil Jedi to fight!

What this all means is there's almost a 3,000 year period that the history hasn't been written for and we can do whatever we want. All we know is that during this period the Galactic Republic is in power, but being challenged by Sith Forces. Everything else you need to know, you know from the movies . . . just setting and atmosphere stuff like Lightsabers, Droids, Hyperspace, the Force, etc.

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Postby Thorn » Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:58 pm

I'm giving this serious consideration, but unfortunately I'm WAY more familiar with D6. If I do decide to go for it, and I write up a D6 character, can you do the legwork on it?

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Postby Halo » Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:26 pm

Yup -- All I will need is a background, provided the player is willing to let me do the mechanics of the character sheet. I can try to convert a D6 character as well as possible, but understand the two systems do not convert well at all and what you'll end up with is more of a "Spiritual" conversion than something mechanically perfect (i.e. you'll likely lose some abilities and gain a few as D20 is a Class system).

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Postby ColdFire » Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:26 pm

I was looking around and found this, might make conversions a little easier. ... 222c&c=rpg

EDIT: Oops, I think this is for the pre-revised rules, meaning it probably won't help much, but I shall leave the link. Sorry.

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Postby Halo » Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:51 pm

Yeah, I've seen that before... and used it when the D20 rules first came out. It's not just bad... it's phenomenally bad. "Ishtar" type suckage there.

The two systems just aren't compatable .... a points system versus a level and class system. But really, that's not important . . . what matters is the character concept and background.

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Postby Panaka » Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:07 pm

I have all the D20 books except tempest fued and run a campaign in with a group locally.
I'm interested in your campaign, but have a few questions.

Will you be hosting a light or darkside campaign (I make a terrible darksider)?
Am I allowed to make my own character (I do have all the books)?
Any special house rules?
Will there be a limit on character classes ( Example: only 2 jedi)?
From what books and scources can we pick feats and skills (Hero guide has lightsaber form feats)?
Any restrictions on technoligy (we are playing way before Yavin)?
What level do we start?
Will all melee weapons have cortosis weave?
How "special" do you want the character bios to be (swoop bike driving orphan with a cool vibro sword)?
Will you be using the fan made KOTOR scource book?

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Postby Halo » Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:58 pm

Will you be hosting a light or darkside campaign (I make a terrible darksider)?
Light Side

Am I allowed to make my own character (I do have all the books)?
Yes, within a few restrictions (see below).

Any special house rules?
Of course! Nothing major off the top of my head, aside from the few Character Creation restrictions. But I'm sure by the time we get rolling I'll have other house rules worked out.

Will there be a limit on character classes ( Example: only 2 jedi)?
Although I usually run a "No more than 50% of the characters may be Force Sensitive" rule, I don't think I'm going to enforce that here, and instead just go with the best characters win.

From what books and scources can we pick feats and skills (Hero guide has lightsaber form feats)?
See below, and yes you are able to take Lightsaber Forms.

Any restrictions on technoligy (we are playing way before Yavin)?
I'm not going to specify a specific year as it's not important, but we're going to be somewhere between 1,000 and 3,500 years before Yavin. The only restrictions will likely be on navigation and hyperdrive, which is more for game balance and atmosphere than anything else.

What level do we start?
See below.

Will all melee weapons have cortosis weave?
LOL -- no. That works great for a computer game, but I prefer to believe cortosis is FAR more rare (and therefore valuable). It definately exists, but is not so common as to believe ALL melee weapons have it. For those who are not familiar with cortosis, it is a metal that is highly resistent to lightsabers and in some instances causes the weapon to shut down when struck. In the KOTOR videogames it explains why people with normal swords can parry lightsabers . . . really it's just a game balance thing.

How "special" do you want the character bios to be (swoop bike driving orphan with a cool vibro sword)?
As special as you like while within the rules and sanity. If you're too far "out there" I can reel you in before approving the character.

Will you be using the fan made KOTOR scource book?

What follows is some information I was preparing for a Character Creation thread once we have a board set up, but might as well post what I have. As always, this is a work in progress and I reserve the right to change anything.

And also let me take a moment to mention "Rule #0" which is: what I say goes with regards to the Star Wars setting, Rules and Continuity. My last Star Wars game I actually had an argument between two players about Jedi Padawan hair and whether or not they were "required" to have that little braid in their hair (I kid you not). When I ruled it wasn't a requirement, one player got rather pissy about this amazing break in continuity. So, let me be loud and clear -- I don't tollerate annoying Fanboy arguments. When I break continuity, and I probably will, don't argue. Just roll with it.

Starting Level: 3rd (3,000 XP)

Approved Species: Adarian, Anomid, Aqualish, Arkanian, Ayrou, Bothan, Caamasi, Cathar, Cerean, Chagrian, Chevin, Draethos, Duro, Elomin, Em’Liy, Feeorin, Gotal, Ho’din, Houk, Human, Iktotchi, Khommite, Ithorian, Kel Dor, Krevaaki, Krish, Kushiban, Lepi, Menahuun, Miraluka, Mon Calamari, Muun, Nagai, Nazzar, Near Human, Nimbanel, Omwati, Quarren, Ranath, Rodian, Ryn, S’kytri, Sullustan, Tarro, Togorian, Toydarian, Trandoshan, Twi’lek, Ubese, Wookiee, Woostoid, Zabrak, and Zeltron. NO Ewoks. NO Gungans. NO exceptions.

Approved Classes: Fringer, Noble, Scoundrel, Scout, Soldier, Tech Specialist, Force Adept, Jedi Consular, Jedi Guardian (Multiclassing Allowed)

Approved Prestige Classes: Antarian Ranger, Bounty Hunter, Chief Engineer, Crime Lord, Elite Trooper, Force Warrior, Infiltrator, Jedi Ace, Jedi Healer, Jedi Instructor, Jedi Investigator, Jedi Master, Jedi Scholar, Jedi Weapon Master, Loyal Protector, Martial Arts Master, Master Duelist, Master Spy, Officer, Outlaw Slicer, Priest, Sharpshooter, Starship Ace, Treasure Hunter (and other Prestige Classes by Faction)

Ability Scores: 16, 14, 14, 12, 10, 8 (Base scores modified by species)

Approved Feats: Those found in the Core Rulebook R&E, Hero Builder’s Guide, and Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.

Approved Skills: Those found in the Core Rulebook R&E, Hero Builder’s Guide, and Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.

Bloodlines: Characters are encouraged to have a family tradition, but may not belong to any Bloodline that grants statistical bonuses (as in the Skywalker and Halcyon Bloodlines).

Starting Equipment: Assigned by GM, but open to request. Jedi are typically granted nothing but a lightsaber and utility belt by the Order, and expected to procure all other equipment on assignment.

Factions: Starting characters may choose to belong to any one faction (not required): Antarian Rangers, Baran Do Sages, Criminal Society (specify which criminal organization), Bounty Hunter’s Guild, Corellian Security Force (CorSec), Corporate Sector, Galactic Republic, Jedi Order, Matukai, Noble House (specify planet and noble house), Political Affiliation, Religion, Sienar Fleet Systems, and the Zeison Sha. Note there are certainly other factions active in the game, but the above are the only ones characters may have a relationship with at start.

Miscellaneous Character Notes:
- No Sith, Krath or other Dark Jedi (nor agents of these societies)

- Characters may not be related in any way to established Star Wars characters

- Jedi may not multiclass at start (the Academy would not permit them to pursue other interests to earn levels in other classes and they would have begun the Jedi Path too early in life to have earned a heroic level before then).

- No Wookiee Jedi! The Academy would not teach Jedi arts to a species with inherent anger issues. Racist? You bet!

- Jedi and family or other attachments: The Jedi of this era are more flexible when it comes to “attachments” than during the Rise of the Empire era. Emotional and familial attachments are allowed. Monetary and material attachments are not. Jedi are encouraged to keep touch with their family, as well as marry or keep pets. They are not permitted to amass wealth beyond what is required to maintain their duties. All other wealth (money, property, etc) must be given to the Order. And, no, Jedi do not have to have that sissy hair braid.

- At third level Jedi characters are considered senior students at their Academy or Praxeum, and carry the title of “Apprentice” (not Padawan). Masters take on numerous pupils, and apprentices may train under more than one master. At this level apprentices are likely permitted to leave their Academy or Praxeum to run minor errands for the Order, but not ready for missions of significance.

- Be warned if you wish to play a Jedi or other Force Sensitive character! I am notorious for handing out Dark Side Points. ANY act that I rule as being an act of darkness (and even “darkness by inaction”) will award a DSP. Any character who falls to the Dark Side will be removed from the main game, and will most likely become an NPC for the GM to use. Also note that DSPs are awarded the same to non-Jedi Force Sensitives as they are to Jedi . . . even if said FS has no Force Powers!

- If you want the Force Sensitivity Feat, you MUST take it at character creation. People are either born Force Sensitive, or they are not. It's not something that can be learned.

- It is not required but HIGHLY recommended that people wishing to play a Jedi or Force Adept have access to at least a copy of the Star Wars D20 Core Rulebook (does not need to be the Revised version). Trust me . . . playing a Jedi without access to the rules is FAR more frustrating than fun!

More questions? Fire away! :)
Last edited by Halo on Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Kai » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:09 pm

Somewhere around here is a Matukai Force Adept/Fringer in training, or something like that...I have no idea what level she was, we never actually got to the playing part, nor do I own the hero's guide or the revised d20 rules...but if I can unearth her, it sounds like it could be fun :)

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Postby ColdFire » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:44 pm

I was thinking about a dual lightsaber wielding Jedi, so will there be short lightsabers (for off hand use) and if yes, will I need a separate exotic weapon proficiency for one?

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Postby Thorn » Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:38 am

PMed you a couple of character concepts; I didn't want to clutter up the thread. BTW, I'm assuming that at this point, Mandalorian = trained-to-a-razor's-edge human, rather than gray-skinned mystery Predator alien.

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Postby Halo » Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:31 pm

Somewhere around here is a Matukai Force Adept/Fringer in training, or something like that...I have no idea what level she was, we never actually got to the playing part, nor do I own the hero's guide or the revised d20 rules...but if I can unearth her, it sounds like it could be fun :)
Sounds good, and you really don't need the R&E version or the Hero Builder's Guide. They add some fun stuff, but you can make a perfectly fine character with just the regular 1st edition of the D20 rules. And really you don't even need that. . . worst case scenario, just write the background and leave the stats to me.

I was thinking about a dual lightsaber wielding Jedi, so will there be short lightsabers (for off hand use) and if yes, will I need a separate exotic weapon proficiency for one?
Yes, Short Lightsabers use their own Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Short Lightsaber). Short Jedi (like Yoda) start with this Feat instead of the usual Lightsaber Proficiency. Short Lightsabers have a base 2D6 Damage and are considered light with regard to weight for Medium-sized characters (i.e. the attack penalty is 2 less for each weapon).

I'm assuming that at this point, Mandalorian = trained-to-a-razor's-edge human, rather than gray-skinned mystery Predator alien.
LOL -- they're human or near-human since that's the closest thing to an "official" continuity for Mandalorians right now. Since this is taking place at an unspecified period between their defeats in the Mandalorian Wars and the Battle of Ruusan, it's hard for me to say right now what their status is . . . Conquesting Armada? Muardering Horde? or a broken and splintered tribe of once proud warriors . . . I'll have to do some thinking about that . . .

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Postby Thorn » Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:49 pm

I'll PM my Secret History of the Mandalorians to you - it's sort of cobbled together from everything I can find about them, and I haven't revealed it to any of my offline D6 players, as it'd ruin at least one character thread to learn a lot of it. In a lot of ways it involves the ancient Sith playing a very deep game indeed.

BTW, the message may take a while to compose, as I haven't set it down yet in any format.

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Postby Kai » Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:33 am

Oh the character is already built using revised d20 and Hero's Guide, I just don't know where I put her and/or if I remember what all she does :7

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Postby Sabre » Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:17 pm

I've always been interested in Star Wars and years back I did have an opportunity to briefly play an online messageboad Star Wars RPG. While I'm interested, I'd be lying about understanding how to create a character for this RPG and I'm completely clueless at to what a cortosis weave is (and why I would need one as opposed to a nice herringbone pattern or perhaps a Paisley Print. :D

However I am a quick learner. If you're looking for players and can help me with the character creation process then I'm in if you'll have me.

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Postby Thorn » Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:01 am

Cortosis is a McGuffin explaining how a regular sword can parry a lightsaber.

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Postby Dane Riley » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:36 am

Cortosis weave can also be used in armour to defend against lightsabers. It was described in the novel I, Jedi by Michael Stackpole.

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Postby Sabre » Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:57 am

Thanks guys. Sounds like I need to do a bit of boning up on Jedi lore. Still, I'm interested.

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Postby Halo » Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:35 am

If you're looking for players and can help me with the character creation process then I'm in if you'll have me.

As mentioned above, I am more than happy to create the statistical character sheets if players focus on creating an interesting character. All I would need is a background profile, and your understanding that what comes out on the final sheet may not be 100% what you had in mind (such is the way of a Class and Level RPG system).

Sounds like I need to do a bit of boning up on Jedi lore.

Only if you plan to play a Jedi . . . really everything else you need to know you got from the movies. The game takes place a few thousand years before the movies, but the Star Wars Universe really hasn't seen a lot of change over that time. The Galactic Republic is in power, but there are some independant worlds. There is no Empire yet (obviously). The Sith have been beaten back, but still pose a threat. There are thousands of Jedi protecting the Republic. Lightsabers are still lightsabers, and blasters are still blasters.

Basically, any character you could imagine that would exist in the movies would still be fair game in this time period.

A few more notes about the game and characters:
- I have been told that it may take longer than I originally thought before we have our own forums set up to use. Therefore, we'll continue to use this forum to discuss the game, but I will not be officially accepting characters until we have our own forums.

- My work occasionally calls for me to travel. Although I'm usually not gone for more than a day or two, the company is sending me on a two and a half week trip starting this Monday. I am not familiar with the hotels they have me staying in, so I'm not sure if I'll have net access or not (i.e. if they have free broadband, I'll post . . . if not, I can't).

I'll be around to plan or answer whatever questions I can until Monday morning . . . after that you may not see me around until Ocober 5th.

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Postby Thorn » Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:55 pm

Gooood... gives me time to polish the blunt-instrument characters sent to you a couple days ago. Frankly, it's been too long away from SWd20 for me to get a character out properly even when I have the right idea.

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Postby Sabre » Sun Sep 18, 2005 10:51 pm

OK, I've sent you a character brief as well Halo. It's a work in progress and I am completely open to suggestions.

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Postby Halo » Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:56 pm

Hi all,

There are a few difficulties geting the boards for this set up, and I don't want to leave everyone hanging on. So I'm officially placing the status of this game as "Indefinate Backburner". If/when the boards get situated I'll start things back up.

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Postby ColdFire » Wed Nov 16, 2005 11:05 pm

To quote Lord Vader: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

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Postby Nomad Soul » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:38 am

Why didn't I see this before?
I've always wanted to do a Star Wars RPG. Is this project still dead in the water?


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