Lanji's Status [Running Open Thread]

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Postby Lanji » Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:36 pm

Well, starting tomorrow afternoon, I'll be on the road again for a little bit. No real schedule, and I'll have internet 90% of the time, but I wanted to let everyone know what's up.

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Postby MasumiX » Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:24 am

happy travels... I hope you travel in a magic bus :p

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Postby Xuric » Tue Mar 29, 2005 8:19 am

MasumiX wrote:happy travels... I hope you travel in a magic bus :p

Or a 12 legged Cat-bus, ala Totoro. :)

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Major Update

Postby Lanji » Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:30 pm

Hi there everyone, its time that I announced this here:

Here's a copy of the latest entry:

"That's right, I'm back to make a quick post concerning changes in my personal life that shouldn't effect anything else, but will reflect my new found lack of time.

First, so that everyone knows, I have a new job at Sierra Trading Post! Sierra Trading Post is located in Cheyenne, Wyoming, which is only 2 hours north of Denver, and 45 minutes east of Laramie where I finished my undergraduate and masters work earlier last year.

The interview process was the longest, but the easiest that I've had since I've started interviewing, and even though I don't have a job title yet, the job I'll be doing is a wide range of optimization inside of the website, such as the Internal Search Engine and Categories Displaying using something called Guided Navigation. I'm really looking forward to this, and the position starts next Wednesday, April 6th!

What does this mean for Lanji Information Technologies, LLC, Macross RPG Community, and my two College of Business contracts?

Nothing. I plan on continuing both operations, and finishing my two COB contracts as quickly as possible with my usual high standards of quality.

What it may mean though is that I'll have to become more efficient with my time. :)

Anyway, I wanted to let everyone online know whats up, and whats going on, and if you have questions please feel free to e-mail me anytime at chris at"

You can also PM me here if you wish!

PS: This isn't going to stop the Off in my own little world Project for those of you interested in it, and may in fact speed both that, and the fixing of the charactercp.php once I'm settled into my own place, which will be later next week.

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Postby Kai » Sat Apr 02, 2005 2:59 pm

Well congrats to you! :) Nice to know I have company in my state of work = web, side work = web, fun = web ;)

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Postby Sabre » Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:04 pm

Right on Chris. Congratulations!!!


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Postby Thorn » Sat Apr 02, 2005 4:56 pm

Excellent for you! I expect you'll be at least as levelheaded and forgiving over there as you are over here. :P

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Postby Lanji » Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:05 pm

Greetings everyone!

Just to let you all know I'm finally settled into my new place, and finally have my very own Cable Modem connection to the Internet.

Now to just find all of the time I was going to spend on for fun projects and get moving on them.

More coming later, thanks to Xuric, MasumiX and Araruin for taking care of some of the Admin Tasks while I was gone! My thanks to anyone I've missed too, just in case.

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Long Time, No Update

Postby Lanji » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:56 am

Hey there everyone, sorry for the lack of updates, etc. but I was trying to get into better habits this weekend, and came by for a visit (actually, I was here last weekend working on some stuff for Xuric and Araruin, but didn't want to update this thread).

So here's the general status:

Sierra Trading Post: After a 6 month launch window for the new website at my current employeer, the website has been launch, and we've spent the last month working overtime to get the thing fixed and fully up to what it used to be. Good news is I'm comforatable enough to announce it here that I had a hand in working on something that required over 30 people to put together. Bad news is I still have three major deadlines to meet before the 31st. Makes for a Lanji that's not around a lot.

Sick?: Yep, as some of you might know from late last year, I found myself in the dumps quite a lot, and rather tired all of the time. Since I hadn't visited a real doctor since I went to college ("Student Death" does not count as a viable health alternative... Damn University Health system...) I finally scheduled an appointment and low and behold, something was medically wrong with me! Good news is I'm back to 98% good health, and I haven't been feeling this well in a long time.

Kendo/Iaido: Soon after I started feeling well intitially, I found that I needed some activity other then work, going home, and working the 1st job on the computer again (AKA too much seat time, not enough exercise). So I joined a Kendo Dojo... In Cheyenne Wyoming... Sounds strange enough, but its actually a rather high quality dojo with an instructor who knows and understands both his arts and that there are lots of frauds out there just waiting to take your money. Its non-profit, and its sometimes more of a social club then a dojo. Go figure!

Lanji IT: As I indicated above, my 1st job. Its going well. Except that the server move in December didn't go 100% to plan, and as many of you have witnessed, the server hasn't been up to my usual 99%+ uptime standards. I'm working on that, and have done quite a few changes to get back to that.

My plan is to finish my tax preperation next week, visit the accountant the week after, and work out the plan for the next two years for Lanji IT. Its still mostly a part-time effort to make sure that all my for fun projects (including the MRC and OIMOLW) keep functioning.

The bad news is I will start asking for donations again to help cover some of the MRC's bandwidth costs. More information on that when I have it.

OIMOLW: I'm working on the boards for that project right now. Expect to see the Star Wars boards and the Documentation Wiki up over the next few weeks or even sooner if things go well.

Cobras/Sabre: First, my public apologies to Sabre for being a lousy player and not getting my character back into the game even though I had planned on starting her back up over two months ago now... Damn life. Next my apologies to my fellow players for not following through and getting my character into action either.

Hope that's everything, but feel free to ask here if its not!

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Postby Xuric » Mon Mar 20, 2006 12:40 pm

Welcome back, mate.

30 man website raid? that's pretty bitchin. As a fellow webmonkey, I'd have loved to be in on something like that. :)

Kendo/Iaido -- more specificly, the iaido... which school?

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Postby Kai » Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:47 pm

No you don't, you only think you do until you realize how extrodinarily impossible herding 30 coders is :D

I assume the Dev board is included in there someplace?

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Postby Xuric » Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:48 pm

You're probably right. I'm probably thinking of how much could be accomplished by 30 geeks at once. :lol:

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Postby Sabre » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:48 pm

Welcome back Lanji and I'm thrilled ot hear that you're addressing the health concerns.

Contributions: You know I've always been a supporter in the past, that will continue in the future. That being said, I'd feel a lot more comfortable with monetary support if the board wasn't going up and down like a yo-yo.

Cobras: No problem, again I say great to have you back. Drop me a PM Chris, I want to know if you're still interested in playing. I was just preparing to send you chraracter back to Earth (writing her out of the game), if you still want to play, I need to know and I will need to know you can maintain a post of at least once per week.

Drop me a line or two Lanji.

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Postby Kai » Tue Mar 21, 2006 3:28 pm

Was involved in a collaborative project of just 8 of us, and for every idiosynchrocy I know I have, everyone else had one, and half of them irritated the hell out of me, and me them. But yeah, the potential is astounding :D

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Postby Mr.F » Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:24 pm

And that little fellows are how computer games are made.

/Mr.F - Knows stuff

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Postby Lanji » Sat Apr 01, 2006 4:14 am

Xuric, its Muso Shinden Ryu in regards to your question about Iaido.

Kai, is correct by the way. You don't herd 30 programmers... Then again I'll take 30 programmers over 6 overzelous marketing guys, only two Web Operations guys, and the 12 programers who were actually programming. The damn marketing guys changed everything 3 times a day making things really interesting...

Downtime: LOL, 3 weekends of off and on problems that were solved after over a year of 99.8% uptime after the last major downtime on December 25th 2004... Not asking for much. But, the good news is the problems have been solved, and it was directly related to the BIOS settings for heat sensors.

Cobra's: I'll drop a line to you shortly Sabre.


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