Can someone explain the Zolons to me?

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Postby silos » Sat Nov 08, 2003 2:31 pm

LOL Didn't knew that.
BTW, speking of cloning extinct (aledged) species, did the UNG repopulated part of Earth's original flora and fauna along with the mass human cloning. Haven't thought about that till now.

I guess the movie coment wasn't very acurate, but I don't know the name of that movie and have never seen it again. Anyhow what has been said till now in this thread gives a reasonable amount of (posible) info in the characteristics of the zolans, at least I can now picture one in my mind (not very pleaseant though <IMG SRC="/images/smiles/icon_razz.gif"> ).

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Postby apeman007 » Sun Nov 09, 2003 11:56 am

Yes, the UNG did do cloning of Earth's flora and fauna in an attempt to bring Earth back to it's former self.

I believe you've seen Macross Plus Eps. 4... so you can be the judge of how completely they succeeded...

My interpretation is that they did enough to keep things viable, perhaps not everything was cloned (lots of missing DNA, etc) and after that, the UNG concentrated their energies on human stuff (cities, UNS war fleet, colony fleets, etc..)

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Postby silos » Sun Nov 09, 2003 7:27 pm

Thanks Apeman.

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Postby Mr.F » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:05 am

Old topic... I know but I started thinking about something and wanted some more input. Better than spamming a new topic right?

Anyhow... I noticed the Zolans appear to have patches of fur on their forearms. However I only saw (Have seen FAR from all macross stuff so there is alot I do not know) males featuring these patches.

I was wondering if that would be a biological feature or if furry arms is simply considered a beauty flaw in Zolan culture so the females shave their arm-fur? Have anyone seen a Zolan female with fur patches on their forearms (as mentioned I haven't seen much of macross)?

Also interested to know if anyone know if those fur patches are restircted to the arms or if they appear on any other parts of the Zolans. Earlier in this topic someone suggested nudity and thus there is a possibility someone has discovered something... I do know that someone wrote something about Zolans having to worry about fur patches in a in-game thread somewhere. I believe it was CR who wrote it somewhere on the Ganymede boards when posting for an NPC (memory could be defect mind you). Was that written out of pure speclation?

From what I saw of the Zolans I reflected over their clothing. Some zolans seemed to use some kind of full-body clothing simmiliar to a poncho or certain indian or inka clothing. Other though where using very human like clothing. One of the Zolans that used this poncho like clothing was a older woman and another was the young daughter to the giant Zolan who hunted the white whale (I am bad with names. Sorry). This suggests that the Zolans have a older culture of their own that perhaps have been strongly influenced (modified/replaced) by human culture (or simply a more "modern" culture that might have its origin on Zola). Perhaps the Zolan "original" culture face the same kind of problems (that is to say that the culture is disappearing) that native populations suffer in our own world?

/Mr.F - Needs to go. No time for spell checking or finishing up the post... sorry.

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Postby COBRA » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:23 am

It's better to recycle then making a new post when the topic is still the same.

It appears that only male has fur on the forearms. If you remember the part where Basara follows the little girl on her super-bike to the town to purchase some food. There is a woman standing on the street wearing human clothes, holding her both children. I think you can see her arms are not "furry"

Guess it's a destinct diffrence between Zolan males and females that males has more fur. :wink:

Otherwise Zolan's culture is very recognizable and simular to humans old culture there you mention full-body clothes such as poncho's and other indian like clothes. But I didn't think Zolans culture has been influenced by humans culture that much.
Remember that the contact with the Zolan race is still quite young. I think...

Does anyone has exact time or history when the contact with the Zolans was established?

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Postby Mr.F » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:33 am

Well, yes. As I mentioned I only saw males with the fur-patches on their arms, but as I mentiopned I haven't seen very much of macross so there might have been evidence I had not seen. Thus I asked. =)

I guess you are right on the cultural part. Humans are relatively new (I think) to Zola so unless the Zolans adapted VERY quickly, human culture wouldn't have had much of an influence. However it still appear to be some kind of cultural "rift" in the Zolan society.

How was Zola when it where first discovered? What level of technology did they possess? Did humans bring VFs to Zola or did the Zolans have their own variants?

/Mr.F - So many questions...

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Postby COBRA » Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:01 am

There is no data about Zolans having any former or old VF technology in their possession. They normaly used space fighters, boats or whatever craft they developed until contact with the humans.
Apperently providing the Zolans with VFs. Did boost of combat effiency for the Zolan's military and police force.

Here is a custom-made VF fighter for the Zolans military and police forces:
VF-5000 Star Mirage Zolan version


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