The Sad State of Cobalt

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The Sad State of Cobalt

Postby Cobalt » Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:58 am

DM burnout.

I am getting burnt out and I need a change in order to keep going. This is not going to happen overnight but I have been thinking about this for a little while now. I have a 2 part plan to change things up.

Step 1 - Reduce the number of games I am running. To that end, I will no longer be running solo games or multiple parties in the same game. My plan is to reduce down to 1 Macross game, 1 D&D game, and 1 Star Wars game.

Step 2 - Begin each game fresh. I started the Gunslingers 3.5 years ago. The D&D game started 7 years ago. The fresh start will allow me to create new stories without the weight of all that history.

This doesn't mean that I am going to abruptly shut down the current games. It does mean I will be bringing them to a close.

I will be posting the plot synopsis and character creation guidelines for each game over the next day or so.

~Let the Beauty Sleep

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Re: The Sad State of Cobalt

Postby Sabre » Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:07 pm

You know my thought my old friend.

You mental health comes first. So you know my thoughts and you know that you have my full support.

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Re: The Sad State of Cobalt

Postby Cobalt » Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:25 pm

Thank you.
~Let the Beauty Sleep

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