Balloon Fest in New Mexico

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Balloon Fest in New Mexico

Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:51 pm

Hey Folks I'm going to be out of town for the Next four days. I'll be returning on Sunday. Taking the wife and kids on a vacation to New Mexico for the Balloon Fest. :P

Seeya Sunday!!
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Postby Cobalt » Thu Oct 06, 2011 3:05 pm

Have fun, buddy
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Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:33 am

Ok. So I'm back from the Balloon Festival, albiet a day earlier then planned. My family had the worst luck we've ever had when it came to this particular vacation.

Ok check this out. So we arrived there Thursday at around 4:30 PM and got our hotel. We thought we would head down to see the Balloon Glow that they had planned for the night. Already had the tickets purchased online and everything. When we got there we found out that they were cancelling it because of weather conditions, which is understandable of course. So we went home with no hard feeling.

The Next (Friday) day we got up nice and early and headed for the fair grounds where the balloons were going to be launched. We waited there for like four hours just to find out that they were going to cancel it again do to weather again. We started to get a little irritated as we had driven for 7 hours straight just to get there. But, that irritation quickly deminished as we noticed cars with Missouri, Texas and Louisiana tags on them. So when went to the zoo and to the aquarium instead which proved to be really fun.

The the next day with was yesterday aka Saturday we decided to head to the Balloon Fest again. But first we had to inch our way through parking traffic tht was 2 miles long and steady growing. That took the better of an hour. When we got close enough I let my daughter and her mother join a crowd that had decided to walk the rest of the way to the balloon grounds while myself and hour 5 month old road the parking traffic to hour parking spot. Fortunately, it was a wise decision as my wife and daughter arrived there nearlt half an hour before myself and our son got there.

There were sooo many balloons. They were more then 300 balloons there. The sky was literally crowded with them. Such various shapes, colors and sizes. It was so worth it. And the people. We're talking thousands upon thousands of people. I'll send some pics when i get a chance to. Any ways when that was done we went back to the hotel. My wife asked me what we should do with the remainer of the day before we left out the next day. I figured we stay and chill and explore some more sites but after we took a well deserved nap. So we slept for likde 3 hours and woke up to start getting dressed to do our touring of Albikerque or how ever you spell that name. Then it happened. My wife was sitting there with our son in her arms doing what moms do when she spotted something.

She goes. "Hunny, whats that?" I turned and said, "What?" Then she pointed. And OH MY GOD. There was the biggest cockroach climbing up the wall. OI was like "oh HELL NO!!" I slammed my shoe on it and killed it. Then things turned for the worse. As I recoiled and turened around, my eyes caught site of another one crawling up the wall. I was like, "AWW F....K NAH!" Killed that one too. Then another one and another one. My wife was like, "What are we going to do?" I responded with urgency. "Baby. We're getting the f..k out of here now. We ain't waiting until tomorrow. Get the kids on top of the bed," as I grabbed cloths and begain examining ghem looking for roaches and their egg sac or what ever and started throwing them into plastic bags and sealing them up tightly for sterilizatiuon when we got back home. In about 3 mins we had taht place vacated and were on the way home. We got out of there a day earlier then projected. It was crazy and creepy and down right disgusting. Word to the wise. Don't sleep at the Travelers Lodge Hotel. They are Roach infested and the managers ddidn't seem to care when my wife complained about it at the front desk as we checked out.

Man its good to be back home. Time to sterilize EVERYTHING!!!!!
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Postby Kosh » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:11 am

I think I found a picture of you on holiday matey,


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Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:17 am

LOL! Dude.. You are So on point!! :P
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Postby Phantomj » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:22 am

Wow Genjuro you just made my skin crawl and flashed me back to a bad family vacation, but put in uncleaned hotel room and spiders galore.
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Postby Cobalt » Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:25 pm

Sounds brutal, bud.
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