Frontiers Mercenary Campaign

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Would you like to see this campaign happen?

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Frontiers Mercenary Campaign

Postby inix88 » Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:34 pm

Hey guys-

I'd like to run a Frontier era mercenary campaign. It would be somewhat of an open world concept, but remain fairly canon.

The idea is for a mercenary army: "Colonel Chinaski's Flying Circus"
set in late 2058 or early 2059. Most Frontier mecha will be incorporated. The airwing and all support personnel will be on one ship, which will be a fairly wild place. Canon states that the Macross Galaxy fleet has begun using a lot of bionic body modification, so that will be allowed for character development (I'll probably use the rules from either Rifts or Ninjas and Superspies).

I will use Palladium rules for combat and character development- I've been using them for nearly 25 years, and I find them fluid and easy to use. From a playing standpoint, it should be fairly transparent. There will be elements of other games, such as "Paranoia"- not everybody has to play on the same team.

I would like to see a bit more of an open world- hopefully simple survival on the ship would prove interesting enough- it's gonna be a real rough crowd.

If this is something that you are interested in, I am attaching a little poll.
If you have further questions about details (I am omitting quite a bit in this post) feel free to either post them here or PM me.

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Postby Cobalt » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:19 am

I was one of the people that voted "yes".

I don't know if I will have time to make a character but I would definitely love to see this game on the boards. I like the concept and I think we need a Macross Frontier game.

I think everyone who voted "yes" and is planning on making a character should post on the thread, so inix88 can see wants to be involved.
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Postby Koenshaku » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:05 am

I voted yes and would like to see this game happen. If it does, I'll be putting a characer together for approval.

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Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:08 am

yeah me too.
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Postby inix88 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 5:49 pm

I think everyone who voted "yes" and is planning on making a character should post on the thread, so inix88 can see wants to be involved.

Yes! That is what I meant to say. I am putting together the support material and stats, for general purposes at least, in the time being. I thought I'd give this thread a week or so, then move to the staging process if it is approved.

Upon approval, I will attempt to get everything together as fast as possible for you all.

Thank you very much everybody who is interested! We'll do our best to get this rolling!
Last edited by inix88 on Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ender » Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:25 pm

Just let me know when.

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Postby Sabre » Wed Jun 10, 2009 7:30 pm

Sounds awesome man!!

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Postby inix88 » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:24 pm


So, to hit the ground running, I'd like a letter (a quick little couple of lines, really) of intent via PM, if anybody is interested in signing on. If you are, I'd also like a character proposal or sheet.

I don't know what the upper limit for players is, but I'd like to see 4-8 ideally. There really won't be squads in the traditional sense, and there may be individual missions if time allows. Also, the freeplay areas that I intent to create will be open to "part-time" characters, once I get those going and everyone can see what they are about.

As far as character generation goes, this isn't really a traditional governmental military company, so it isn't completely neccessary to choose the "Variable Fighter Pilot" OOC, but a military OOC will be neccessary, as will the Variable Fighter Piloting skill and Mecha Combat skills, which will need to be purchased with "Other" skill selections in the case of choosing a different OOC.

I am also very open to the idea of returning veteran players from the M15 era. A higher level character will do better in The Flying Circus. On a case by case basis, we can go through and "level up" these characters to where they would be for this campaign's era.

There are some new skills to be added:

Pilot Variable Fighter (all)- 70% + 3% per level (although I think current rules support this)

Mecha Combat "Block 6 VFs"- this buys the mecha combat skill for every model from the VF-1X to the VF-22. All models from the VF-4 on (and retrofitted onto the VF-1X) have cockpit layouts and controls that are close enough to all be fitted into the same skill. This is the so called "Block 6" cockpit.

Mecha Combat: EX- this is for the new EX gear, and EX gear cockpit enabled fighters- the YF-24 (a testbed that will not see gameplay), the VF-25 (of course), and the VF-171EX.

Note: Mecha Combat: VF-27 requires Mecha Combat: Block 6 AND a cybernetic implant to jack into the new version of BDI/BDC. The virtual cockpit that is created is a Block 6 layout.

There will be more details on the evolution of variable mecha with the new stats section in the forum.

Notes on Cybernetics and Bionics

This is a canon element of Macross that is seen in the "Macross Galaxy" fleet in the Frontiers series. This campaign will make these options available to player characters. If you have Rifts or Ninjas & Superspies, these are the rules we will be using. If you do not, I will be posting on what is and what is not available.

A Note on ESP, Psionics, etc.

I believe that there is enough evidence from Macross 7 and forward of the existence of such phenomena (spiritua is a great example) that I want to include it in this campaign.


1) There will be a limited number of abilities available
2) The use of such abilities will adhere to the rules set out in Rifts, in which the use of these abilities costs Inner Strength Points, are very finite in their applications, which in general do not include any mesh with technology and are of a limited range, and have results that are determined by the dice and the GM only.

A great resource

You should all check out the "Macross Mecha Manual" which is at the site:

That said, who's on board?

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Postby Koenshaku » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:47 pm

Count me in. I'll PM you a character concept once I have it put together.

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Postby araruin » Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:45 am

For those who want help stating out their characters, you can use my GM too at It requires the use of Microsoft Excel. It currently supports VF Pilot, Military Specialist, Mechanical Engineer, Communications Engineer, Field Scientist, and Soldier.

Fill in the blue fields on the tab labeled Bishop Andrews and it will assign OCC skills and calculate skill percentages. I haven't had a chance to get the squad combat stats working yet, but I'll try to find some time to sit down with it.

Also, if anyone wants additional classes added to the tool, just let me know which ones and I can get them in fairly easily.

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Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Thu Jun 11, 2009 11:41 am

I'm on board. I should have a character sheet with in a week's time.
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Postby Thorn » Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:24 pm

Interested but occasionally unreliable. I'll see what I can whip up.

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Postby inix88 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:23 pm

I'm currently working on a timeline and backstory for the that should help with character development- this weekend should give me the time to do it.

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Postby inix88 » Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:41 pm

Background information on the forum is up.

Soon to follow, stats for skills, additional character rounding stats & rules, (hand-to-hand, cybernetics and limited psionics) and mecha stats.

Also, more about the Flying Circus organization and equipment.

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