Training Squadron Zulu 127

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Training Squadron Zulu 127

Postby Cobalt » Mon May 04, 2009 11:35 am

"Zulus, you may not be smart but you will be strong!" ~Petty Officer Scott

Okay people, daddy has a brand new bag. I've put together a campaign on the Beginhill boards and it is going to chronicle the final training mission of Training Squadron Zulu 127, the Shadow Hunters. This is open to players of all levels. The only requirement is that the character must be a cadet officer in the Space Navy XVF Pilot Corps. All interested parties please respond there with the following information.

[Character Avatar 85 by 85 pixels]

Character Name:
Species: (Human or Human - Zentraedi / Meltraedi hybrids only)
Planet of Origin:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Handedness: (Right or Left, ambidextrous not allowed)

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks:

Disposition / Personality:

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Best Friend:
Worst Enemy:

Worst Secret:

Background / History:
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Postby Cobalt » Tue May 05, 2009 2:10 pm

    Confirmed Players
  • Ender
  • Ironqueen
  • BEAR
  • Liltroll
  • Kosh
  • Genji
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Postby Azazel » Tue May 05, 2009 7:23 pm

Pick me! Pick meeeeee! :D

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Postby Cobalt » Tue May 05, 2009 7:32 pm

    Confirmed Players
  • Ender
  • Ironqueen
  • BEAR
  • Liltroll
  • Kosh
  • Genji
  • Azazel

Post all prospective character sheets on this thread. Approved characters will be reposted on the Beginhill.
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Postby BEAR » Tue May 05, 2009 11:40 pm


Character Name: Hawkleigh de’Kelsoe
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Origin: Earth
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Handedness: Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks: Hawk is a pretty average guy, were it not for his brilliant blonde hair and liquid blue eyes. He is pretty well kempt and likes keeping to himself but not at the cost of socializing with his squad mates. He has little in the way of distinguishing features, unless you happened to take a communal shower, then you may notice a very distinguishing biological gifting about him.

Disposition / Personality: Hawk is not really what people would call a socialite, but he does like interacting with others. Coming from a very traditional family who have a long lines of warriors, he tries to keep himself moral and of an honorable nature, but sometimes he has been known to throw off the shackles of family and party with the rest of them. Due to rumors of his ‘distinguishing build’ he has had no problem with finding women, but he rarely settles into a relationship comfortably.

Turn Ons: Lady-like behavior, Long hair, demure behavior, and just plain unobtainable women.
Turn Offs: Slutty, or whorish behavior, drama queens, independent wannabes, feminazi’s.

Likes: A challenge, educated people, playing piano, fencing and having a fun time with his peers.
Dislikes: Stupid activities, slackness when on the job, thinking with the wrong brain.
Best Friend: None locally.
Worst Enemy: Justin Tolland (Deceased.)

Worst Secret: He got away with murder, literally.

Background / History: The de’Kelsoe family was both a boon and a curse at the same time. In the one hand you had money and talent, but you had a responsibility to uphold the traditions weighing on you. Originally the line started with French knights, leading all the way up to the military in more recent years and with the last generation, Security servants.

Vector Ovid’s Earth office housed both of Hawk’s parents, and grown into the idea, he took a career in the Vector Cadet Program. Having a family that was on board the Macross and in the military in some fashion, there was always a lot of family pride involved. One day, a fellow cadet known as Justin Tolland decided that his family line would be a point of scorn.

In the end it resulted in a one on one fight out in the frozen snow and after having their private ‘duel’ of sorts, Hawk came off the loser. Afraid of what might happen, he waited for the man to turn and rushed him, slamming him over and breaking his neck on an outcrop of rocks.

When the incident was investigated, Hawk told the trainers that Justin had attacked him after luring him out on the false pretences of talking and during the fight he had fallen when Hawk tried to defend himself. Seeing as there was no evidence to the contrary and after investigation, it seemed Hawk had indeed taken a beating, they processed the claim and eventually Hawk’s manslaughter became legally known as self defense.

Still it was something that sat with him for the rest of his life.

When the Invasion occurred, his family was removed from Earth, but in separate convoys for space. Although his Father and he escaped, his mother’s ship was destroyed as it entered the upper atmosphere. When they landed in Edean, they received the bad news.

Angered and ready to get back into the fray, Hawk left the Vector Cadets and enrolled in the Navy, believing them to have the better materials needed to fight the way against the Splugorth. His dedication to his duty, his ability to study and work well with others soon had him entered in the Zulu 127 squad and now he is approaching the time of graduating.

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Postby Cobalt » Wed May 06, 2009 7:29 am

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Postby BEAR » Wed May 06, 2009 10:12 am


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Postby IronQueen » Wed May 06, 2009 12:11 pm


Character Name: Bella Sera
Age: 18
Species: Meltrandi hybrid
Gender: female
Planet of Origin: New Monaco
Height: 5’ 5’
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair Color: Green
[b]Eye Color: turquoise/blue
Handedness:[/b] Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks: Bella is a petite but curvy young girl. She has long light green hair and piercing emerald green eyes, which she sometimes hides by wearing red contacts when the mood strikes. There is a small tattoo in the shape of a pentagram on the left side of her delicate neck. Bella has a slender body and shapely legs thanks to her years as ballet dancer when she was a little girl.

Disposition / Personality: Always a romantic, Bella is friendly but quite reserved. She is a very laidback young lady but is also very determined and stubborn when she wants to achieve something. Her meltrandi heritage shows in her temper, which can be quite volatile if provoked. Bella is quite mature for her age and can be old fashioned at times.

Turn Ons: brave and handsome guys. A true gentleman with a good sense of humour. Girls with long legs and luscious lips.
Turn Offs: bullies, racists and dictators. People without a good fashion sense or lack of good hygiene habits…. Ergh, smelly people!

Likes: Dancing, singing, playing bass guitar. Outdoor sports, camping. Likes to experience new things.
Dislikes: being bored, loneliness, not knowing who her biological parents are. Routine.
Best Friend: Lantis Ferrer (lives in New Monaco, she knows him since they both were 8 yrs old)
Worst Enemy: none known.

Worst Secret: Bella recently found she also likes girls, and it is trying to come to terms with being bi-sexual. Something she is trying hard to keep secret from everyone, including her family.

Background / History:
Bella was adopted when she was only 18 months old. She doesn’t know much about her biological parents, and her only token from her real mother is an old meltrandi pilot insignia, which she carries wherever she goes. Rumour has it that her mother tried to give a shot at motherhood, at living amongst humans but could not get used to it. Bella knows she is adopted, and adores her family unconditionally, to her, they are her real parents and although curiosity nags at her every now and then, she would not change her family for the world.

She has one older brother and sister (Nova and Logan Sera, the twins) and her parents are both doctors working for the Di Medici-Windsor General Hospital, back in New Monaco where they all lived together.

A few months after the Invasion of Earth, when she became of age and finished her studies, Bella followed a different path from her brother and sister, both sent to University by her parents. She signed up to become a pilot. Perhaps also answering the call of the meltran blood running in her veins… and perhaps, because she hopes one day, she will find her real mother somewhere deep in space.

OoC: posting quickly from work, will re-size avatar when I get home.
Last edited by IronQueen on Wed May 06, 2009 2:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Cobalt » Wed May 06, 2009 1:27 pm

IronQueen wrote:Image

Character Name: Bella Sera
Age: 18
Species: Meltrandi hybrid
Gender: female
Planet of Origin: New Monaco
Height: 5’ 5’
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair Color: Green
[b]Eye Color: turquoise/blue
Handedness:[/b] Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks: Bella is a petite but curvy young girl. She has long light green hair and piercing emerald green eyes, which she sometimes hides by wearing red contacts when the mood strikes. There is a small tattoo in the shape of a pentagram on the left side of her delicate neck. Bella has a slender body and shapely legs thanks to her years as ballet dancer when she was a little girl.

Disposition / Personality: Always a romantic, Bella is friendly but quite reserved. She is a very laidback young lady but is also very determined and stubborn when she wants to achieve something. Her meltrandi heritage shows in her temper, which can be quite volatile if provoked. Bella is quite mature for her age and can be old fashioned at times.

Turn Ons: brave and handsome guys. A true gentleman with a good sense of humour. Girls with long legs and luscious lips.
Turn Offs: bullies, racists and dictators. People without a good fashion sense or lack of good hygiene habits…. Ergh, smelly people!

Likes: Dancing, singing, playing bass guitar. Outdoor sports, camping. Likes to experience new things.
Dislikes: being bored, loneliness, not knowing who her biological parents are. Routine.
Best Friend: Lantis Ferrer (lives in New Monaco, she knows him since they both were 8 yrs old)
Worst Enemy: none known.

Worst Secret: Bella recently found she also likes girls, and it is trying to come to terms with being bi-sexual. Something she is trying hard to keep secret from everyone, including her family.

Background / History:
Bella was adopted when she was only 18 months old. She doesn’t know much about her biological parents, and her only token from her real mother is an old meltrandi pilot insignia, which she carries wherever she goes. Rumour has it that her mother tried to give a shot at motherhood, at living amongst humans but could not get used to it. Bella knows she is adopted, and adores her family unconditionally, to her, they are her real parents and although curiosity nags at her every now and then, she would not change her family for the world.

She has one older brother and sister (Nova and Logan Sera, the twins) and her parents are both scientists working for the House of Di Medici-Windsor, back in New Monaco where they all lived together.

A few months into Invasion of Earth, when she became of age and finished her studies, Bella followed a different path from her brother and sister, both sent to University by her parents. She signed up to become a pilot. Perhaps also answering the call of the meltran blood running in her veins… and perhaps, because she hopes one day, she will find her real mother somewhere deep in space.

OoC: posting quickly from work, will re-size avatar when I get home.

One edit made for timeline (in blue). Character is APPROVED
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Postby IronQueen » Wed May 06, 2009 1:32 pm

Cheers. I changed parents professions to doctors and changed year to months as per your edit.
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Postby Cobalt » Wed May 06, 2009 1:41 pm

First two character sheets have been reposted on the Beginhill. Game will start when I have all the sheets.
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Postby IronQueen » Wed May 06, 2009 2:40 pm

Wayne, would you mind changing the avatar for my character in the Beginhill thread? I got home and changed my mind :)


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Postby Cobalt » Wed May 06, 2009 2:45 pm

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Postby Kosh » Thu May 07, 2009 4:13 am

Quick question oh guru of the boards, if the Zulu's are in their final year and building up towards graduation, I take it our characters have been together for some time, what is the normal class length 4 years right? So we'll all already know each other right or are the Zulu's like a blending of a few cadet units that have been whittled down to the final so-many?

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Postby Cobalt » Thu May 07, 2009 7:11 am

Actually, they have completed basic flight training and are being sent for advanced flight training on the XVFs. They are all coming from different training units, denoted by color. Former units will be posted the next time I can get to the computer today.
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Postby Cobalt » Thu May 07, 2009 3:00 pm

Listed Below are the Basic Flight Training Teams the Characters werre assigned to.

Hawkleigh de’Kelsoe - Red Team
Bella Sera - Blue Team
Galen Moore - Orange Team
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Postby Kosh » Fri May 08, 2009 9:13 am


Character Name: Karl Weber
Age: 19
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Origin: Lambda Colony
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 178lbs
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Handedness: Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks: Having grown up a swimmer, Karl has built up a fairly good tone to his body over the years. He has the same shade of auburn hair that comes from his mother’s side and the sharp green eyes from his fathers, Karl can be seen as a fair attractive guy for his age.

Disposition / Personality: Karl likes to push the limits, not to his own limits but the people around him. Always one to take a dare or a challenge, Karl has used this repeatedly in his childhood to come over as the daring one, always ready to step up and see who would follow him. Normally laid back and joking, Karl's mood can take a darker turn when his sister, Lea is involved. It was once said when she grew up she would be beating the boys away with a stick but lucky for her, her older brother is more than happy to beat them with a stick for her. Repeatedly.

Turn Ons:
Girls who know what they want and bikinis designed to save fabric.
Turn Offs: Smokers, unshaven legs and people who are wound to tightly.

The pursuit of female company, having a good time with friends and swimming.
Dislikes: Party poopers, being proved wrong and people messing with Lea. You mess with her, you mess with the family.
Best Friend: Alexander Ivanova, wingman from cadet squadron.
Worst Enemy: None.

Worst Secret: At the last year of school, Karl lost a swimming event intentionally just so he could hook up with a girl from a competing school.

Background / History:
Karl was the first born child of the Weber family, born on the small quiet colony of Lambda. His quiet, blissful childhood was shattered a couple of years later when his sister, Lea was born into the family, forever changing his life. Growing up with Lea was like growing up with a shadow that talked back to you, she would follow Karl everywhere, around the house, around the school and around the colony. Seeking to try and distance himself from his cheerful shadow, Karl started doing things he knew Lea wouldn't. Climbing the highest trees, ride the tallest rollercoaster , anything he could to give him a little breathing room from her. As they continued to grow up sports became a more involving part of their lives and for Karl it was swimming. As he grew up, his competitive streak grew with him, soon spilling out to not just his little sister. Always looking to do something the other kids wouldn't or couldn't just to say he could, Karl continued to try stuff others deemed too dangerous or stupid, sometimes both but the big challenge came when their parents told them both they would soon be moving to a colony fleet, a chance for adventure they told them both.

Now settled on the Macross 19, life continued for the Webers. Now a keen swimmer Karl got involved with his schools swim club and before long was part of the schools swim team. Another thing that changed over time was Karl's need to escape his sisters presence as the adolescent sibling rivalry faded as they grew up. Approaching the final year of school, Karl decided to continue his need to excitement and adventure and choose to sign up in the military once schooling was done, eager to push himself again. As his schooling drew to a close, Karl found himself in the swim team paired off against the schools local rival. With the winning point down to Karl he found himself with an unusual proposal. Throw the race and hook up with the head of the other schools girls swim team, a strikingly hot blonde called Emily Summers. Being a red blooded teenage boy, Karl threw the race in a heartbeat and got his promised reward. He isn’t proud of what happened but would do it again know what he got out of the deal, it beat a gold medal.

With school behind him, Karl enrolled in the Space Navy Fighter Corps as a pilot, eager to challenge himself to something new and to boldly go where no Weber has been before.

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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 08, 2009 9:38 am

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Postby Liltroll » Fri May 08, 2009 9:54 am

"No power in the universe can stop me!"


Character Name: Lea Weber
Age: 17 ( about to turn 18 )
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Planet of Origin: Lambda Colony
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Hazel-green
Handness: Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks:
The very first thing to catch the eye when looking at Lea is the healthy glow she seems to radiate. Of a somewhat average height, she has a lean body with long slender limbs which has been shaped by one of her most prominent hobby, volleyball, a sport she had been practicing since the tender age of 6. Being a very natural person she likes her clothing plain and simple, usually going straight for the bright and cheery colors. Her soft auburn hair are kept short and pair very nicely with the hazel-green sheen of her eyes.

Disposition / Personality:
Lea has often been described as impossibly cheerful, no obstacles seem to be able to withstand her never-ending supply of bright optimism and she barrels through life like a loose train. She is a very outgoing individual and can sometimes lack subtlety in what she does or find herself meddling into other people business, but it also makes her very accessible and easy to befriend if the other person respond in kind. She also sticks up to her friends or for those being singled-out.
She has one idol that she looks up to, her brother Karl. From as far as she can remember she has been trailing him and the times when they were apart always seemed to stretch out for ages.

Turn Ons: shy and hesitant guys who lack a sense of self-worth or confidence.
Turn Offs: people who are full of themselves and think they own the world.

Likes: Karl, volleyball, blue, walking under the rain, funny people and learning new things.
Dislikes: Being angry, cunning, cruelty and unneeded violence.
Best Friend: Caroline Lelouch, her former attack buddy in the volleyball team.
Worst Enemy: None that she knows of.

Worst Secret: Lea got completely wasted during her second cadet year and woke up the next day, naked, in their instructor's room.

Background / History:
Lea was born into a happy family in the distant colony world of Lambda. Both her parents were nice and caring and, while the family was not the most wealthy of all, she grew up without a care in the world. The fact she had a brother who was a little more than a year older had a significant impact on her. Her parents were both very busy and had little of their time to offer their new born hyperactive child, so all of her attention turned onto to her older sibling. Whenever he tried to do something, she would follow suit but as the time went by he tried to make things harder for her. Yet, she would try to exert herself to emulate him, often to the detriment of her own health or security.

Its their parents who came with the cunning plan of taking them apart (mostly for Lea's own security) and when Karl hooked up into swimming, they pushed their girl in the direction of volleyball. She didn't like it much at first. Hell, she was forced to come here away from her brother. However brooding for more that 10 seconds was not in Lea's character and, after the initial dislike, she took to it as a fish to water. She became quite good at it and her cheerful streak kept the team going on even through the hardest of times.

The most heart breaking event was when their parents gathered the two children and announced them the whole family was moving on, onto a colony fleet. Arriving on the Macross 19 fleet was hard as she had left everything she knew behind but making new friends, meeting new people, had always been something she was good at. The very first thing she did, was to locate the closest local volleyball team. It's there that she met up with Caroline. Things instantly worked between the two of them, they shared a kind of empathy that often made the first one finish the second one's sentences and turned them into the striking pair of Aces of the team.

Lea was also a brilliant student. Early on, she had taken a liking to learning and speaking new languages. When she tried to think about what she would be as an adult, the word linguist kept on coming in the forefront of her mind. However, as she finished her college, she also came to realise that her parents would not be in the position to offer her higher studies. As a last resort to finance herself, the young girl followed, once more, the footsteps of her brother and enrolled with the military.
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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 08, 2009 9:58 am

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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 08, 2009 10:02 am

    Confirmed Players
  • Ender
  • Ironqueen
  • BEAR
  • Liltroll
  • Kosh
  • Genji
  • Azazel

    Approved Characters
  • Hawkleigh de’Kelsoe - Red Team (BEAR)
  • Bella Sera - Blue Team (Ironqueen)
  • Galen Moore - Orange Team (Ender)
  • Karl Weber - Green Team (Kosh)
  • Lea Weber - Purple Team (Liltroll)
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Postby Azazel » Fri May 08, 2009 10:58 am


Character Name: Andrew Hayna
Age: 18
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Planet of Origin: 'Liberty', a small and pretty run-down spacestation on the Outer Rim. They didn't stay there for long, though, as it only served as a pit stop of sorts for his parents.
Height: 5’ 10’
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Dark grey, almost black.
Eye Color: Steel grey
Handedness: Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks: Owner of a slim yet toned constitution, Andrew is a good-looking young man that has a bit of a 'mature' air about him. The most distinguishing feature about Andrew is his eye colour, as they are of a tone of grey that's very hard to find, courtesy of his father's finnish heritage.

Disposition / Personality: With little alternative left but to look after himself most of the time (even if the McCoy family helped him at that not long after becoming friends with Virgil, their eldest son), Andrew is independent and takes life a bit too seriously at times. He takes his responsibilities at heart, tries hard to be helpful to others and is protective of his friends. These traits of his have kept him apart from most people his age, shaping him into a somewhat introverted young man.

Turn Ons: As most young men his age, Andrew likes good looking women. As the expression goes, he's a sucker for redheads.
Turn Offs: While his odd views on life (from a teenager's perspective, anyway) have left him bereft of much interaction with women his age, Andrew doesn't like openly sleazy/loose women. At all. That same lack of experience with the opposite gender has left him pretty much in the dark when it comes to the art of flirting. While not a turn off per se, blushing and nervous stuttering have proven not to go over well with most ladies.

Likes: Hanging out with his friends. Andrew likes arcades, going to bowling alleys and playing volleyball.
Dislikes: Out of his own experiences with his parents, Andrew refuses to join in on the consumption of alcohol, disapproving it entirely. While his friends' opinions on the matter made him tone down his objections to the point where he just doesn't say or do anything to keep his friend from doing so, he won't try it himself.
Best Friend: Virgil McCoy. Andrew's been friends with him since grade school.
Worst Enemy: None.

Worst Secret: Throughout his childhood, Andrew used to take money from his parents during their drunken stupor. While his doing so was due to the impossibility of making his way to school and buying something to eat at the cafeteria without money, he's greatly ashamed by that.

Background / History: Andrew was born as an only son to Thomas and Eve Hayna. A pair of (mediocre) con-artists and hustlers, obsessed with implementing their latest 'get rich quick' plan, the two were on the road during most of Andrew's early years, traveling from colony planet to stations in their endless search for 'easy money'.
Their misadventures, however, ground to a halt when they found themselves broke and neck deep in debt after a series of ill-conceived plans yielded absolutely no results. Fearing their debtors, and thinking that they could get away with it by joining a colony fleet, the Hayna family was cleared to board Fleet 19. Their half-baked plan ended up with them receiving a few calls not long after launch.
With nowhere left to run and no money to get on the run with anymore, Thomas and Eve Hayna were forced to work to pay off their debt, leaving their young son to his own devices more than once as they went from one measly job to the next.
While Andrew grew up, both his parents developed a rather strong taste for alcohol. Their 'dream life' being nothing but ashes scattered in the wind by then, the attention they devoted to their son did nothing but decrease as time went by. It was around that time, however, that Andrew met Virgil while at school, and the two became close friends. Having experienced nothing even remotely analogous to a happy family, Andrew was quick to do all he could to stay in their home as much as he possibly could, something Virgil's parents soon came to understand after they got to know the situation he lived in.

With the McCoy's support behind him, not to mention Virgil's friendship, Andrew's struggle to remain in school despite his parents' neglect was made a lot easier. Upon graduating from high school, he joined the military, as it offered him a chance to provide him with the money necessary to attend college.

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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 08, 2009 12:18 pm

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Postby Cobalt » Fri May 08, 2009 12:21 pm

    Confirmed Players
  • Ender
  • Ironqueen
  • BEAR
  • Liltroll
  • Kosh
  • Genji
  • Azazel

    Approved Characters
  • Hawkleigh de’Kelsoe - Red Team (BEAR)
  • Bella Sera - Blue Team (Ironqueen)
  • Galen Moore - Orange Team (Ender)
  • Karl Weber - Green Team (Kosh)
  • Lea Weber - Purple Team (Liltroll)
  • Andrew Hayna - Yellow Team (Azazel)
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Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Fri May 08, 2009 12:53 pm


Character Name: Debbie Henderson
Age: 20
Species: Human / Meltraedi hybrid
Gender: Female
Planet of Origin: Eden
Height: 5'9
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: Emerald Green
Eyes: Emerald Green
Handedness: Right

Physical Description / Distinguishing Marks: Debbie is a fairly decent looking young lady. She has soulful emerald green eyes and delicately semi short cut emerald green hair that accents her eyes in a flawless fashion. Her physique is of the status-quo super model with small firm tear drop shaped hips that taper down a pair of long,smooth, and perfectly shaped legs. Her breast are average in size but are firm and have a natural bounce to them when she walks. She walks with the grace of a confident woman and the natural sway of a 'Southern Bell' in her hips. She wears a tattoe of a black widow spider the size of a small child's hand on the small of her back. Her eyesite is 20/20 but dispite that she continues to sport a pair of reading glasses to keep from having to strain her delicate eyes when she is reading or ingrossed in a class room session. She will only take them off when she is about to go into a sim or perform physical activities be it perfessionally based or of the personal persuation, or if she becomes irritated with someone which is on a very rare occasion. She will also remove them to look a person in the eye when speaking on a person to person base. Her voice is an alto. Her tone soft and yet perfessional and carries a hint of a brittish accent.

Disposition / Personality: Debbie is a very kind hearted woman. She comes off as an easy going listener and friend to all she comes in contact with. She is very even tempered and slow to anger. Her loving and nurturing personality only adds on to her personal beauty. She is a firm believer in constructive critism but is very tactful on how she delivers it. She tends to always make direct eye contact when speaking to someone or when she is listening to them while they are speaking as a way of letting them know that they have her full undivided attention. She likes to have fun but not at the point to which it would destroy her image in the eyes of other. She has a bit of a wild side. However she does not drink very often and when she does decide to have a alcoholic beverage it is always something light. And she never drinks enough to get drunk. She
believes in always having control of herself and her emotions when others have lost theres and she will hesistate to step in to try and keep a drunk friend from making a bad decision that could possibly cost them dearly.

Turn Ons: Honorable men, a gentalmen, the feeling of being needed and/or wanted.
Turn Offs: Arrogence, cockiness, people who do not learn from their mistakes, people who feel the need to blame others for their own mistakes, a nark, and person who rambles while feeling sorry for themselves.

Likes: VFs of various types, Space battles, Books, Intellectual challenges, Hanging out with her girlfriends, Shopping for cloths, Form fitting clothing, Flowers.
Dislikes: Dresses with ruffles, A messing uniform, profanity, watermelon, rats and roaches.
Best Friend: Cathy Lorings (21 years old school mate and long time best friend.
Worst Enemy: Ex-boyfriend/fiance (Rahl Landcaster) He used to hurt her emotionally.

Worst Secret: She is a sexual freak underneath her gorgious appearance and beautiful personality.

Background / History: Debbie was a straight A student going through school. She never scored anything less then an A- on a subject. She excelled in all subjects and graduated highschool with honors. Unlike most of her peers, she had both parents home to raise her. She never really had to worry about her father leaving for war until the earth got taken over and a draft began. She had just turned 17 years old when this happened. Her mother kept her busy though and her father always wrote her.

When she turned 18 she enrolled in medical school to become a nurse. She received her Bacholars Degree in Nursing in an accelerated course when she turned 20 years old. Realizing that the Commonwealth Navy needed more men and women to serve for the greater good of mankind Debbie willingly joined up. The pilot program was hurting the most so she decided to join up for that specific career choice despite her degree in the medical field. She'd always had a hidden desire to pilot on of those large VFs. She figured it would make her Mom and dad proud. It was a chance of danger going against the grain but she decided taht a challenge was what she needed and what better challenge was there besides being a fighter jocky?
Don't hunt for death, for it finds us all soon enough.


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