Younger sister getting married.

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Younger sister getting married.

Postby Phantomj » Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:00 am

Just as the title states my younger sister Lisa found a great guy got engaged last year and then set their wedding day to this Sat. the 5th. I'm going to be an usher so I have a very busy week ahead of me as I help my mom etc. finalize a few of the smaller things and get ready for her big day.

I'm going to be unable to post this week due to all the wedding stuff. I should be back into normal posting after the wedding. Sorry Cid if my post is not the greatest I'm running a very little sleep.
"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real, the one that hides your face or the one that is your face?"

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Postby Sabre » Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:52 am

Also the same date at my wedding anniversary. Congrats to your Sister, you must be very pleased.

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Postby Phantomj » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:26 pm

Yes I am, and congrates for your anniversary Sabre. Her fiance's uncle builds custom hot rods from his home shop. I've seen his work and wow!
"We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which one is real, the one that hides your face or the one that is your face?"

The Green Goblin from The Spectacular Spiderman Animated TV Series.

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