Maintainance Announcement, Server Changes

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Maintainance Announcement, Server Changes

Postby Lanji » Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:24 pm

Greetings everyone,

Just to let you know, sometime this coming weekend I'll be doing some Maintainance on the boards, and the wiki upgrading to the latest versions.

In addition to this, I'll be reviewing a posible transfer to another newer server, and see if things will work out.

I'll announce more once I get ready to start making the changes.



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Postby Lanji » Tue May 17, 2005 6:43 pm

Downtime on the 17th:

It looks like a script kiddie had fun with the server and go in through a phpBB issue related to the latest release.

I've been slow upgrading because of the amount of time needed to do the upgrade, but unfortinatly I can't wait any longer, and it must be done ASAP.

I'll be rolling out upgrades of the boards tonight and tomorrow night, followed by Media Wiki later this week.

Send notes to [email protected] if you need to, otherwise a PM or a post on the EITD board would work just as fine.


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Postby Lanji » Wed May 18, 2005 8:50 pm

Downtime on the 18th!

Reviewing the log files quickly showed that its the same problem plauging every phpBB below 2.0.15...

As such, the MRC is upgraded, and I'm racing to upgrade everyone.

Its a pain in the neck as I've two more much important projects ahead of this, but with the server down every few hours its not been a good day.

My apologies to everyone for the downtime!


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