User Agreement Update
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Greetings all members (and all new visitors that wish to become members)!
After a serious spat of rouge accounts being setup to redirect people to various 'porn' personal websites made primarily by people that just want to up the number of links to their home page, I've upgraded both the User Agreement, and a number of pages on the website.
First and foremost, this will not affect 99.9% of you! But just in case, I’m posting a copy of the new User Agreement below:
The new lines are the “Because of recent security violations, your IP Address will now be tracked…” and a change in the last paragraph to include “or Any User Account”.
As many of you know the MRC takes SPAM seriously, and we seriously hate it. As some of you can remember, unauthorized advertisements are immediately taken down, and usually the person making them are made fun of. The $250.00 spam clean-up charge has been in our Acceptable Use Policy, and Terms of Service for as long as I can remember, and while I have yet to enforce that, in the case of our little Porn Spam pirate, if I figure out who they are, they will sent an invoice, and turned over to collections when they don’t pay.
For the record, please don’t click the links of suspicious new accounts, as we are working to clean them up, but must first gather evidence in order to bill the individual doing this correctly.
Also, for those of you worrying about your IP Address that information is locked an only available to Administrative users, which include myself and Araruin at this time.
After a serious spat of rouge accounts being setup to redirect people to various 'porn' personal websites made primarily by people that just want to up the number of links to their home page, I've upgraded both the User Agreement, and a number of pages on the website.
First and foremost, this will not affect 99.9% of you! But just in case, I’m posting a copy of the new User Agreement below:
Registration to this forum is free, and becoming a member of the Macross RPG Community is free! However, we do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.
First, if you haven't read the Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy of the MRC, do it now: (It will open in a new window).
Although the MRC Staff of macrossRPG.COMmunity will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and macrossRPG.COMmunity will -not- be held responsible for the content of any message.
By clicking the Agreement link, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise a violative of any state or national laws. You also agree to follow the rules and regulations of the Macross RPG Community. The rules and regulations may change at anytime, but announcements will be posted in the General Discussion Forum.
Because of recent security violations, your IP Address will now be tracked upon sign-in, and any time you post. The MRC will take actions against SPAMER's, including a $250.00 spam clean-up charge, and turning information over to your local authorities.
The Staff of the Macross RPG Community reserves the right to Remove, Edit, Move or Close Any Thread or Any User Account For Any Reason!
The new lines are the “Because of recent security violations, your IP Address will now be tracked…” and a change in the last paragraph to include “or Any User Account”.
As many of you know the MRC takes SPAM seriously, and we seriously hate it. As some of you can remember, unauthorized advertisements are immediately taken down, and usually the person making them are made fun of. The $250.00 spam clean-up charge has been in our Acceptable Use Policy, and Terms of Service for as long as I can remember, and while I have yet to enforce that, in the case of our little Porn Spam pirate, if I figure out who they are, they will sent an invoice, and turned over to collections when they don’t pay.
For the record, please don’t click the links of suspicious new accounts, as we are working to clean them up, but must first gather evidence in order to bill the individual doing this correctly.
Also, for those of you worrying about your IP Address that information is locked an only available to Administrative users, which include myself and Araruin at this time.
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