BlackNovaTraders Announcment

This is an open MRC ONLY discussion area for the discussion or petition of Rules, Policies, or other MRC and MRC Alliance items. Please announce any absences (long term or short term) on this board. New campaign announcements will be posted on this board, as well.
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Postby Lanji » Mon Oct 08, 2001 1:23 pm

Previously I announced that MRC BlackNovaTraders (an extra game) was added to the site.

Currently we do have a problem though in regards to turns. You should receive more turns after a day, but it turns out I messed up the script that adds these turns to your accounts.

Once I have this fixed, I will post another announcemnt.

This game is located at

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lanji on 2001-10-08 13:24 ]</font>

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Postby Max_Booker » Wed Oct 17, 2001 11:22 am

What is this game about? What are the game details?

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