April 2020 - MRC Forums and database fully restored

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April 2020 - MRC Forums and database fully restored

Postby Lanji » Thu Apr 02, 2020 12:36 am

Greetings everyone,

After nearly 6 months, I'm finally happy to announce that the MRC Forums are finally back up and running!

A fuller report will come out as soon as I can, but as part of a test I wanted to get this post made (successfully) tonight before finally turning in.

In the face of the global pandemic, I hope everyone is safe and healthy.

There are a few things I will add quickly though:
* We're on a new server! The hosting service for this site, and a few others is Linode, a company that I have been using for another non-profit I work with for the last few years.
* The new server is automatically backed up nightly at the OS level, so we might lose a day of posts in the future, but not 6 months of downtime
* The phpBB forums will need a major upgrade: I know I've been behind, but on the old server we had an older version of PHP. This new server supports multiple versions, and I downgraded for a temporary period until I can complete the upgrade
* The Wiki is still offline: I have more to do there
* In light of the time off we've had, and as a result of the global pandemic, I'm hoping to finally have time to improve the site front-end as well

Once again, my sincerest apologies for the amount of downtime as a result of this major outage.

Last edited by Lanji on Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: April 2020 - MRC Forums and database fully restored

Postby InfernosCaress » Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:03 pm

Good to see you again. Doing well, I hope.

I hope everyone is safe and healthy.

We are doing okay over here in Texas. Some people wear masks when they go out for safety reasons. Today, I saw one guy wearing a bandana like he was going to rob a stagecoach, and one woman wearing a fake mustache.

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Re: April 2020 - MRC Forums and database fully restored

Postby Cobalt » Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:22 pm

Bleu and I are doing well. I am an essential worker so I am going into work every day but she gets to work from home.
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Re: April 2020 - MRC Forums and database fully restored

Postby Lanji » Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:25 pm

Quick update today, we did see a Disk Space issue with the server. It was resolved quickly, and we're back up and running.

Apologies for the issue!


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Re: April 2020 - MRC Forums and database fully restored

Postby Cobalt » Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:53 pm

Thanks, Chris.
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