New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

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New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Sabre » Thu Oct 19, 2017 5:26 pm

A new fighting squadron has just opened for those interested in the classic Macross setting. This game will be add in the 'shared universe' that is the City-10/Battle-10 Campaign.

The ideal character would be male (for now) and a pilot that is a hard fighting, hard drinking and hard playing. SVFA-119 Jolly Roger's currently have a good combat record but their out of cockpit behaviour has been nothing short of reprehensible. These are not officers and gentlemen and the pilots in the squadron have a reputation for 'not playing well with others'. This unit is one incident away from being disbanded.

Please PM myself, or Cobalt or post your character concept on the joining board and I will say in advance....welcome aboard.

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Gerhard » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:06 pm

No female characters? Does Nikki just want to have all this fighter jocks to herself?

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby InfernosCaress » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:22 pm

I, for one, only play females.

Isn't a fighter squadron full of people with atrocious behavior what the other gang is?

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Sabre » Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:13 pm


Hi there T, this is an excellent question. The short answer is NO. Personal desire has nothing to do with it. The backstory is, and if you look at the current CO you will understand that the CO actually encourages his squad to behave badly. They are currently a bunch of untrustworthy boors. As such, a Co-ed washroom and shower facility is not a pleasant experience for a woman and the females pilots who were in this squad have long since requested transfers and have left. Complaints brought the current CO about poor or unethical behavior he quickly dismisses as 'Boys will be boys..."

This is to start of course, if you are starting a character that is already in the unit. If you join the unit after Nikki arrives, that would be different, there are a number of reasons young men and women would want to do that as Nikki has a good reputation. I can't see a single reason why a female would already be there and would stay.

T as you and I go way back and you know the way I think, you probably know I have a plan. I've leave it up to you to decide which character you want to play. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer this question and I'll close it by leaving it up to you to decide. Your gender choice if female is acceptable, but she am inclined NOT to start her as an existing member of the squad. I invite you to convince me why it should be otherwise.

Inferno - I accept your limitation. Work on your character, I'll have her transfer into the squadron after their reputation and conduct is improved.

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby InfernosCaress » Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:45 pm

I was more agreeing with Gerhard than volunteering. I may join in, though. I'd have to think of a character concept. I already have human (Stormy), a Zolan (Amalia), and Meltrandi (Kaumirran). Maybe I will do a Voldorian this time.

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Cobalt » Fri Oct 20, 2017 2:56 pm

Macross Delta, in which Voldorians appear, takes place in 2067. This game is set in 2050, 17 years before they are discovered. The Jolly Rogers have been with the colony mission for 11 years. So the available races would be Human, Full Zentraedi/Meltraedi, or a Zentraedi/Meltraedi + human hybrid.
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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby InfernosCaress » Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:04 pm

Voldorians were already well established within the galactic community by 2067. Delta stated that the races from the Brisingr Cluster met a Human/Zentraedi Megaroad Fleet in 2027. They were quickly ushered in to joining the UN. This resulted in unfavorable trade laws, which in turn caused Windermerians to leave in 2060 and sparked the Independence War which ran for the following three years.

I done dids muh homework. :D

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Sabre » Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:08 pm

I normally don't need to repeat something Cobalt has said, but in this instance, I'll do so for clarity.

Human, Full Zentraedi/Meltraedi, or a Zentraedi/Meltraedi + human hybrid are you choices.

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby InfernosCaress » Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:12 pm

I shall pass.

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Cobalt » Fri Oct 20, 2017 4:14 pm

I was helping G with his character concepts. I think I can make a strong case as to why she should be put into play from the start.

She is a soldier's daughter and grew up in her father's bar, which catered to enlisted men. So her male role models were rough and profane men. She can drink like a fish, curse like a sailor, and punch like Muhammad Ali. She wouldnt have a problem with being stared at, catcalled, or smacked on the ass. If someone got too grabby, she'd punch him in the balls and laugh with the rest of the squad as he cried.

She also works as a shield. Since she is there, there can't be a real problem. The ones who complained just couldn't cut it.

Would that work?
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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Sabre » Fri Oct 20, 2017 5:09 pm

OK, the tough as nails sort that would, or may have 'shanked' anyone who dared to touch her. If she did something like that, as long as she didn't kill the person, Commander MacKenzie would have kept that sort of thing within the unit.

Trashes my view of the unit demographics but whatever.

Go ahead T, submit your character. I look forward to seeing it in action.

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Re: New Squadron now recruiting. SVFA-119 Jolly Rogers

Postby Sabre » Tue Oct 24, 2017 6:42 pm

Place saved for Liltroll
Place saved for Genjuro

Recruting is now closed.

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