Macross Ace Frontier

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Macross Ace Frontier

Postby camk4evr » Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:52 am

I just picked up my copy of this, import, PSP game and I was wondering who else here has a copy and what they think of it?

I'm enjoying this game though I don't speak nor understand a word of Japanese (fortunately there's enough English to play the game if not understand what the characters are talking about).

My main issue is the idiotic camera. If you've locked onto a target the while flying in gerwalk or fighter mode it'll track the target relative to your fighter (for the most part) which makes flying difficult and confusing when turning.

Another problem is that it feels like the game would play better on the PS2 or PS3 as the additional analogue stick and shoulder buttons would allow for better control.

Aside from that, it's a fun game with missions, in campaign mode, taking place in Macross, Plus, 7, and Frontier (though I've found that I much prefer using a VF-1J, in the Macross 7 missions that allow me to use one, than the other, more recent VFs).

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