J.D. Salinger passes away...

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J.D. Salinger passes away...

Postby Lanji » Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:52 pm

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,584 ... 0000:b0:z5

The only reason I'm posting this was I recently watched Ghost in the Shell, Stand Alone Complex, where Salinger's Catcher in the Rye was featured a great deal.

I for one have never completely read the story, but I believe the small section that was presented as it was in GitS:SAC was very interesting.

Does anyone here at the MRC tell a story (either here in game, or in their home games) that relies on someone else's story as a core component of their story?

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Postby inix88 » Thu Jan 28, 2010 8:05 pm

I use large chunks or Charles Bukowski's work for inspiration. My character, "Henry Chinaski" is the fictional autobiographical alias of said author. I find the gritty uber-realism of Bukowski's lifelong investigation of experiential desperation and resignation give Macross a Cowboy Bepop-esque Camus-like existentialist fury.

Mr. Salinger, though, today's obit star, stands as a strange icon to writers: He wrote such a great book, then refused to speak to the public through art again after that. He said that his writing was for himself only, and that publishing was a "huge intrusion into [his] personal privacy."

Well, I've never had anything published, and he did. Maybe he knew more about it than I do.

Yeh, I know he did.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Salinger. May death bring you the peace that eluded you in life.

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