Basic Marine Aviator Character Template

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Character Name:
Age: Minimum starting age is 24
Birthplace: Some available Birthplaces:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Physical Description:
(one paragraph) Does not necessarily have to be unique features (please avoid scars and tattoos.)

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:
Worst Secret:

Character Background:
(minimum 3 paragraphs. Maximum 5 paragraphs/30 lines.) Actual length may vary depending on the needs of the character. Try to cover your character's overall history. Don't focus on just one event.

===============RPG STATS===============

NOTE: the GM will providing die rolls for the following attributes.
Do not roll your attributes yourself.

IQ: Intelligence Quotient - How smart you are. MIN: 9
ME: Mental Endurance - How not crazy you are or how resistant you are to mental stress. MIN: 10
MA: Mental Affinity - How persuasive you are.
PS: Physical Strength - How strong you are.
PP: Physical Prowess - How not clumsy you are. MIN 9
PE: Physical Endurance - How much pain you can take. MIN: 9
PB: Physical Beauty - How good looking you are.
SPD: Speed - How fast you can run away.

HP: P.E. +1D6 Per Level
SDC: 30
OCC: UNSM Aviator
Level: 1
Experience: 0

BASIC SKILLS: May actually Vary

Math - Basic: 55%
Language - English: 96%
Literate - English: 96%
Base Military Etiquette: 98%
Base Lore - UN Armed Forces: 50%


Radio: Basic 55%
Land Navigation 65%
Pilot Truck 50%
Weapon Systems 50% +1 strike in vehicles
Wilderness Survival 40%
Intelligence 54%
Camouflage 35%
Swimming 50%
Climbing 50/30%
WP Automatic Pistol +3/1, 36%
WP Automatic Rifle +3/1, 36%
WP Heavy Weapons +3/1, 36%

MOS (Military Occupational Specialty): Marine Variable Aviator Skills

Pilot Variable Fighter 70%
Mecha Combat - Basic: All VF Models
Mecha Combat: VA-3, VF-4 and VF-19
Navigation: All 50%
Read Sensory Equipment 40%
Pilot Jet 60%
Hand to Hand: Expert (2 attacks/melee; +2 pull/roll/fall/impact)


HTH Bonuses: (With other bonuses included)

(Bonuses from skills +2 to PS., +1 to PE, +1D6 to Spd, +1D6, +1D8 to S.D.C.)

+1 to Parry & Dodge, +1 to roll with Punch or fall, +1 to Strike w/body block/tackle; does 1D4 damage, +1 to Parry and Dodge while in water.
Mecha Bonuses: (With HTH Included.)