VF/B-22a Jagdvogel II

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General Galaxy VF/B-22a Jagdvogel II

The following is by no-means meant to be all encompassing. The following are MRC specific SPECULATIONS to an official image. Note that the following should not be taken as canon. The following is an extrapolation and speculation from official materials.

VF/B-22a Jagdvogel II


The General Galaxy VF/B-22a Jagdvogel II fighter-bomber began as an offshoot of the VF-22 Sturmvogel II design project. The VF-22 Sturmvogel II wasn’t meeting the production numbers needed to offset the YF-21 and VF-22 development costs. The executives of General Galaxy caught word from the commanders of the UN Armed Forces that the UNG’s SB-10 Starwing, 4 X-9 Ghosts and 2 VF-22 on escort detail mission plan wasn’t panning out. This was largely due to the lack of VF-22s and inhibiting size, range, speed and abilities of the SB-10.

In order to maximize the airframe design while minimizing the production and design costs, General Galaxy opted to produce a non-variable two-seat bomber. In the process, the designers elongated the airframe and removed the redundant features necessary for transformation and use in non-fighter modes. The end result is a large delta winged, powerful, stealthy fighter-bomber with a large internal bomb bay.

The UN Spacy and UN Airforce has eagerly looked forward to the initial VF/B-22a’s off of the production line. They both see it as the replacement of the SB-10 Starwing and VA-14 aerospace frames. The UN Armed Forces have also initiated a new, long-range stealthy bombing mission plan consisting of a single VF/B-22a with the RIO controlling 2 (or more) Ghost X-9s.

Currently, the UN Spacy is testing the VF/B-22a with an internal micronized fold booster. This will make the VF/B-22 slightly more stealthy then the VF-19 and VF-22 fighters. In that the VF/B-22a won’t need to ruin its stealthy profile by attaching a large bulky fold booster on its dorsal surface. In addition, the internal fold booster doesn’t need to be jettisoned pre-operation and retrieved post operation. The outcome of this endeavor looks positive.


Vehicle Type: VF/B-22a Jagdvogel II </br> Class: Advanced Fighter-Bomber
Manufacturer: General Galaxy
Customer: UNS (Primary) and UNAF.
Crew: Pilot and RIO in General Galaxy/Marty & Beck specially-developed g-endurance zero/zero ejection seats and wearing Tactical Life Support Systems with upper and lower g-suits and pressure breathing.


Location MDC
Anti-Aircraft Pulse Laser (2)
Main Body¹
Wings (2)
Stealth Gun Pods (2)
Pinpoint Barrier Shield²
Reinforced Pilot Compartment/Escape Pod
40 each
225 each
120 each


¹ Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha. The pilot and cockpit section/escape pod will be automatically ejected from the doomed mecha before it explodes by the YF-21's main computer.
² The pinpoint barrier shield regenerates at a rate of 50 MDC per round. Even if completely destroyed the shield will regenerate to full strength within 2 melee rounds. The shield is usually generated on the right or left arm of the YF-21.



Cruising speed is usually Mach 1.75 at 15000/18000 m, mach 5.06+ max cruising speed at 10,000/21,500 m. With a maxim cruising speed of mach 21+/24+ (8.1+ Km/sec) at 30,000+ m. The VF/B-22a is VTOL capable in fighter configuration.
The VF/B-22a is capable of launching into satellite orbit over a Earth-class planet without additional rocket assistance. Maximum rate of ascent is 61,500 meters/minute. The structural G limits are +32.5 to -17.2.
Note: two figures are given as the data originated from planet Eden and needed adjustment because of differences with Earth's atmospheric system and gravitational force.


65,200 kg x2 in an atmosphere, 41,200 kg x2 in space. The maximum thrust is automatically limited in space due to coolant problems for the engines with the lack of atmosphere flowing through the engines.


Note: unconfirmed.


4.04 m in fighter configuration.


15.36 m in fighter configuration.


25.0 m in fighter configuration.


7550 kg empty. Maximum takeoff weight in an atmosphere is 45,000 kg, and maximum weight in space with optional FAST pack boosters is 53,500 kg (weights beyond that exceed theoretical safe limit for the internal fold booster, if carried).




Small compartment behind the pilots’ seats for personal belongings.


Two 41,200 kg maximum instantaneous thrust in space (65,200 kg in atmosphere) Shinnakasu Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2450B thermonuclear engines. In atmosphere, the engines use air as coolant/propellant, but due to problems in the cooling efficiency (caused by exceeding output and melting of the core) the maximum thrust is limited to 40% to 60% of thrust in space. Three-dimensional independent convergent/divergent turning exhaust nozzle vanes, for enhanced V/STOL performance and maneuverability. P&W HMM-6J high-maneuverability vernier thrusters.




The VF-22a mounts dual lasers for use in air combat skirmishes and for defensive purposes. The laser is located in the forward dorsal section of the main body, pointed rearward. The laser can only fire to the REAR of the fighter - it cannot be turned to fire along another arc.

  • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-aircraft
  • SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-missile/defensive
  • RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
  • DAMAGE: 1D4x10+5 M.D. The two lasers can be fire linked for double damage: 2D4x10+10 M.D.
  • RATE OF FIRE: Single shots only.


Two semi-fixed laser beam guns with forward and rearward barrels are mounted on the outboard side of the two engine nacelles, thus they can fire either to the front or the rear of the fighter-bomber. The lasers can only be aimed along the direction of travel.

  • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-mecha
  • SECONDARY PURPOSE: Air-to-ground strafing runs
  • RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
  • DAMAGE: 1D6x10+10 M.D.
  • RATE OF FIRE: Single shots only. The cannons can be fire-linked so that firing both cannons at the same time counts as one attack (does double damage).
  • PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.


The VF/B-22a is armed with four internal BML-02S missile launchers that were built exclusively for it. The launchers are mounted in the forward dorsal section of the craft and have exit ports on the wings to either side of the engine nacelles. Any type of UN Spacy mini-missiles can be used by the launchers, however the BMM-24 missile is standard.

  • BMM-24 MISSILES (standard SRM missile stats if loaded with them.):
    • Primary Purpose: Assault
    • Range: 5 miles (8 km).
    • Damage: 1D8x10 M.D.
    • Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4 missiles per launcher, per round. One volley counts as one attack. If necessary, all 48 missiles can be fired in a single round by expending two attacks.
    • Bonuses: The BMM-24 micro-missiles have a +6 to strike.
    • Payload: 12 missiles per launcher; 48 total.


For a main external weapon, the VF/B-22a contains TWO stealth gattling gun pods produced by Howard/General Dynamics. These gun pods are exclusively designed for the VF/B-22a and are mounted in specially designed storage bays located on the underside of the craft. The GV-17L is similar to the gattling gun used by the VF-17 Nightmare. Due to space requirements for the internal weapons bay, the GV-17L gun pods are flush mounted on the underside of the VF/B-22a.

If necessary, the GV-17L gun pods can be ejected.

Like the original GU-11 gun pod used by the VF-1 Variable Fighters, the GV-17L gun pods do NOT use clips of ammo, but instead have a large internal supply of ammo stored in the barrel of the gun pod. This allows the GV-17L to contain a larger supply of ammo and bypasses the need to reload while in the field.

  • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Ground/spaceship heavy strafing attacks.
  • SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-mecha and anti-aircraft.
  • RANGE: 6000 feet (1800 m)
  • DAMAGE: 1D8 per round. 10 round burst, single target – 1D8X10 MD. 25 round burst, single target - 2D8X10 MD. Note, for bursts using greater then 25 rounds, increase the damage by a scale of 1D8X10 per 10 rounds OR refer to the modern weapons rules for machineguns. The gun pods can be fire-linked so that firing both cannons at the same time counts as one attack
The Gun Pod can be used for sprays: 10 round spray – 1D8 MD, affects 1d4 targets. 25 round burst spray – 1D8 MD, affects 2d4 targets with a 50% chance of hitting bystanders. Longer duration sprays (up to limits of the magazine): 2D8 MD, affects 4d4 targets. Chance of hitting bystanders is 70%.
  • RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks. Note that firing of the GU-11 isn't limited to only 10, 25 or 400 rounds. Any variation can be fired (it is recommended to stick to multiples of 10 for ease of damage resolution.)
  • PAYLOAD: 800 rounds. The VF/B-22a carries two GV-17L gun pods. Once exhausted, the gun pods can only be reloaded by trained personnel using the right reloading equipment.


With the removal of the transformation actuators and appendages needed for gerwalk and battroid mode and the lengthening of the aerospace frame, General Galaxy designers were able to reorganize the remaining equipment and incorporate two large internal payload bays. The VF/B-22a carries the equivalent of 20 hardpoints worth of munitions in the two internal bays. One long range, one MRHM, 3 medium range, or 5 short-range missiles can be carried per payload station. Usually long range or MRHM missiles are used. The internal carried munitions are used mainly for tactical assaults from a significant range.

    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    • Secondary Purpose: Surgical Strikes
    • Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.
    • Rate of Fire: One per hardpoint.
    • Range: 80 miles.
    • Payload: One per hardpoint; 20 maximum.
    • Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
    • Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Long Range Missile can be used.
    • Range: Varies with missile type.
    • Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: One or two.
    • Payload: One per hardpoint; 20 maximum.
    • Primary Purpose: Assault
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    • Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Medium Range Missile can be used.
    • Range: Varies with missile type.
    • Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: 1-3 missiles per hardpoint.
    • Payload: Three per hardpoint; up to 60 maximum.
    • Primary Purpose: Assault
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    • Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Short-Range Missile can be used.
    • Range: Varies with missile type.
    • Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: 1-5 missiles per hardpoint.
    • Payload: Five per hardpoint; up to 100 maximum.
  • RMS-1 REACTION CRUISE MISSILES: The missiles are AI-guided, thus they receive a bonus of +5 to strike, +4 to dodge and have two attacks per melee until it hits. The missiles will always strike the center (or main body) of their target.
    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Spacecraft
    • RANGE: 500 miles (804 km)
    • MISSILE SPEED: 670 mph (Mach 1)
    • M.D.C. OF MISSILE: 25
    • DAMAGE: 4D8x1,000 M.D. at ground zero. Reduce damage by a factor of 10 for every 2,500ft (750m) the object is away from ground zero. (i.e. 4D8x100 M.D. at 2,500ft distant, 4D8x10 M.D. at 5,000ft distant, etc.)
    • RATE OF FIRE: 1 per hardpoint. The hardpoints can be fire-linked and any number up to the payload can be fired.
    • PAYLOAD: 1 per hard point for a potential maximum of 20.
  • MK-82 LDGB CONVENTIONAL BOMBS: As these must have a laser targeting indicator marking the target to work properly, the GM may consider them to act as regular, unguided bombs without the laser indicator marking the target.
    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault
    • RANGE: Freefall Laser guided bomb
    • DAMAGE: 4D6x10 M.D. per bomb
    • RATE OF FIRE: 1, 2 or 3 per hardpoint. The hardpoints can be fire-linked.
    • PAYLOAD: 3 per hardpoint, for a potential maximum of 60


The VF-22a has six fixed hard points (three per wing) which can be used to hold a variety of different ordinance payloads, including long, medium, short range missiles, or the medium-range high-maneuverability (MRHM) missiles. One long range, one MRHM, 3 medium range, or 5 short-range missiles can be mounted per hardpoint. Usually long range or MRHM missiles are used.

NOTE: Due to the location of the hard points, the VF/B-22a’s stealthiness is reduced.
    • Primary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    • Secondary Purpose: Surgical Strikes
    • Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.
    • Rate of Fire: One per hardpoint.
    • Range: 80 miles.
    • Payload: One per hardpoint; 6 maximum.
    • Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
    • Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Long Range Missile can be used.
    • Range: Varies with missile type.
    • Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: One or two.
    • Payload: One per hardpoint; 6 maximum.
    • Primary Purpose: Assault
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    • Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Medium Range Missile can be used.
    • Range: Varies with missile type.
    • Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: 1-3 missiles per hardpoint.
    • Payload: Three per hardpoint; up to 18 maximum.
    • Primary Purpose: Assault
    • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
    • Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Short Range Missile can be used.
    • Range: Varies with missile type.
    • Damage: Varies with missile type.
    • Rate of Fire: 1-5 missiles per hardpoint.
    • Payload: Five per hardpoint; up to 30 maximum.
  • UUM-7 MICRO-MISSILE PODS: each carries a total of fifteen Bifors HMM-01 micro-missiles. The UUM-7 pods must always be mounted in opposing pairs and can only be fit onto the wings.
    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
    • RANGE: 1 mile (1.6 km).
    • DAMAGE: 1D8x10 M.D.
    • RATE OF FIRE: One, two, three, four or five at a time.
    • PAYLOAD: 15 per pod, for a potential maximum total of 90.
  • RMS-1 REACTION CRUISE MISSILES: The missiles are AI-guided, thus they receive a bonus of +5 to strike, +4 to dodge and have two attacks per melee until it hits. The missiles will always strike the center (or main body) of their target.
    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Spacecraft
    • RANGE: 500 miles (804 km)
    • MISSILE SPEED: 670 mph (Mach 1)
    • M.D.C. OF MISSILE: 25
    • DAMAGE: 4D8x1,000 M.D. at ground zero. Reduce damage by a factor of 10 for every 2,500ft (750m) the object is away from ground zero. (i.e. 4D8x100 M.D. at 2,500ft distant, 4D8x10 M.D. at 5,000ft distant, etc.)
    • RATE OF FIRE: 1 per hardpoint. The hardpoints can be fire-linked and any number up to the payload can be fired.
    • PAYLOAD: 1 per hard point for a potential maximum of 6.
  • MK-82 LDGB CONVENTIONAL BOMBS: As these must have a laser targeting indicator marking the target to work properly, the GM may consider them to act as regular, unguided bombs without the laser indicator marking the target.
    • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault
    • RANGE: Freefall Laser guided bomb
    • DAMAGE: 4D6x10 M.D. per bomb
    • RATE OF FIRE: 1, 2 or 3 per hardpoint. The hardpoints can be fire-linked.
    • PAYLOAD: 3 per hardpoint, for a potential maximum of 18


The fighter has the capability to carry two internal payload bays in the lower rear area of the fuselage on the outboard sides of the two engine nacelles. The two bays can hold missiles, bombs, or other tactical ordinance within the body of the VF/B-22a. The bays are large enough to hold one long-range missile, two medium-range missiles, or equipment of approximately equal size can be held in each bay.

  • Primary Purpose: Anti-instillation, Anti-Protodeviln
  • Secondary Purpose: Anti-Warship
  • Mega-Damage: 6D6x10 M.D. (Note: At the GM's option, this number may be increased to represent more realistic damage from a nuclear weapon)
  • Rate of Fire: One or two.
  • Range: 1500 miles.
  • Payload: One per missile bay; 2 maximum.

Note: if the VF/B-22a carries the internal fold booster, it is carried in the concealed missile bays. Thus, this weapon system is unavailable.


The VF/B-22a is equipped with a pinpoint barrier system for defense. The system can generate a pinpoint barrier that can be moved anywhere on the fighter-bomber and used as a shield against incoming attacks. The barrier provides 100 MDC of protection, and regenerates at a rate of 50 MDC per round when damaged. Even if destroyed by combined attacks, the shield will regenerate itself within 2 rounds. In order to use the shield, the pilot must make a successful parry roll to intercept an incoming attack.

  • Primary Purpose: Defense
  • Protection: 100 MDC total
  • Regeneration Rate: 50 MDC per round.
  • Size: The barrier can be up to 10 ft (3 m) in diameter.
  • Duration: Unlimited.


Available in all modes. When used, they fire off a burst of chaff and/or flare to counter any incoming missiles. The burst of chaff and/or flares give a bonus of +3 to Dodge against the missiles.

  • The VF/B-22a carries a total of 30 bursts of chaff/flares.


  • ACTIVE STEALTH SYSTEM: The VF/B-22a is equipped with a revolutionary stealth system that, when activated, renders the craft stealthy to active and passive radar. Unlike passive stealth systems, like those used by the VF-17 Nightmare or the F-117, the VF/B-22a’s stealth system is an ACTIVE stealth system that modifies¹ radar waves rather than reflecting them. Active Stealth, like all stealth systems on aerospace craft, is only truly effective at a distance. At short range, 5 Km or less, the effect of the active stealth field is negated and the vehicle is detected almost like normal. At medium ranges, between 5 and 75 Km, the active stealth field is effective but easily overcome by skilled radio operators. The active stealth field is most effective at ranges over 75 Km, making the VF virtually invisible on radar screens. Note that there are other means of detecting a vehicle and active stealth only counters radar directed at the VF/B-22a. When activated, this system gives the VF/B-22a a +3 on initiative and a +1 to strike. Since the VF/B-22a’s stealth capability is a system and not a feature of the design, it can be damaged or destroyed. Once the vehicle has lost half of its main body MDC, there is a 50% chance that the stealth system will fail every time the main body of the craft is hit thereafter. Once the stealth system has failed, it will not work again until repaired at a UN Spacy base.
¹ There are two varying opinions on the exact process. One side believes that the radar waves are absorbed and the other side believes that the radar waves are reflected around the vehicle.
  • COMBAT COMPUTER W/HUD DISPLAYS: The VF/B-22a is equipped with a combat computer that can store and analyze data during combat with hostile forces. The entire cockpit canopy of the VF-22 is a large HUD display, which allows the computer to display large amounts of data to the pilot and even highlight enemies and missile attacks with overlaid graphics. The combat computer tracks and identifies specific enemy targets, and has a database of over 10,000 images stored in memory. The computer can identify and track up to 250 targets simultaneously.
  • AUTOPILOT: The VF/B-22a is equipped with a computerized autopilot, allowing the pilot to relax or even sleep during long voyages. The autopilot can be programmed with a single destination or a complex flight plan involving multiple speeds, directions, and destinations. The onboard computer will alert the pilot when the fighter is near its destination, and can also be set to automatically signal when sensors detect objects near the mecha. The autopilot was designed with long intra-system space journeys in mind.
  • ESCAPE POD: The entire reinforced cockpit of the VF/B-22a is a detachable escape pod that can be jettisoned when the mecha is destroyed. The ejected cockpit does not contain thrusters, but does contain a powerful locator beacon and an integrated life support system that can support the pilot for up to 24 hours after ejection. The pod is also equipped with parachutes in case of ejection in an atmosphere. The combat computer is programmed to automatically eject the escape pod if the mecha is destroyed (main body MDC reduced to 0), but this can be overridden if the pilot is feeling suicidal for some reason.
  • EXTERNAL AUDIO PICKUP: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
  • HEAT AND RADIATION SHIELDS: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening head and radiation. A radiation detection and alarm system are linked with the shields and will sound an alarm if there is a rupture in the shields and what the levels of radiation are.
  • HOMING SIGNAL: The escape pod of the VF/B-22a is equipped with a homing device that enables rescue teams to locate a disabled craft or ejected life pod. The range of the signal is 400 miles (640 km). Most UN Spacy ships and variable fighters can locate and track a homing signal, and the onboard computers will automatically notify their pilots if such a signal is detected.
  • LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: Range: 100 miles (160 km). Used for increased accuracy in the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the mecha's strike bonus.
  • LOUDSPEAKER: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
  • LOUDSPEAKER: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
  • OPTICS: INFRARED: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). This optical system projects a beam of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye, but detectable by the mecha's sensors. The system allows the pilot to detect hidden/concealed objects by their IR reflectiveness. The beam will be visible to anyone with IR sensitive optics, however.
  • OPTICS: NIGHTVISION: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive light image intensifier that emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically amplified to produce a visible picture. *OPTICS: THERMAL IMAGER: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive optical heat sensor that detects infrared radiation projected by warm objects and converts that data into a false-color visible image. The system enables the pilot to see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke, and also adds a +10% bonus to pilots using a tracking skill.
  • PILOT FLIGHT SUIT AND HMD HELMET: The VF/B-22a comes with a custom-designed flight suit for the pilot instead of the standard UN Spacy-issue design used by most VF pilots. This flight suit consists of an upper and lower g-suit that promotes circulation even during high-g turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat. The flight suit also comes with a specialized HMD helmet which can display computer graphics and overlays over what the pilot sees, providing additional information. Although the system is not a great substitute for the BCS and BDI systems in the original YF-21 prototype, it does provide the pilot with additional information and helps combat battlefield confusion. The one disadvantage of the flight suit is that it is customized for the VF/B-22a and is NOT usable in other aircraft.
  • RADAR: 200 mile (321 km) range.
  • RADIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION: Long range, directional communications system with satellite relay capabilities. Range: 600 miles (960 km) or can be boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
  • SELF-DESTRUCT: To prevent capture of an advance variable fighter by the enemy, the pilot can activate the VF/B-22a’s self-destruct system, which will cause the fighter to explode after a delay of up to 60 minutes (time is set by the pilot). The explosive damage is contained within a 20 foot (6 m) area and inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. to everything within the radius of the explosion. All internal systems are obliterated. The escape pod will be automatically ejected prior to the explosion unless the pilot overrides the ejection sequence.
  • STANDARD SURVIVAL KIT: All UN Spacy VFs come equipped with a portable survival kit. Inside the small reinforced box is a medium-sized flashlight, two hand flares, one rocket flare, universal direction finder, infrared distancing binoculars, a small mirror, a pocket knife, dehydrated and concentrated food (can be stretched into a five day supply for one person) and basic first aid items (aspirin, bandages, disinfectants, etc.)
  • TACTICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM: The VF/B-22a’s cockpit is pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit that provides him with pressurized breathing. The UN Spacy flight suit also contains an upper and lower g-suit that promotes blood circulation even during high-g turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat.


NOTE: Due to the Special Forces nature of the Jagdvogel II, VF-22 AVF Combat Training should not be available to characters as an initial skill selection. Instead, they should buy the skill when they gain enough experience to advance in rank and receive UN Spacy special forces combat training. Pilots flying the VF-22 Sturmvogel without training only get bonuses from Basic Variable Fighter Combat Training.


Basic training for non-pilot military personnel.

  • 2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
  • Add one additional action/attack at levels three, nine, and fifteen.
  • +1 on initiative (+3 when using Active Stealth System)
  • +1 to strike (+2 when using Active Stealth System)
  • +1 to parry
  • +5 to dodge
  • +1 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
  • Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
  • Ram - 4D6 M.D. plus a 90% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round. (Action not recommended.)


Advanced training for special forces pilots specializing in the VF/B-22a Jagdvogel II.

  • 4 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
  • Add one additional action/attack at levels two, five, seven, and ten.
  • +2 on initiative (+5 when using Active Stealth System)
  • +3 to strike (+4 when using Active Stealth System)
  • +4 to parry
  • +7 to dodge
  • +3 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
  • Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
  • Ram - 8D6 M.D. plus a 90% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round. (Action not recommended.)


Based off of Hobby Japan model pictures.
"Doe's All The Worlds' Mecha Guide: General Galaxy VF-22 Sturmvogel Reference Entry"
Based off of the General Galaxy VF-22 Sturmvogal II stats.