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Hollywood Knights & Tempest Wolves
Created by: Crimson Reaver
Maintained by: Halo

Planet Name: Patagonia



Atmosphere / Weather System: Highly volcanic with chaotic techtonic shifts.


Moons & Satellites of Note:

Cities / Colonies of Note: Unnamed Patagonia Colony

Government Type / Affiliations: UNSpacy

Leadership of Note:

Imports / Exports:

Created By: Crimson Reaver
Current Game: Hollywood Knights
Previous Games:

History: Patagonia is a remote planet which Dane Latsko held control over prior to the Patagonia Liberation. The following is lifted from Jack Sibley's briefing prior to that battle: It showed a planet with a distinctly Terran-like appearance. It looked like the planet was dominated by a single large landmass stretching from pole to pole, but it was partially obscured by swirling cloud.

“We’ve dubbed this planet Patagonia, although nobody has given it an official title as yet. We know that an early splinter colony was founded here but we lost contact with them several years ago and haven’t been able to re-establish it due to the losses we suffered in the fighting that took place in the 2040s. The planet is perfectly habitable, but it hasn’t been marked for full colonisation because of the substantial tectonic activity we have detected there. We called it Patagonia because it resembles Earth before the shifting of tectonic plates caused the formation of the continents as we know them today. This is essentially Earth as it was millions of years ago. The atmosphere has a slightly higher oxygen content and the gravity is perhaps one and a half times that of Earth.

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