Diamondbacks, SVF-255

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Tempest Wolves and Beginhill
Created by: Halo
Maintained by: Halo

Squad Name: Diamondbacks, SVF-255 (SVFT-255)
Base of Operations: Beginhill-15 in the current 2050 Timeline, previously based aboard the UNS Invincible and UNS Gwenhyvar in the 2020's and 2030's as a combat squad.
Assignment: 2050: Training Squadron, 2020-2035: Fleet Defense aboard UNS Gwenhyvar
Fighter of Choice: VF-11G in current timeline (VF-4 2020-2029, VF-11 2030+)
Current Leadership: Alisa Jackson (Drill Instructor)

Created By: Shadow and Araruin (2050 Training Squad), Halo (2020 Historical Squad)
Current Game: Beginhill: Diamondbacks
Previous Games: Mentioned in the Jade Ospreys, Hollywood Knights and Tempest Wolves

History: In the 2020's and 2030's, the SVF-255 Diamondbacks flew VF-4s and VF-11s off the UNS Invincible and later the UNS Gwenhyvar. The Diamondbacks were Kambei Shimura's first squad after graduating the Academy, and served with them during the Ambellsi Revolutionary War, Pavonis Dispute, and the Wilmington Mutiny.

Some time between 2035 and 2045 The Diamondbacks transfer to the Beginhill-15 Academy to serve as a VF training squad for aspiring cadets. In 2050 they continue as a training squad with Alisa Jackson as their CO and Training Instructor.

Side Note: The character Valen Devereaux begins every morning with a hot cup of coffee in what he calls his "Lucky Mug" -- a white cup marked with the "Sword and Serpent" insignia of the Diamondbacks. He recieved the mug from a childhood friend, Bubba Wilson, but Bubba's affiliation with the squad is not known.

Squad Web Page: