So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

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So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Lanji » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:00 am

Semi-serious question everyone: Did the Macross RPG Community move out to the great beyond over the holiday?

Its honestly understandable if the MRC has. As Cobalt put, he's been here continuously 17 years. He's done a wonderful job putting on games, and has outlasted nearly every GM I know. He's the about the only reason we're still running.

Message board gaming as a thing has also been having issues over the years, and as a medium its been slowly going away. The MRC Forums is actually the last active phpBB install that I have on this server that I maintain.

That said, I'm happy to keep the server on and active, even with the hopes that we'll have some folks visit someday and get active again.

To help out that direction, I'm going to actually be backing up and making some changes to the historical files on the server over the next few days, and moving the front end of the website to WordPress. At the same time, I'll be looking at moving our Records and Historical data off of MediaWiki and getting everything onto the WordPress site as we can.

But here comes the request, if you're still here and active, would you please Post below, include which game you're in, and what you would be interested in seeing in the MRC?
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby William_Schider » Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:43 am

Great job all!

I am working on recruiting some old dogs for another go as pilots:)
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Kosh » Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:45 am

I'm still around, Lanji. I agree with pretty much everything you said, Cobalt has single handily kept this forum afloat for the last year decade or so. Pretty much every game board we has he runs and I understand the burn it can be running so many varied games.

As for if the MRC has 'shifted off the mortal coil', I would like to think not but after 17 years I think it might have reached a breaking point. There is only one GM, with a handful of active players. Posting speeds vary and sometimes focus slips. Put all that together and you have where we are now. I would like to see the MRC continue. I've been around for pretty much all of the 17 years with you guys in one character or another but I'm not going to ask anyone to push themselves into something they dont want. I'll wait and see what the others say, but I'm here until you turn the lights off.

On that, thanks again Lanji for maintaining the boards all this time. When I first joined I remember it was more of a golden Macross Plus/Seven era when you still played a much larger part in day to day MRC life but even when you stopped actively playing you kept this going. Thanks for that.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby MustangGT02 » Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:46 pm

Hey Lanji I would like to back up what Kosh said. Thanks for your continued upkeep of this site and I am still here. I have been here for about 10 years now and this family has carried me through many things in my life that would have broke me if I didn't have you guys to talk to. I started under Araruin as a Unicorn and have gone from there. I remember when there was a great many more players and many more GMs but now its all down to Cobalt and a few others when they have the time.

I want to say that I am still loyal to the MRC and will be until you turn us away. So heres to you my friend.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Gerhard » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:05 pm

I'm here. Just came back recently (a little over a year ago actually) to join Sabre's D&D game. I've since joined Cobalt's Beginhill game, which has been very nostalgic.

I do wish this place was more active like it used to be, but I know everybody (or everybody else) has a life now as well as any particular burnout they're feeling. But I don't want to give up on it yet (especially since I just came back).

I know their are newer ways to get my gaming fix, such as virtual tabletop gaming, as well as the tried and true old ways but I haven't had much luck with either. The BB system of gaming is kind of dated, but its been reliable (and at times frustrating) for me.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Sabre » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:12 pm

I'm still here. Granted over the last few months I've been a combination of busy, and plus the holidays and a couple of illness that rolled through my house, increased responsibility within my own community and frankly a touch of selfishness about how I do spend what limited time I have left. But I'm still here and am content to keep gaming and GMing.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby InfernosCaress » Sun Jan 22, 2017 10:45 pm

I am still here. I'm the newbie, so that doesn't mean much. I hope the site doesn't fold, though. Otherwise Sketchley's would be the only active site that I know of.

I am in the Beginhill game (obviously, because I am the newbie). I also tried to get in to Sabre's DnD game but, like he said, he's been away.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:04 pm

I'm still here. I ain't going no where. I'm still excited about getting back after all these years. My gaming has gotten a lot better over the years and I am still anxious to show you all what I got. I hope that Wayne is doing ok. I haven't heard from him in a very long while. Sabre... I hope you're doing good too. Cant wait to see you all post some more in game or where ever. I have time to RP with ya. Game on, My friends.
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Strider » Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:24 pm

Still here, albeit lurking somewhat quietly. The last game I was involved in kind of dried up back in September, so I haven't really killed myself to check on things here daily of late. I had hoped perhaps Macross Delta would reinvigorate things here, but I have noticed a steady decline over the past few years. I'd love to keep playing as I've been with this bunch for the better part of two decades now, but I do realize we're all grown ups now with a lot of other draws on our time.

But yeah, if someone will keep running games, I'll keep playing them.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Sabre » Sun Feb 05, 2017 10:16 pm

Well I've updated my posts. Sadly in my game and in one of Cobalt's, I was directly responsible for the delay. I regret this.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby tralnon » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:17 pm

haha, people are here!!!

I'm still here, too. And I'd love to see another macross game going if people are up for it.

About to be going to a ship in a few months, so not sure how that's going to go, but we'll see, I didn't have too hard a time posting last go round.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby InfernosCaress » Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:49 pm

What better place for Macross than on a ship?

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Flare™ » Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:29 pm

I still lurk... Life is busy but I always enjoy popping in and reading what has transpired!
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:46 pm

I'm always here. Welcome Back Sabre. You been missed bro. All we need now is Cobalt. Hope he is doing ok.
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Cobalt » Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:13 am

Hello everyone.

I had intended on coming back sooner. I am recharged creatively but I have experienced some personal tragedy. My grandfather passed away last week and I am scrambling to come up with the funds to fly home for his funeral. Play by post gaming allows for some amazing stories and I am proud of all we have accomplished together.

I will be back soon.
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby InfernosCaress » Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:52 pm

I am sorry for your loss. Take all of the time that you need. We understand.

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Genjuro Vagetta » Wed Feb 08, 2017 7:19 pm

We got your back, bro. We'll be here. My condolences for your Grand Father. :cry:
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Frange1 » Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:26 pm

I have not been a good host for my games lately, but I'm still floating around or in the ether and check on things from time to time. I've appreciated the MRC and that fact that you maintained it for us. I have been working on a return, though I have not yet reached out to confirm my standing in the games I was playing.

My boards are Exodus, The Veil, and the Veil Master (hidden).

At the time I departed, I was involved in Wild Cards, Dark Elven Wars, Begin hill, STAR 7, Wild Cards 2.0, Edge of Eternity, and Mass Effect.

As far as what id like to see, I'm pretty open to all gaming genres. I just have to sort out my life a bit to free up some time.

Thanks again.
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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Flakes » Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:01 am

I've lurked off and over the years and it would be truly sad to see the place just up and evaporate. I've actually been pondering character concepts recently but since I can't see certain boards, not sure what ideas to even try fleshing out ^_^;;

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Re: So, has if finally happened? (Roll Call)

Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 30, 2017 6:54 pm

My condolences on your loss. Please give Bleu my regards and I hope to see you soon. I'll be updating my game posts tonight or tomorrow.

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