'Path of the Phoenix' is recruiting once again.

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'Path of the Phoenix' is recruiting once again.

Postby Sabre » Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:23 am

Excellent news. The last batch of characters have been processed and integrated into the game and I'm in a positon now where I can offer game slots for 2-3 new players. This is an excellent opportunity for players to 'think out of the box' and if you ever had an idea or desire to play an unusual or unique character, now is your chance.

You can reply here if you're interested and we can switch to Private Messaging later wjen we develop and fine tune your character.

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Postby tati » Tue Mar 08, 2005 3:57 am

I can be interested... a lot.. always liked the idea!

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Postby Sabre » Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:00 pm


OK, PM me with a character concept and we can fine tune your character and get you started.

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Postby Thorn » Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:15 pm

Well, I had a character idea I was considering submitting as a fleetwide "I'm bored" PC, but he'd work well with Path of the Phoenix. Only thing is I may or may not be in Kosovo in a few months.

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Postby ColdFire » Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:52 pm

I'm interested, do you have room for a gunslinger?

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Postby Sabre » Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:08 pm

I'm open to all kinds of character concepts, I just want them to be able to 'fit' a starship environment, be unique enough to be... unique and enjoyable for the player and the other players to interact with.

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Postby Kai » Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:37 pm

What's the general posting schedule requirement like for the game? Sounds interesting, but I'm trying to be careful with my time too :)

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Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:37 pm

I'd prefer if the players would post at least every three days. Once per week minimum but the reality is that I have players who post less frequently than that.

Wildfire, if you can spare some time, want to have fun and feel that you could make a valuable contribution to the development of a game then please join us. I can even help you develop a character.

If you can commit to at least one post per week, then great.

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Postby Kai » Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:06 pm

Once a week I can do :) Probably more, but going on the worst case scenario here. Hold me a slot, but give me two weeks while we finish the Starburst ramp up and to find inspiration.

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Postby Sabre » Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:55 pm

You can have 30 days to complete the character (pretty standard for me)

Let me know if you'd care for a hint or two.

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Postby Kai » Thu Mar 10, 2005 9:27 pm

Feel free to suggest anything you'd like to see being played, I've got no preconceptions for a character yet :)

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Postby Sabre » Fri Mar 11, 2005 11:27 pm

OK, I'll hit you with a PM then as not to give away too much to about your potential character.

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Postby Thorn » Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:44 pm

Hey, Sabre, if you've still got another opening I may have a second idea to run past you. Of course, he's a little... old...

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Postby Sabre » Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:08 pm

Fire away Thorn.

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Postby Thorn » Sun Mar 13, 2005 2:20 pm

PMed a little ahead of the curve; didn't have anything else I was doing. :)

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Postby Sabre » Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:40 pm

Just an update for everyone. I asked for 2-3 new players and characters and I now have 4 that responded and are interested. Of the 4 applications, three have already passed the "character concept approved" stage and are in the process of developing.

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Kennedy Isaac, Josh Mitchell, Robert Helmholts and Carl Spar

Postby Sabre » Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:40 pm

OK, new posts are up for the 4 newest players to Path of the Phoenix. Thanks for your patience and welcome aboard guys (and gals) :D

Page 6: http://www.macrossrpg.com/comms/viewtopic.php?t=5091


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Postby Sabre » Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:59 pm

I have at least one, possibly more character(s) that have been abandoned by the player(s) and have been taken over by the camapign GM. If you are an interested player, can post at least once per week and feel like taking over a fully completed character for Path of the Phoenix then please send me a PM.

As the character is already created, this would be a quick start and a potential player could start almost immediately.

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Postby Sabre » Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:45 am

Here is the character sheet. Wolff has played a pivotal role in the events of this campaign. Basically having been duped into being the trigger-man, an assassin mislead into shooting the Captain of the Phoenix while under the pretext of being back up to a couple of bounty hunters executing a legal bounty and then he himself was a target of hit, an attempt to eliminate Wollf in order to 'wrap up loose ends' for by a corrupt mob boss.

There is so much more to this story, I can elaborate but you might find it more interesting to read it for yourself.

==============PROFILE PORTTION ==============
Character Name: Michael “Switchblade” Wolff
Character Age: 32
Gender: Male
Birthplace: New Haven, CT
Religion: Catholic
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 195 lbs
Handedness: Right

Distinguishing Features: 3 inch scar on the right side of his neck.

Family: Ernest Wolff (53, ORTEC Company as a ship builder), Susan Wolff (52, High School Teacher), Samuel Wolff (23, Political Analyst), April Wolff (21, College Student)

Occupation: Chief of Security (UNS Crusader CGS-1 Stealth Heavy Cruiser)
Affiliation: UN Spacy
Rank: TBA

Character Interests: Woman, Guns, Simple Things in Life

Hobbies: Shooting, Reading, Relaxing, Playing with Cars

Best Friend: Steven Williamson

Worst Enemy: Johnny Dolmen

Turn Ons: Intelligence, Nice Legs, Eyes, A Woman that can Hold Her Own

Turn Offs: Stupidity, Naiveness, No Goals

Worst Secret: Wishing he could correct a horrible mistake

Character Goals:
**Two year Goal – Promoted through the ranks
**Five year Goal – XO of a Ship

Character Background:

The life of one Michael Wolff is not unlike any other person’s life. It is filled with joy and sorrow, of pain and of joy. What makes this different is that this is about a man trying to come into his own, and become part of something greater then himself. He has simple parents who tried to raise him right. His father was a ship builder, helping to design, manufacture and send of wonder ships of war and peace. His mother was a teacher, educating the next generation of scholars, politicians, and soldiers. To these people, were born 2 sons and a daughter. Michael was the oldest, with Samuel and April in that order. With this family, Michael received a good education and after graduation, went onto to college at NYC. Michael accelerated in his college education, and after much hard work, graduated in 3 years time near the top of his class. Now having his Bachelors of Science in Political Science, Michael thought of his next move. He would find his calling soon enough.

It was around this time that Michael signed up for the UN Navy as an officer. During his training, he was involved in an accident while repealing off a cliff. The end result was a 3 inch scar on the right side of his neck. He was rushed to the infirmary were they were able to stop the bleed and stitched up the wound. The doctors lost count after 100 stitches and 3 spools stitching thread. He made a full recovery. After 2 years of intense training, Michael finally got his commission and was assigned to Apollo Base Colony and befriended William Stevenson (now CO of the Hollywood Knights). With this new found friend, Michael got used to life in space, and excelled at his job. He was a good leader and a good worker, making him stand out from other security personal.

It would be around here that he wished he could correct a mistake. He would introduce his friend at the time, Johnny Dolmen to his then 19 year old sister. It would turn into a relationship which had much promise, until one fatefully night. While on leave, he had returned to his parent’s house in New Haven. He was coming back after doing some bar hopping with some old time friends. He wasn’t drunk, and only had 1 beer that night, but as he started to put his key into the front door, he started to hear some screaming coming from inside. In a fleet of panic, he got the door unlocked and got inside. The noise was coming from the upstairs, and to be specific, his sisters room. He ran upstairs to find Johnny, taking swings at his sister. She was in a blood heap on the, her clothes mostly torn off. In a fit of rage, Michael ran of, grabbing his no ex-friend, and literally threw his across the room. Once Johnny was able to regain his senses, he charged Michael. Michael used his training, and quickly subdued Johnny. While he couldn’t move, Michael told his sister to call 911 and get the police. The police arrived, arresting Johnny on numerous accounts. He was also dishonourably discharged from the military and is now surviving a prison sentence. He tried hard to forgive himself for allow such a man into his sisters life, even after her sister forgave him. It turned out the whole situation was caused by April trying to break up with Johnny because he was trying to pressure her into having sex with him. He got outraged and began hitting her, and was about to rape her before Michael stepped in and stopped it.

This situation got him noticed by both his community and his superiors. He was well on his way up the ladder and on the fast track. Over the next few years, he worked endless to improve himself and to be the best officer he could. It as about this time that his friend Stevenson got a promotion and sent off to the Macross 15 Fleet as the new XO of the Hollywood Knights Squadron. It would turn out that he was actually given the CO position. It would be a few months later that Michael would get his own news. His CO called him into his office and offered him the position of Chief of Security on board the UNS Crusader. Michael had some doubts about the assignment, and not wanting to leave his sister. His brother assured her that he would keep an eye on her, and his father also gave him some confidence. He pulled Michael aside and spoke.

“Son, this is a fine ship they are asking you to serve on. I can honestly say after working on the retrofitting of that ship, that it will keep you safe, and is something to be feared. They need you out there, and they are asking for you specifically my son. You will do them proud, and us proud.”

With those words in mind, he went back to his CO and told him he would take the job. From this, he would be propelled into a new world, and a new adventure and only time will tell what else is in store for this man. After he arrived at his new post, it was determined that the selected crew would be disbanded, and that he would return to his old post. Contemplation set in and he thought long and hard during his travel back to the Apollo Base. He had hoped for a change in his life, something different then what he was doing. He had heard being a transport ships needed crews. He thought to himself and wondered about if his skills and training would be beneficial to a crew such as this. He made up his mind by the time they landed. He went up to his CO and handed in resignation. He accepted it, but told him if he wanted to come back, he would support him.

After packing up all his stuff, he searched for a ship. He found the Phoenix. In his mind, it was a fitting name for a vessel such as that. He applied and was offered a position on the crew. This is where his adventures continue.

===============GAME MECHANICS===============
IQ: 14
ME: 11
MA: 10
PS: 14
PP: 9
PE: 9
PB: 12
SPD: 9

HP: 22
SDC: 30
OCC: EX-UN Officer
Level: 5


OCC Skills
Radio: Basic 75%
Computer Operation 70%
Read Sensory Instruments 65%
EVA 70%
Zero-G Movement 85%
Lore: UN Spacy Tactics 60%
Lore: UN Spacy History 60%
Climbing 60/40%
WP: Automatic Pistol 50% +4/2
WP: Automatic Rifle 50% +4/2

MOS Skills:
Automobile 82%
WP: Sub Machine Gun 50% +4/2
Hand to Hand: Expert

OCC Related Skills:
Intelligence 54%
Strategy/Tactics 50%
Radio – Advanced 55%
Pilot – Space Shuttle 70%
Investigation 60%
Advanced Mathematics 60%

Secondary Skills:
Swimming 70%
Law 50%
Cook 50%
First Aid 65%

HTH Expert Bonuses (Other included)
+3 actions, +2 pull/roll, +3 parry/dodge,
+2 strike, kick (1D6).


• Naval Duffel Coat
• Waterproofs
• M21 Assault Rifle
• H&K PD8 Semi-Automatic Pistol
• 2 Work Uniforms (No2 Uniform)
• 2 Work Uniforms (Coverall)
• 2 Dress Uniform (No1 Ceremonial Dress Uniform)
• 2 Mess Uniforms (No1 & No2 Mess Uniforms)
• 2 Camouflage Uniforms (DPM Uniforms with 1 x Kevlar Vest & 1 x Kevlar Helmet)
• Field Kit with:
o Rations (Two weeks worth)
o Canteen
o Thermal Blanket
o 3 Signal Flares
o Infrared Distancing Binoculars
o Pocket Flashlight
o Compass
o Combat/Survival Knife
• First Aid Kit with:
o Healing Salve
o Dressing
o Tourniquet
o Bandages
o Painkillers
o Stimulants
o First Aid Booklet
• UN Navy Regulations Handbook
• Spacesuit
• Cash Card with 1D6x1000 Credits

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Postby Sabre » Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:15 pm

Excellent. The NPC, Michael Wolff has been adopted by another player (Gee, that didn't take long) - welcome aboard to Legend. Also a pre-emptive welcome to VGSC who has also just submitted three characters for me to choose from. (what a guy) :D

Thanks for you interest and you lightning quick response to the recruitment notice guys.

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Postby Sabre » Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:48 am

I have an open player slot available for a player wishing to play a physician or flight surgeon. Basically a character with strong medical background though as this is an RPG, it's also fairly important for the character to be able to defend him or herself (trust me, RPGing a 'lab technician' grows stale very quickly).

The player for the current Doctor will be out of the game for a number of months and when they return they have indicated they'd prefer to take on a different character. The current Doctor character will is not available to be taken over my a new player but will remain a GM controlled campaign NPC or become part of the campaign history.

Any interested player, please PM me. New and rookie players are welcome.

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Postby Sabre » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:54 pm

The role of 'Flight Surgeon' is still available for a character with some medical training. Flight Surgeon is the title and one doesn't necessarily have to be a doctor, in this case the physician could be one practicing without a license or someone with just advanced first aid - a paramedic etc.

There is also a character space available for a pre-existing character, this one would be an electrical engineer/VF Pilot.

If neither of these two characters appeal, I have game space for two players.

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Postby Sabre » Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:47 pm

http://www.macrossrpg.com/comms/viewtop ... 599#134599

OK, this message is for the three new player characters for Path of the Phoenix. Atrix Stellreef, Calais Dumont and Jan Vanwirren. Please check the above link and then check in with me so I can give you each some starting info and once that is done, we're good to go!

Thanks again for you patience. The wheels of progress grind slowly but they do 'grind'. :D


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Postby Sabre » Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:40 pm

I have an immediate opening in Path of the Phoenix for a character willing to take over an exisitng characters. Any intersted players please send me a private message.

Here is the character sheet. Wolff has played a pivotal role in the events of this campaign. Basically having been duped into being the trigger-man, an assassin mislead into shooting the Captain of the Phoenix while under the pretext of being back up to a couple of bounty hunters executing a legal bounty and then he himself was a target of hit, an attempt to eliminate Wollf in order to 'wrap up loose ends' for by a corrupt mob boss.

There is so much more to this story, I can elaborate but you might find it more interesting to read it for yourself.

==============PROFILE PORTTION ==============
Character Name: Michael “Switchblade” Wolff
Character Age: 32
Gender: Male
Birthplace: New Haven, CT
Religion: Catholic
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 195 lbs
Handedness: Right

Distinguishing Features: 3 inch scar on the right side of his neck.

Family: Ernest Wolff (53, ORTEC Company as a ship builder), Susan Wolff (52, High School Teacher), Samuel Wolff (23, Political Analyst), April Wolff (21, College Student)

Occupation: Chief of Security (UNS Crusader CGS-1 Stealth Heavy Cruiser)
Affiliation: UN Spacy
Rank: TBA

Character Interests: Woman, Guns, Simple Things in Life

Hobbies: Shooting, Reading, Relaxing, Playing with Cars

Best Friend: Steven Williamson

Worst Enemy: Johnny Dolmen

Turn Ons: Intelligence, Nice Legs, Eyes, A Woman that can Hold Her Own

Turn Offs: Stupidity, Naiveness, No Goals

Worst Secret: Wishing he could correct a horrible mistake

Character Goals:
**Two year Goal – Promoted through the ranks
**Five year Goal – XO of a Ship

Character Background:

The life of one Michael Wolff is not unlike any other person’s life. It is filled with joy and sorrow, of pain and of joy. What makes this different is that this is about a man trying to come into his own, and become part of something greater then himself. He has simple parents who tried to raise him right. His father was a ship builder, helping to design, manufacture and send of wonder ships of war and peace. His mother was a teacher, educating the next generation of scholars, politicians, and soldiers. To these people, were born 2 sons and a daughter. Michael was the oldest, with Samuel and April in that order. With this family, Michael received a good education and after graduation, went onto to college at NYC. Michael accelerated in his college education, and after much hard work, graduated in 3 years time near the top of his class. Now having his Bachelors of Science in Political Science, Michael thought of his next move. He would find his calling soon enough.

It was around this time that Michael signed up for the UN Navy as an officer. During his training, he was involved in an accident while repealing off a cliff. The end result was a 3 inch scar on the right side of his neck. He was rushed to the infirmary were they were able to stop the bleed and stitched up the wound. The doctors lost count after 100 stitches and 3 spools stitching thread. He made a full recovery. After 2 years of intense training, Michael finally got his commission and was assigned to Apollo Base Colony and befriended William Stevenson (now CO of the Hollywood Knights). With this new found friend, Michael got used to life in space, and excelled at his job. He was a good leader and a good worker, making him stand out from other security personal.

It would be around here that he wished he could correct a mistake. He would introduce his friend at the time, Johnny Dolmen to his then 19 year old sister. It would turn into a relationship which had much promise, until one fatefully night. While on leave, he had returned to his parent’s house in New Haven. He was coming back after doing some bar hopping with some old time friends. He wasn’t drunk, and only had 1 beer that night, but as he started to put his key into the front door, he started to hear some screaming coming from inside. In a fleet of panic, he got the door unlocked and got inside. The noise was coming from the upstairs, and to be specific, his sisters room. He ran upstairs to find Johnny, taking swings at his sister. She was in a blood heap on the, her clothes mostly torn off. In a fit of rage, Michael ran of, grabbing his no ex-friend, and literally threw his across the room. Once Johnny was able to regain his senses, he charged Michael. Michael used his training, and quickly subdued Johnny. While he couldn’t move, Michael told his sister to call 911 and get the police. The police arrived, arresting Johnny on numerous accounts. He was also dishonourably discharged from the military and is now surviving a prison sentence. He tried hard to forgive himself for allow such a man into his sisters life, even after her sister forgave him. It turned out the whole situation was caused by April trying to break up with Johnny because he was trying to pressure her into having sex with him. He got outraged and began hitting her, and was about to rape her before Michael stepped in and stopped it.

This situation got him noticed by both his community and his superiors. He was well on his way up the ladder and on the fast track. Over the next few years, he worked endless to improve himself and to be the best officer he could. It as about this time that his friend Stevenson got a promotion and sent off to the Macross 15 Fleet as the new XO of the Hollywood Knights Squadron. It would turn out that he was actually given the CO position. It would be a few months later that Michael would get his own news. His CO called him into his office and offered him the position of Chief of Security on board the UNS Crusader. Michael had some doubts about the assignment, and not wanting to leave his sister. His brother assured her that he would keep an eye on her, and his father also gave him some confidence. He pulled Michael aside and spoke.

“Son, this is a fine ship they are asking you to serve on. I can honestly say after working on the retrofitting of that ship, that it will keep you safe, and is something to be feared. They need you out there, and they are asking for you specifically my son. You will do them proud, and us proud.”

With those words in mind, he went back to his CO and told him he would take the job. From this, he would be propelled into a new world, and a new adventure and only time will tell what else is in store for this man. After he arrived at his new post, it was determined that the selected crew would be disbanded, and that he would return to his old post. Contemplation set in and he thought long and hard during his travel back to the Apollo Base. He had hoped for a change in his life, something different then what he was doing. He had heard being a transport ships needed crews. He thought to himself and wondered about if his skills and training would be beneficial to a crew such as this. He made up his mind by the time they landed. He went up to his CO and handed in resignation. He accepted it, but told him if he wanted to come back, he would support him.

After packing up all his stuff, he searched for a ship. He found the Phoenix. In his mind, it was a fitting name for a vessel such as that. He applied and was offered a position on the crew. This is where his adventures continue.

===============GAME MECHANICS===============
IQ: 14
ME: 11
MA: 10
PS: 14
PP: 9
PE: 9
PB: 12
SPD: 9

HP: 22
SDC: 30
OCC: EX-UN Officer
Level: 5


OCC Skills
Radio: Basic 75%
Computer Operation 70%
Read Sensory Instruments 65%
EVA 70%
Zero-G Movement 85%
Lore: UN Spacy Tactics 60%
Lore: UN Spacy History 60%
Climbing 60/40%
WP: Automatic Pistol 50% +4/2
WP: Automatic Rifle 50% +4/2

MOS Skills:
Automobile 82%
WP: Sub Machine Gun 50% +4/2
Hand to Hand: Expert

OCC Related Skills:
Intelligence 54%
Strategy/Tactics 50%
Radio – Advanced 55%
Pilot – Space Shuttle 70%
Investigation 60%
Advanced Mathematics 60%

Secondary Skills:
Swimming 70%
Law 50%
Cook 50%
First Aid 65%

HTH Expert Bonuses (Other included)
+3 actions, +2 pull/roll, +3 parry/dodge,
+2 strike, kick (1D6).


• Naval Duffel Coat
• Waterproofs
• M21 Assault Rifle
• H&K PD8 Semi-Automatic Pistol
• 2 Work Uniforms (No2 Uniform)
• 2 Work Uniforms (Coverall)
• 2 Dress Uniform (No1 Ceremonial Dress Uniform)
• 2 Mess Uniforms (No1 & No2 Mess Uniforms)
• 2 Camouflage Uniforms (DPM Uniforms with 1 x Kevlar Vest & 1 x Kevlar Helmet)
• Field Kit with:
o Rations (Two weeks worth)
o Canteen
o Thermal Blanket
o 3 Signal Flares
o Infrared Distancing Binoculars
o Pocket Flashlight
o Compass
o Combat/Survival Knife
• First Aid Kit with:
o Healing Salve
o Dressing
o Tourniquet
o Bandages
o Painkillers
o Stimulants
o First Aid Booklet
• UN Navy Regulations Handbook
• Spacesuit
• Cash Card with 1D6x1000 Credits

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