is it just me or...

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Postby Phantomj » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:51 am

I agree with everyone here that it is called life and due to the increase of MMO's etc. Right now I'm beta testing a MMO called AutoAssault. If like cars and a destructible world then get this game.

Anyhow I'm going to be a lifer here for as long as the MRC stays standing. I love the people here and despite all the games and work etc. etc. etc. it's still a fun place to come be with friends and like minded people. Any how here is my babling and two cents. PEACE OUT!

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Postby studiootaking » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:13 am

What's interesting about this site, and some of the comments have reminded me of it, is that some of the games in these types of facilities have outlasted both players and GMs.

For example, the 'Roughnecks' have recently ended (the one (and only?) about Destroids.) That game was started way back when by MasumiX. It passed on to at least one other GM before JJ took it over. MasumiX returned to play a leading character in the game. Only now, x-number of players later, at least 3 GMs later, has it ended - 4 or 5 years on.

Anyhow, as long as there are GMs willing to GM in a play-by-post format, the players will be there and the games will continue.

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Postby CombatReady » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:29 am

i'm not an old school guy like mr f, araruin, sabre, halo, etc. hell, i guess the fact that i mentioned some of them as old school will let others know just how new i am.

i found the mrc and just fell in love with it. the intricacy of gameplay and emphasis on storytelling captivated me and still does. sure, it's slow paced but that just enables players (and what's more, the gm's) the opportunity to tell a better story in their posts. not only that, but since i play world of warcrack and work for the navy, the slower pace here gives me a chance to keep up with things. that's something that even mmo's give me trouble with, what with trying to compete with school kids who have a lot more time than i do to level their characters. and let's not forget the very idiots that were mentioned earlier in this thread that come along with having a high volume of players. it's not like they're very pleasant to game with.

but that's not how it is here at the mrc and i love it. it's like our own little corner of the internet where intelligent and skilled players come to share ideas and combine their imaginations to create elaborate stories and combat scenarios. if i have my way, i'll be playing here at the mrc from a rascal parked at a computer desk. :lol:

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Postby Ryudo » Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:40 am

this is what i miss about the earlier days of the MRC when a subject could bring in many a comment in a short time span.
The person who says it's imposible should stay out of the way of the person who is doing it.

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Postby Jouby » Tue Mar 14, 2006 5:45 pm

Well, if you look at the definition of the general discussion board, we are supposed to talk about Anime, Macross or the MRC.

Now, what has'nt, been said about macross that hasn't been said already?

And as for the MRC, that subject should only be brought up when something goes wrong, or to praise it.

So that leaves anime as the only open subject. Personally, I don't watch that many anime shows, I watch alot of american shows made to look like anime, but anime they are not. And the few I do see and want to talk about, it seems nobody has seen them, or just don't want to talk to me (sniff sniff :cry: ).

Maybe a broadening of subjects could mitigate this?

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Postby araruin » Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:16 am

It is possible that we may broaden the subject matter at some point, but even with the restrictions we have in place, there are almost as many posts on this board as the entirety of the rest of the site. Dealing with limited space, every chat takes space away from the games. I personally would like lots of games and a little chat.

Just so everyone knows, we are considering purging the General Discussion board to free up more space for more chatting. Think about any threads that you think should be kept around. Post up the link, and I'll make sure I move them over if we purge the forum.

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Postby Kai » Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:24 pm

is that some of the games in these types of facilities have outlasted both players and GMs.

QFT. I have no idea what the blue water, World Famous Navy Golden Dragons are doing in PRP for instance, and none of the original Dragons but me even play anymore. (Which, go unimportant things that have wedged themselves into corners of your brain, were Tsurin whose last name I've forgotten, Dorin Beauregard, Jae Kethry, Tylor Andresson, Keill Caspian, and Andre also whose last name I've forgotten and GMed at various points by Jester, Guinch, 12guage and myself at least, there were at least 2 others I'm sure :7)

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Postby Strider » Tue Mar 21, 2006 7:40 pm

For myself, I can only perhaps say that some of us have perhaps grown horribly jaded in our advancing years. I've been playing with folks like Sabre since August of 1996 throughout the various incarnations of what eventually came to be the MRC.

When you bear witness to well over a decade of role-playing, you tend to set the bar pretty high to be impressed or excited. Some of us have seen more conspiracies than the X-Files. We've fought and killed more Zentreadi than there probably ever even were in existence. Characters have lived, they've loved, lost, and even died. Games and GM's have come and gone, with some enduring throughout the years, and others scattered to the wind nearly before their first topic thread was filled.

Maybe it's not so much that the MRC isn't the same as it used to be so much as WE'RE not the same as we used to be. I, like so many others, got into these games as a freshman in college. The primary concern in those days was to finish up enough homework so I could take the rest of the night off and go hang with the women's volleyball team who happened to be rooming just next door (God bless co-ed living).

Now we're all getting married, getting mortgages, careers, kids, and all the other stuff that comes with a life in progress. Many of us just don't have quite as much time as we once did to give to this place. And regretably, for so many of us who took staff positions, this place began to take on the bitter taste of a job with responsibilities and problems all its own. Ungrateful and disagreeable players who vanished, staff disputes and resignations, and the inevitable march towards a situation where so much was being asked, while so little was being given in return.

If anything, all should be humble enough to realize that the MRC never has hung upon one person's head. For all the comings and goings of people over the years, it's still here and so long as people still want to play, it will continue to be here.

Hey, even Shoji Kawamori eventually wanted to do something else...
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Postby Sabre » Wed Mar 22, 2006 9:48 pm

Eloquently stated Strider.


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