Resident Evil: Degeneration

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Resident Evil: Degeneration

Postby Cobalt » Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:20 am

I've been waiting for this movie to come out ever since it was first advertised.

Now, I was a huge fan of the games (RE:2 was my favorite) and I've always loved the characters. I rabidly followed the novels that Stephanie Perry wrote, based on the games and original stories between them. Very good stuff.

And then the movies came out.

Now, I enjoyed the first movie but I was disappointed that none of the game characters were in it. And, Milla "I have to be naked" Jovavich was fairly decent in the first one. The second movie was passable but I was annoyed that it seemed that Milla had slept with the director or something because suddenly Jill Valentine couldn't light gas with a zippo but Milla could do it with a cigarette.


I'll not even dwell on the monstrosity that was Resident Evil: Extinction. Okay, maybe a little. It was really obvious that Milla did unspeakable things for, with, and to the director / producers of this movie because suddenly she was the "Chosen One" of the film.

Gag me with a roasted zombie.

But I had high hopes for Resident Evil: Degeneration. It was a CGI movie made in Japan. It's a direct sequel to Resident Evil: 2 (the Video Game), takes place after Resident Evil 4 (with Leon) and the preview trailers really rocked.

I bought it yesterday and watched it as soon as we got home.

The movie was freaking awesome. Leon was a total badass, Claire was a badass, and the movie made sense! Praise be, it had a real plot! It was 100% pure awesome! I watched all the special features this morning and I've got the movie playing in the background while I write this post.

Voice Actors: 4 stars
Animation: 4 stars
Plot: 4 stars
Final Thought: Best Video Game Movie EVER!

Ciao for now,

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Postby Kosh » Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:26 am

Oh thank god. The first few Resi films where "Meh" ok but somewhat lacking in a grasp of the actual serise plot, something I find odd saying about a video game film, to date the best VG->Film out there is Mortal Kombat but anyways. Yea Im glad to hear that RE:G was a hit, I was waiting myself for this and when it comes over here I'll be getting it as well thanks for the review Cobalt.

Oh and I take it your scoring system is out of 5 and not 10 :P

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Postby Cobalt » Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:23 am

Actually its out of 4 stars so the movie was pretty much perfect. =)
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Postby tralnon » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:28 am

I'd have to agree. best one to date, by far. ^^;

how can you not love something that actually follows the story?

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Postby Kosh » Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:58 pm

Finally got my hands on it, watched it on Sunday and yea I agree very nice indeed. Nice to see a Resi that actually follows the story and expands the background of the series but sweet Jesus and the orphans what is it with creeping around in perpetually dark corridors and splitting up all the time?

When you read S.T.A.R.S., that "special" is there for a reason :P

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Postby ColdFire » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:49 am

The tradition remains alive.

I like how no one ever says the word "zombie".

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Postby Cobalt » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:21 am

Oh, I agree with that.

For example, why did Leon only go in with two people? I mean, where was Chris Redfield? That would have been awesome, Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield. Maybe even the video game version of Jill Valentine.

As for never saying "Zombie", that's always funny.

I hope they continue in this vein. I'd love to see more movies like this one.
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Postby Phantomj » Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:42 am

I know i'm a little late on this, but I just purchased the movie and have yet to watch it. Looking here though it looks like I'll enjoy it.
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